转换onnx模型的时候遇到_thnn_fused_lstm_cell的报错,刚开始的报错是提示Keyerror:_thnn_fused_lstm_cell,然后在https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/25533看到有人说是pytorch和CUDA版本太低的原因以及当使用CPU就不会报错,然后我首先尝试将pytorch升级到最新,CUDA也升级到10.2,最终还是报错Exporting the operator _thnn_fused_lstm_cell to ONNX opset version 9 is not supported. Please open a bug to request ONNX export support for the missing operator.



import torch
import torch.nn as nnclass StackedLSTM(nn.Module):def __init__(self, num_layers, input_size, rnn_size, dropout):super(StackedLSTM, self).__init__()self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout)self.num_layers = num_layersself.layers = nn.ModuleList()for _ in range(num_layers):self.layers.append(nn.LSTMCell(input_size, rnn_size))input_size = rnn_sizedef forward(self, input_feed, hidden):h_0, c_0 = hiddenh_1, c_1 = [], []for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):h_1_i, c_1_i = layer(input_feed, (h_0[i], c_0[i]))input_feed = h_1_iif i + 1 != self.num_layers:input_feed = self.dropout(input_feed)h_1 += [h_1_i]c_1 += [c_1_i]h_1 = torch.stack(h_1)c_1 = torch.stack(c_1)return input_feed, (h_1, c_1)#下面是在CPU环境下转换onnx模型,可以成功转换
lstm = StackedLSTM(2, 580, 500, 0.3)  #实例化StackedLSTM
h_t = torch.randn(2, 10, 500)  #隐状态h
h_c = torch.randn(2, 10, 500)  #隐状态c
hidden = (h_t, h_c)
a = torch.randn(10, 580)  #输入
torch.onnx.export(lstm, (a, hidden), f='LSTM.onnx', input_names=['input', 'hidden'], output_names=['output', 'h_t', 'h_c'])  #转换onnx模型下面是在GPU环境下转换onnx模型,报错!
lstm = StackedLSTM(2, 580, 500, 0.3).cuda()  #实例化StackedLSTM
h_t = torch.randn(2, 10, 500).cuda()  #隐状态h
h_c = torch.randn(2, 10, 500).cuda()  #隐状态c
hidden = (h_t, h_c)
a = torch.randn(10, 580).cuda()  #输入
torch.onnx.export(lstm, (a, hidden), f='LSTM.onnx', input_names=['input', 'hidden'], output_names=['output', 'h_t', 'h_c'])  #转换onnx模型

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