From Me to Everyone: 01:02 PM
How do we find the right journal to publish? Should we always start with the best one?
From amy theobald to Everyone: 01:03 PM
From STEMM Libraries Team to Everyone: 01:03 PM
Hi Teng. We’ll be giving you some of our top tips for this later in the session.
From Me to Everyone: 01:14 PM
Do the university, or department support Open Access, which is quietly expensive for students’ self fund?
From STEMM Libraries Team to Everyone: 01:15 PM
It depends on the research funder and various grants. The Open Access team will be able to advise in individual circumstances. Important to remember that not all OA comes with a cost though…
From amy theobald to Everyone: 01:18 PM
The Open Access team:
From Me to Everyone: 01:21 PM
we can not access the open access team via the after my raven login, It seems students do not have the permission for that
From amy theobald to Everyone: 01:37 PM
Hi Teng, you can email for enquiries about activating your Symplectic Elements profile
From STEMM Libraries Team to Everyone: 01:57 PM
We may run a couple of minutes over but no problems if people have to leave. We will send the slides round this afternoon.
From amy theobald to Everyone: 02:04 PM
From Me to Everyone: 02:05 PM
thanks so much !!!

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