
mosquitto_passwd -c [最终生成的password_file文件]  [用户名] 。

#: mosquitto_passwd -c passwd.conf  jinhe_sub


注意,mosquitto_passwd -c命令每次都只会生成只包含一个用户的文件,如果你想在passwd.conf中存放多个用户, 可以使用mosquitto_passwd -b 命令。

mosquitto_passwd -b [最终生成的password_file文件]  [用户名]  [密码]。

mosquitto_passwd -b命令必须在控制台输入明文的密码,且每次只是在passwd.conf中新增一个用户,不会覆盖之前已生成的用户。

同时也可以使用mosquitto_passwd -D命令删除一个用户。



mosquitto_passwd — manage password files for mosquitto


mosquitto_passwd [ -c | -D ] passwordfile username

mosquitto_passwd -b passwordfile username password

mosquitto_passwd -U passwordfile


mosquitto_passwd is a tool for managing password files the mosquitto MQTT broker.

Usernames must not contain ":". Passwords are stored in a similar format to crypt(3).



Run in batch mode. This allows the password to be provided at the command line which can be convenient but should be used with care because the password will be visible on the command line and in command history.


Create a new password file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.


Delete the specified user from the password file.


This option can be used to upgrade/convert a password file with plain text passwords into one using hashed passwords. It will modify the specified file. It does not detect whether passwords are already hashed, so using it on a password file that already contains hashed passwords will generate new hashes based on the old hashes and render the password file unusable.


The password file to modify.


The username to add/update/delete.


The password to use when in batch mode.


Add a user to a new password file:

  • mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd ral

Delete a user from a password file

  • mosquitto_passwd -D /etc/mosquitto/passwd ral


mosquitto bug information can be found at https://github.com/eclipse/mosquitto/issues

See Also

mosquitto(8) , mosquitto.conf(5) , mqtt(7)


Roger Light <roger@atchoo.org>


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