Preventing AutoCAD objects from being highlighted using .NET
问题源自有人问:如何禁止 AutoCAD 中的文本对象在被选中时高亮?
我提供了一个更有弹性的解决方法,程序维护一个 AutoCAD 中的对象类型列表,该列表中的类型将在被选中时不被高亮显示。
通过类:HighlightOverrule 实现。

public class UnhightlightTestApp : IExtensionApplication
{static UnhighlightOverrule _ho = new UnhighlightOverrule();void IExtensionApplication.Initialize(){// Add our overruleOverrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Entity)), _ho, false);Overrule.Overruling = true;}void IExtensionApplication.Terminate(){// Remove our overruleOverrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Entity)), _ho);Overrule.Overruling = false;}[CommandMethod("UH")]public static void Unhighlight(){Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;Editor ed = doc.Editor;// Print the list of currently unhighlighted classesed.WriteMessage(_ho.ListToPrint());// Get the type to add to the listPromptResult pr = ed.GetString("\nEnter the type of object to stop from " +"being highlighted: ");if (pr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)return;if (_ho.IsInList(pr.StringResult)){ed.WriteMessage("\nItem already in the list.");}else{_ho.AddToList(pr.StringResult);ed.WriteMessage("\nItem added to the list.");}}[CommandMethod("RH")]public static void Rehighlight(){Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;Editor ed = doc.Editor;// Print the list of currently unhighlighted classesed.WriteMessage(_ho.ListToPrint());// Get the type to remove from the listPromptResult pr = ed.GetString("\nEnter the type of object to remove from the " +"list: ");if (pr.Status != PromptStatus.OK)return;if (!_ho.IsInList(pr.StringResult)){ed.WriteMessage("\nItem not currently in the list.");}else{_ho.RemoveFromList(pr.StringResult);ed.WriteMessage("\nItem removed from the list.");}}
}class UnhighlightOverrule : HighlightOverrule
{// The list of types to unhighlightList<string> _unhighlighted = new List<string>();// Add a type to the listpublic void AddToList(string name){string upper = name.ToUpper();if (!_unhighlighted.Contains(upper)){_unhighlighted.Add(upper);}}// Remove a type from the listpublic void RemoveFromList(string name){string upper = name.ToUpper();if (_unhighlighted.Contains(upper)){_unhighlighted.Remove(upper);}}// Check whether the list contains a typepublic bool IsInList(string name){return _unhighlighted.Contains(name.ToUpper());}// Get a string printing the contents of the listpublic string ListToPrint(){string toPrint;if (_unhighlighted.Count == 0){toPrint ="\nThere are currently no objects in the list " +"to stop from being highlighted.";}else{StringBuilder sb =new StringBuilder("\nObjects of these types will not be highlighted " +"during selection:");foreach (string name in _unhighlighted){sb.Append(" " + name);}toPrint = sb.ToString();}return toPrint;}// Called when an entity is highlightedpublic override void Highlight(Entity entity,FullSubentityPath subId,bool highlightAll){// If our object's type is in the list, return// without calling the base implementationif (IsInList(entity.GetRXClass().DxfName))return;base.Highlight(entity, subId, highlightAll);}// Called when an entity is unhighlightedpublic override void Unhighlight(Entity entity, FullSubentityPath subId, bool highlightAll){base.Unhighlight(entity, subId, highlightAll);}

你可以使用以上代码中定义的 UH 命令来禁止特定类型的对象被高亮显示。
相应地,使用 RH 命令来重新高亮显示特定类型对象。



现在我们来使用 UH 命令禁止线和圆弧被高亮显示。
Command: UH
There are currently no objects in the list to stop from being highlighted.
Enter the type of object to stop from being highlighted: line
Item added to the list.
Command: UH
Objects of these types will not be highlighted during selection: LINE
Enter the type of object to stop from being highlighted: arc
Item added to the list.

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