我是在导入已经存在的项目时出现的错误Re-installation failed due to different application signatures

[2011-10-11 10:08:37 - ApiDemos] Re-installation failed due to different application signatures.
[2011-10-11 10:08:37 - ApiDemos] You must perform a full uninstall of the application. WARNING: This will remove the application data!
[2011-10-11 10:08:37 - ApiDemos] Please execute 'adb uninstall com.example.android.apis' in a shell.
[2011-10-11 10:08:37 - ApiDemos] Launch canceled!

这时先运行android模拟机,进入命令行,当然你要定位adb.exe的目录,我是放在E:\android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools 下

E:\android\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools> adb uninstall com.example.android.apis.


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