
本文介绍了 Bayes' theorem(贝叶斯定理),Bayesian inference(贝叶斯推理),Bayesian regression Model (贝叶斯回归模型) 等。


但贝叶斯推理和回归模型我认为是一个比较trick 的内容。



prior :   1 happening or existing before sth else or before a particular time  ,  2 already existing and therefore more important;

likelihood : 参考我之前的博客;

posterior : located behind sth or at the back of sth

Bayes' theorem 贝叶斯定理


Bayesian inference

将贝叶斯定理应用在统计分析中, 即模型参数是未知量, 而且它们的先验分布需要被(手动/经验地)指定 — this is Bayesian inference.

(在贝叶斯框架中,我们讨论的是模型参数的概率分布 ,注意,在那些常见的框架中,如以MLE为基础的GLM,模型参数是 fixed non-random quantities ,数据才是遵循某种概率分布 ,这是两者显著的不同。

一个粗鲁的解释就是:我们有一堆观测数据,我们揣测这个数据可能符合某种模型分布,如正态。泊松等,然后模型的参数也被我们 揣测地 定了下来, 然后我们用观测数据和这个我们揣测的模型 去收敛训练, 最后我们得到了 posterior ,这个 posterior,是 我们根据观测数据收敛训练,得到的模型的参数 ,注意我们得到的是参数的分布,而不是点估计。



1 观测量,即数据 ,是 x;

2 位置量是θ,这个 θ 可以代表模型参数,数据中地缺失值,误测值等;


首先我们提出 likelihood :p(x | θ)

然后我们从贝叶斯定理的角度观察 : θ 是未知的,所以它需要有(被手动/经验地指定)一个概率分布,用来表示这个 不确定性; 是已知的,所以它是条件(condition on it),我们得到 posterior distribution

所以总的来说,我们首先指定了一个  prior distribution p(θ), 表达了我们在看到数据之前对θ不确定性的预估. The posterior distribution p(θ | x), 表达了我们在看到数据之后对θ不确定性的预估。

很明显:1 我们的 posterior 是prior 和 data (likelihood) 的居中选择,2 如果我们的数据越多,我们的 data (likelihood )的 影响力就越大,prior 影响力就越小 (比如你认为 它们都是好的,但搞了一堆观测数据发现它们基本都是坏的,那推论 必然更容易是 它们是坏的)

MCMC Markov chain Monte Carlo 马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛

既然我们手工地指定了模型参数 prior ,那怎么具体的通过数据 data (likelihood),得到后验posterior 呢?

(显然这里和以前的GLM/LM不同,这个方法对prior的依赖是显而易见的,而线性模型中我们更希望贴近数据,模型参数的初值完全是random设定的,最终收敛得到的参数完全由最优化损失函数/或MLE决定,而在这里我们极大程度上的参考了prior的意见 ,而且 以前我们是考虑模型参数的点估计,这里我们是得到模型参数的概率分布, 这就是这两个方法显而易见的差别。)

MCMC 是解决上诉问题的一个方法:

We have already seen that Monte Carlo methods can be used to simulate values from prior distributions and from closed form posterior distributions If we had algorithms for sampling from arbitrary (typically high-dimensional) posterior distributions, we could use Monte Carlo methods for Bayesian estimation:



Bayesian regression models


  • Specify probability distribution (likelihood) for the data
  • Specify form of relationship between response and explanatory variables 明确预测与响应变量之间的关系
  • Specify prior distributions for regression coefficients and any other unknown (nuisance) parameters 指定模型系数的 prior

Bayesian Linear regression




#关于如何解释工会密度的跨国变化,有许多相互矛盾的理论。#为了探索不同的理论,我们使用了n = 20个自二战以来有着连续民主历史的国家的数据。
#We fit the following linear regression model:
#                Udeni ∼ N(µi, σ2)
#     µi = b0 + b1(LeftGi − LeftG) + b2(LabFi − LabF) + b3(IndCi − IndC)
#with vague priors
#     1/σ2 ∼ Gamma(0.001, 0.001)
#     b0 ∼ N(0, 100000)
#     b1 ∼ N(0, 100000)
#     b2 ∼ N(0, 100000)
#     b3 ∼ N(0, 100000)
#一些初值和基本模型文件。odc, union-in1。odc, union-in2。odc union-model.odc。
#并在适当的阶段单击load data(如果数据文件是焦点窗口,
#                   只需单击load data而不突出显示第一行也可以)。library(R2jags)
#Next we define the model. We have observations from 20 countries, hence the for loop. Note that for logical
#nodes (that is when the variable can be defined using < −) we can take advantage of the vectorised way R
#does computations, but in case of stochastic dependence (when we are using ∼) we have to use a for loop.
jags.mod <- function(){for(i in 1:20){Uden[i]~dnorm(mu[i],tau) # normal likelihood# linear predictor with centered covariatesmu[i] <- b0+b[1]*(LeftG[i]-mean(LeftG[]))+b[2]*(LabF[i]-mean(LabF[]))+b[3]*(IndC[i]-mean(IndC[]))}# prior on residual error variancetau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)sigma2 <- 1/tau # residual error variance# vagues priors on regression coefficientsb0 ~ dnorm(0,0.00001)for(k in 1:3){b[k] ~ dnorm(0,0.00001)}
dat <- c(82.4,8.28,111.84,1.55,80.0,6.90,73.17,1.71,74.2,4.39,17.25,2.06,73.3,7.62,59.33,1.56,71.9,8.12,43.25,1.52,69.8,7.71,90.24,1.52,68.1,6.79,0.00,1.75,65.6,7.81,48.67,1.53,59.4,6.96,60.00,1.64,58.9,7.41,83.08,1.58,51.4,8.60,33.74,1.37,50.6,9.67,0.00,0.86,48.0,10.16,43.67,1.13,39.6,10.04,35.33,0.92,37.7,8.41,31.50,1.25,35.4,7.81,11.87,1.68,31.2,9.26,0.00,1.35,31.0,10.59,1.92,1.11,28.2,9.84,8.67,0.95,24.5,11.44,0.00,1.00)dat <-matrix(dat,nrow=20,ncol=4,byrow=TRUE)
Uden <- dat[,1]
LabF <- dat[,2]
LeftG <- dat[,3]
IndC <- dat[,4]
jags.data <- list("Uden","LabF","LeftG","IndC")#Set the parameters we want to monitor. At this stage these are the regression coefficients.
# Parameters we want to monitor
# Same as "set"ting these variables in WinBUGS
jags.param <- c("b0","b")
#Specify initial values. To check convergence we are planning to run 2 chains,
#thus we need two sets of initial values for the random parameters.
#These again should be passed on as a list. Note that Gelman-Rubin convergence diagnostic
#is not possible with a single chain.
# Specify initial values
inits1 <- list("tau" = 100, "b0" = 20, "b"=c(10,-5,-25))
inits2 <- list("tau"=100000,"b0"=-100,"b"=c(-100,100,500))
jags.inits <- list(inits1, inits2)#Fit the model. We set the number of chains to two, draw 6000 samples for each chain,
#but discard the first 1000 samples as burn-in.
#At this stage we don’t want to thin the samples
#(we can run the model again if the autocorrelation plots reveal correlation between samples),
#so we set n.thin to 1.
#所以我们设置n.thin to 1。
# Fit the JAGS model
jags.mod.fit <- jags(data = jags.data, inits = jags.inits,parameters.to.save = jags.param, n.chains = 2, n.iter = 6000,n.burnin = 1000,n.thin=1,model.file = jags.mod)
jagsfit.mcmc <- as.mcmc(jags.mod.fit)
jags.mod.fit.upd <- update(jags.mod.fit, n.iter=10000)
# Look at the outcome
# boxplot
beta <- as.data.frame(jags.mod.fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$b)
colnames(beta) <- c("b1","b2","b3")
#the extracted samples we can also produce scatter plots to assess
#whether there’s correlation between the different coefficients
#can look at the trace plots, or use the mcmc object for more summaries, plots.
#Since we specified the burn-in at the start these samples are not
#included in the summary statistics.
# Convert into an MCMC object for more diagnostics 转换成MCMC对象以进行更多的诊断
jagsfit.mcmc <- as.mcmc(jags.mod.fit)
#Using the autocorr.plot function we can assess
#whether there’s autocorrelation between the samples.
#Ideally we want to get 1 at lag = 0, and values close to 0 afterward.
#If the values are quite high up to lag = k,
#then the problem of correlated samples can be resolved
#by setting n.thin=k+1 when we are fitting the model.
#使用autocorr.plot function我们可以评估样本之间是否存在自相关
#理想情况下,我们希望get 1 at lag = 0,之后得到接近0的值
#Here we shouldn’t worry about autocorrelation too much. There might be a slight correlation at lag=1 for
#b[1], but it’s not very strong, so here we won’t do any thinning. To get rid of that possible correlation you
#can set n.thin=2 when you’re fitting the model. Note however that that will halve your obtained samples
#To get boxplots for the mean union density we have to add mu to the list of monitored parameters, then fit
#the model again
jags.param <- c("mu","b0","b")
jags.mod.fit <- jags(data = jags.data, inits = jags.inits,parameters.to.save = jags.param, n.chains = 2, n.iter = 6000,n.burnin = 1000,n.thin=1,model.file = jags.mod)
# Boxplots where the means are ordered according to their median
mu <- as.data.frame(jags.mod.fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$mu)
mu <- mu[,order(apply(mu, 2, FUN = median))]
#Finally to estimate the ranks we have to modify the model definition,
#and set the monitored parameters to c(rankmu,p70):
jags.mod2 <- function(){for(i in 1:20){Uden[i]~dnorm(mu[i],tau) # normal likelihood# linear predictor with centered covariatesmu[i] <- b0+b[1]*(LeftG[i]-mean(LeftG))+b[2]*(LabF[i]-mean(LabF))+b[3]*(IndC[i]-mean(IndC))}# prior on residual error variancetau ~ dgamma(0.001,0.001)sigma2 <- 1/tau # residual error variance# vagues priors on regression coefficientsb0 ~ dnorm(0,0.00001)for(k in 1:3){b[k] ~ dnorm(0,0.00001)}# rankrankmu <- rank(mu[])p70 <- ifelse(mu>70,1,0)
jags.param <- c("rankmu","p70")
jags.mod.fit <- jags(data = jags.data, inits = jags.inits,parameters.to.save = jags.param, n.chains = 2, n.iter = 6000,n.burnin = 1000,n.thin=1,model.file = jags.mod2)
#Produce a boxplot of the ordered ranks:
r <- as.data.frame(jags.mod.fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$rankmu)
r <- r[,order(apply(r, 2, FUN = median))]
#And finally plot the probabilities that the union density exceeds 70% in a given country
p70 <- colMeans(jags.mod.fit$BUGSoutput$sims.list$p70)
#Notice how once the model is fitted we can use R as usual to get plots, summaries etc.

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