
If you’ve ever wished you could create an MP3 from a favorite video file, then today is your lucky day. With simple, open source software, you can strip the audio and convert it to your favorite format in a matter of minutes!

如果您曾经希望可以从喜欢的视频文件中创建MP3,那么今天就是您的幸运日。 使用简单的开源软件,您可以在几分钟内剥离音频并将其转换为您喜欢的格式!

Most people may not realize that video files usually consist of three parts, there’s the video, the audio, and the wrapper. The wrapper is the part that we’re most familiar with and is expressed as something like .AVI, .MP4, .MKV, and many others. There may be more stuff inside a wrapper, such as subtitles, DVD menus, extra features, additional audio tracks – but as long as you have video and audio, then you’re good.

大多数人可能没有意识到视频文件通常由三部分组成,分别是视频,音频和包装。 包装器是我们最熟悉的部分,并表示为.AVI,.MP4,.MKV等。 包装器中可能还包含其他内容,例如字幕,DVD菜单,其他功能,其他音轨,但是只要您拥有视频和音频,就可以了。

All that aside, it’s possible to basically “lift” the audio track from a video file, to extract it from the wrapper, and then save it as an .MP3, or other audio format. This then will play on any media or audio player just like a song or podcast you download.

除此之外,还可以从视频文件中“提升”音轨,从包装中提取音轨,然后将其另存为.MP3或其他音频格式。 然后,它将像您下载的歌曲或播客一样在任何媒体或音频播放器上播放。

抢救的Avidemux (Avidemux to the Rescue)

The open source video editor Avidemux has a long track record as being one of the best no-nonsense free applications for stuff like video transcoding, cutting, and filtering. How-To Geek has written about many of these features before, so you can learn more about them after you’re done reading this.

开源视频编辑器Avidemux拥有悠久的记录,是视频转码,剪切和过滤等最佳的免费应用程序之一。 How-To Geek之前已经写了许多这些功能 ,因此在阅读完本指南之后,您可以了解它们的更多信息。

Needless-to-say, what we’re doing today is very simple and to the point. The first thing you will need to do is to download and install a copy of the latest stable release of Avidemux for your system. For this article, we’re using the 64-bit version on Windows 8.1.

不用说,我们今天所做的事情很简单,而且很重要。 您需要做的第一件事是为您的系统下载并安装Avidemux最新稳定版本的副本 。 对于本文,我们在Windows 8.1上使用64位版本。

Open Avidemux, and click “File -> Open” or click the little folder as shown in the screenshot.


Browse to the location where your video file is stored, select it, and then click “Open.”


Avidemux will automatically output (“copy”) the formats that the video is encoded in, but we want to make sure that our audio output is an MP3. Click the dropdown menu under Audio Output and select “MP3 (lame).”

Avidemux将自动输出(“复制”)视频编码的格式,但是我们要确保音频输出是MP3。 点击“音频输出”下的下拉菜单,然后选择“ MP3(铃声)”。

You can, if you feel it necessary, adjust the bitrate mode, bitrate, and quality by click the “Configure” button under Audio Output. A higher bitrate will mean a larger file, which doesn’t necessarily translate to a better sounding one. You can increase the quality (up to 9) but considering the source material, we don’t need a super high-quality audio file, therefore we’ll just leave these settings be.

您可以根据需要通过单击“音频输出”下的“配置”按钮来调整比特率模式,比特率和质量。 更高的比特率将意味着更大的文件,而不一定意味着听起来更好。 您可以提高质量(最多9个),但是考虑到源材料,我们不需要超高质量的音频文件,因此我们将这些设置保留为“原”。

Click on the “Audio” menu and then “Save audio” from the resulting dropdown.


Browse to the location where you want to save your audio file. Avidemux won’t automatically append the .MP3 extension onto the file, so make sure you add that, such as in the screenshot.

浏览到要保存音频文件的位置。 Avidemux不会将.MP3扩展名自动添加到文件中,因此请确保将其添加,例如在屏幕截图中。

Click “Save” when you’re done locating and naming your file, and you’ll see a progress window. You can stop the process at anytime by clicking “Cancel.”

完成文件的定位和命名后,单击“保存”,您将看到一个进度窗口。 您可以随时单击“取消”来停止该过程。

Once finished, your new MP3 is ready. You can double-click on it and play it in your music app or transfer it to your mobile device.

完成后,您的新MP3已准备就绪。 您可以双击它并在音乐应用中播放它,或将其传输到移动设备上 。

Obviously, being able to extract audio from video files opens up a lot of possibilities. For example, if you’ve ever wanted to create your own ringtones, you could extract the entire audio track from a video, and then use your favorite audio editor to cut out the parts you like.

显然,能够从视频文件中提取音频打开了很多可能性。 例如,如果您曾经想创建自己的铃声,则可以从视频中提取整个音轨,然后使用自己喜欢的音频编辑器剪切出自己喜欢的部分。

Don’t take our word for it however, download Avidemux today and try it for yourself. In the meantime, let us know if this article was helpful by sounding off in our discussion forum today!

但是,请不要相信我们,立即下载Avidemux并自己尝试。 同时,请在今天的讨论论坛上结束讨论,让我们知道本文是否对您有所帮助!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/199841/how-to-make-an-mp3-from-any-video-file/



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