


sex: female

date of birth: 1989-2-19 marital status: unmarried

nationality: chinese folk: han

height: 162cm political landscape: the masses

education: graduated from college time: june XX

residence: place of residence is in shenzhen, guangdong: shenzhen, guangdong

occupational overview / job interest

are engaged in the industry: microelectronics are engaged in electronic occupation: personnel manager / supervisor

level posts are: intermediate positions (for more than two years work experience) work experience: 5 years

current salary: overseas work experience: no

expectations of the nature of work: full-time work in the region look forward to: shenzhen, guangdong

expect to engage in the industry: e-microelectronics

wholesale and retail

internet e-commerce

pharmaceutical biotechnology

exhibition pr advertising

expect to engage in occupation: personnel manager / supervisor

executive manager / supervisor

customer service supervisor

sales assistant

director of marketing

salary expectations:time: interview

self-evaluation / career goals


educational background

school name: zhejiang university (XX 3 months - june XX)

professional title: business and management education: undergraduate

professional description: "business management consultants", "international trade theory and practice", "financial management", "business strategy", "financial theory and practice," "organizational behavior", "principles of management", "computer application management system," "enterprise accounting", "production and operations management," "introduction to business management", "marketing"

school name: hubei xianning college (august XX - XX 6 months)

professional name: tourism management education: tertiary

professional description: "hotel management", "national tour based on knowledge", "tourism economics", "hubei guide based on knowledge", "management", "travel regulations", "business guide", "public relations", "tourism psychology "," professional ethics and etiquette of courtesy "


personal information


sex: male age: 26 years old

e-mail: xxxxxxxxxx tel: xxxxxxx


work experience

may XX - xxxx-commerce co., ltd. is now in charge of logistics


goods inventory management, inventory data, sales data analysis;

delivery of raw materials and strict quality control, effective support to the business group of orders shipped on time, no more or less;

overall responsibility for procurement and order management, covering: raw materials procurement, supplier management, order confirmation of the work, purchase of materials, production, quota, and so on charter booking;

design for clients warehousing, transportation programs;

the company's internal production and control of the distribution of materials;

september 20XX - may XX xxxx staff logistics technology co., ltd.


to assist the logistics manager for completion of the raw materials, parts order tracking, supplier delivery assurance and control re-adjustment of the treasury;

adjustment is responsible for the design of warehouse layout, storage and computer equipment imported into the edp system;

to help managers develop a logistics system;

finished goods and external database management in export distribution boxes, domestic sales of the transport distribution;

inventory control, work during the 10 months of inventory by the decreasing cost of sales to 3 months, the company saved a lot of inventory costs;

stock file management, preservation;

educational background

september 20XX - july 20XX xi'an jiaotong university, china's industrial trade undergraduate

professional expertise and skills

a wealth of knowledge and experience in warehouse management;

familiar with the use of three-dimensional adjustment of the warehouse, on the internal distribution and logistics center in the coordination of business experience;

efficient and accurate control of materials to improve inventory turnover, reduce storage costs;

received inventory management, leadership skills, such as specialized training;

affinity, and can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the work of subordinates;

familiar with the use of common office software;

a simple communication skills in english;

wage expectations: -4000 yuan to 3,000 yuan / month


3 years logistics management experience, clear thinking, strong organizational skills, decisive capacity to deal with emergency cases; being practical, cautious, and i will be a work worthy of your trust assistant.


resume of zmz

career objective

high level management position with high technology corporation. be able to apply strong team building, project management and business development skills cumulated in passed years. utilize strong r&d skills in communication, network and software development in product development.


an integrated person with rich management experience and extensive r&d skills. more than 6 years department and project management experience in first class high technology companies. strong experience in team building, processes establishment and improvement, particularly for communication and software products. skilled in customer oriented communication and coordination. more than 10 years sw/hw r&d experiences in wireless communication, ip network and software development industry, from system level design to partial function implementation.

special skills in:

strong experience in team building, project management and coordination.

software development lifecycle and process management.

project planning, budget control and manage deliverables on schedule.

business development and customer oriented communication.

solid knowledge of wireless communication technologies such as gsm, tdma, cdma and 3g   systems such as wcdma and umts.

expert of wire/wireless voice/data communication system design, protocol analysis and implementation, such as gsm phase2+, gprs, ss7, inap, isup and so on.

strongly experienced in c/c++, vb, java, tcl/tk, oo programming.

strongly experienced in hardware system design and embedded system design.

network programming and routing protocols' implementation such as bgp4, opsf, mpls, and so on.

fluently speak: chinese, english and japanese.

career history

XX.02 - XX.09: famous technologies canada inc., vancouver, canada principal engineer

XX.11 - XX.02: famous technologies china software design center (agilent csdc)beijing, p.r china

department manager

XX.10 - XX.11: hewlett packard-scitech joint software design center

beijing, p.r china

project manager

XX.08 - XX.10: golden cellular communication co., ltd. (gcc)

beijing, p.r. china

director of r&d department

1989.01 - XX.08: university of electronic science and technology of china

chengdu, sichuan, china

lecturer and researcher

professional membership and honors

1. ieee senior member, member of communication society, computer society and signal processing society.

2. member of china electronic association.

3. the first award of management contribution of agilent china software design center.

4. XX, second award of science and technology progress in mei of china.

reference available upon request.







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