vc模拟 tabletpc

John Lam just got his Toshiba M200, much like my M205, this series of Convertible Tablets are fast becoming the de facto standard.

John Lam刚得到了Toshiba M200 ,就像我的M205一样,这一系列的可转换平板电脑正Swift成为事实上的标准。

What should John install on his new Tablet? Well, I'm glad you asked.

约翰应该在他的新平板电脑上安装什么? 好吧,很高兴你问。

Scott's Tablet PC "Must Have" Software List (assuming you already have other appropriate tools and add-ins)


  • ArtRage - It's free, and it's amazing. If you remember being blown away the first time you used Kai's Power Tools, you'll feel the same way with ArtRage. In the You can create some AMAZING art with an organic quality I've just never seen on a PC. If you do one thing this weekend, install it and use the "Load Tracing Paper" Feature.
    ArtRage-它是免费的,而且很棒。 如果您还记得第一次使用Kai的Power Tools时就被震撼了,那么您对ArtRage的感觉也一样。 在“您可以创建一些我在PC上从未见过的有机品质的惊人艺术” 。 如果您在本周末做一件事,请安装它并使用“负载描图纸”功能。
  • Paint.NETPaint.NET - This is a must have tool Tablet PC or not, but since the 2.0 version added Ink support, you'll find it very comfortable for making annotations to screenshots. -是否需要使用此工具,无论是否具有Tablet PC,但是由于2.0版增加了对Ink的支持,因此您可以非常方便地为屏幕截图添加注释。
  • MaxiVistaMaxiVista-virtual second or third monitor! I use my M205 as a third monitor that keeps Outlook open.虚拟的第二台或第三台显示器! 我将M205用作使Outlook保持打开状态的第三个监视器。
  • ShareKMCShareKMC-MaxiVista, ShareKMC is a PAIR of programs that act as a virtual Keyboard and Mouse to control your Tablet PC from you main machine. When I don't want to use the Tablet as an extension of my main computer, MaxiVista不同,ShareKMC是一对程序,它们充当虚拟键盘和鼠标来从您的主机控制Tablet PC。 当我不想将平板电脑用作主机的扩展时,I want to use my main computer's keyboard and mouse as an extension of my Tablet!我想将主机的键盘和鼠标用作平板电脑的扩展
  • Wallpaper Gyro陀螺仪墙纸
  • InkPlayerInkPlayer-
  • MathPractice数学实践 and 和Fraction Practice分数练习
  • MuseBook ConcertMuseBook Concert (site in Korean) - Not completely (韩语网站) -并非完全Tablet-specific, but create and use an electronic music score and sheet music on your Tablet PC. Different from 针对平板电脑,而是在Tablet PC上创建和使用电子乐谱和乐谱。 与MusicPad.MusicPad不同。
  • OneNoteOneNoteSP1!SP1 !
    • Get Omar's OneNote From Outlook PowerToy or Microsoft's to improve Outlook/OneNote integration
      从Outlook PowerToy或Microsoft获得Omar的OneNote,以改进Outlook / OneNote的集成
    • Get Microsoft's OneNote From IE PowerToy to move content from IE to OneNote
      从IE PowerToy获取Microsoft的OneNote,以将内容从IE移动到OneNote
    • Blog directly from OneNote or 直接从OneNote博客或not.没有。
  • X-Think Calculator or MathJournal - Fantastic support for ink along side equations, these are worth download the trials just to see. If not, at least be prepared by downloading the free viewer.
    X-Think计算器MathJournal-附带公式对墨迹的出色支持,这些值得下载试用一下。 如果没有,至少要通过下载免费的查看器进行准备。
  • Alias SketchBook ProAlias SketchBook Pro-very different style and goal (IMHO) than ArtRage, and the output is different in philosophy. ArtRage is largely about paint, and Alias is about pencils and sketching.非常不同的样式和目标(IMHO),并且输出在哲学上也不同。 ArtRage在很大程度上与绘画有关,而Alias与铅笔和素描有关。
  • Tablet PC PowerToysTablet PC PowerToys-
    • Physics Illustrator - This one helped me out when I went back to finish my degree and was stuck in Physics 203.Physics Illustrator-当我回去完成学位并被困在Physics 203时,这个人帮助了我。
    • New York Times Crossword Puzzle - This one is the bomb-diggity. Even the wife digs it. The only complaint is it's not re-sizable, but the Zoom to 640x480 feature of the Toshiba Tablet fixes that. The Crossword app lets you download today's Crossword for solving off line. Fantastic for the bus or train ride to work.纽约时报填字游戏-这是炸弹。 甚至妻子也挖了它。 唯一的抱怨是它不能调整大小,但是东芝平板电脑的“缩放至640​​x480”功能可以解决此问题。 填字游戏应用程序可让您下载今天的填字游戏以解决离线问题。 神奇的巴士或火车上班。
    • Pool for Tablet - This is worth at least $20, but it's FREE. A wonderful game of Pool with all the graphics and physics to make you smile, and it's all TabletPC enabled. Be sure to try playing over a wireless network with a friend.平板电脑游泳池-至少值$ 20,但它是免费的。 一款出色的台球游戏,具有所有图形和物理特性,使您微笑,并且全部启用了TabletPC。 确保尝试与朋友一起通过无线网络播放。
    • Snipping Tool - A new tool that some folks haven't seen yet, this lets you "cut out" portions of the screen for annotation. It's the Pen's take on the traditional screen shot tool.狙击工具-一些人尚未见过的新工具,它使您可以“剪切”屏幕的某些部分以进行注释。 这是笔在传统屏幕截图工具上的尝试。
    • Web Search Power Tool - This is the one Web Search Power Tool-这是I wrote lo these many years ago in 17 minutes , and got $2500 for my troubles. Even more useful when combined with 我多年前在17分钟内写的,并为我的麻烦赚了2500美元。 与Google Desktop Search.Google桌面搜索结合使用时更加有用。
    • Music Composition - Free and it lets you write Sheet Music with your Tablet PC音乐创作-免费,它使您可以使用Tablet PC编写乐谱
    • Energy Blue Theme - An Media Center-inspired theme for the Tablet PC能源蓝色主题-平板电脑的媒体中心主题
    • Make your own Handwriting Font - A winner of the Tablet PC applet content, you can make your own TrueType Font out of your Handwriting. Amazing.制作自己的手写字体-Tablet PC applet内容的赢家,您可以使用手写内容制作自己的TrueType字体。 惊人。
  • TabletPC Enhancements for OutlookTabletPC的Outlook增强功能create Appointments and Tasks in Outlook using Ink.使用Ink在Outlook中创建约会和任务。
  • MindManager for the TabletPC适用于TabletPC的MindManager-

Note: Here's a friendly link to this post.



vc模拟 tabletpc

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