Go map实现原理 - 恋恋美食的个人空间 - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区 https://my.oschina.net/renhc/blog/2208417

// A header for a Go map.

type hmap struct {

// Note: the format of the hmap is also encoded in cmd/compile/internal/gc/reflect.go.

// Make sure this stays in sync with the compiler's definition.

count int // # live cells == size of map. Must be first (used by len() builtin)

flags uint8

B uint8 // log_2 of # of buckets (can hold up to loadFactor * 2^B items)

noverflow uint16 // approximate number of overflow buckets; see incrnoverflow for details

hash0 uint32 // hash seed

buckets unsafe.Pointer // array of 2^B Buckets. may be nil if count==0.

oldbuckets unsafe.Pointer // previous bucket array of half the size, non-nil only when growing

nevacuate uintptr // progress counter for evacuation (buckets less than this have been evacuated)

extra *mapextra // optional fields




type hmapstruct{



B         uint8


bucketsunsafe.Pointer// bucket数组指针,数组的大小为2^B




本例中, hmap.B=2, 而hmap.buckets长度是2^B为4. 元素经过哈希运算后会落到某个bucket中进行存储。查找过程类似。


2. bucket数据结构


type bmapstruct{

tophash [8]uint8//存储哈希值的高8位

databyte[1]//key value数据:key/key/key/.../value/value/value...

overflow *bmap//溢出bucket的地址





overflow 指针指向的是下一个bucket,据此将所有冲突的键连接起来。



package runtime

// This file contains the implementation of Go's map type.


// A map is just a hash table. The data is arranged

// into an array of buckets. Each bucket contains up to

// 8 key/elem pairs. The low-order bits of the hash are

// used to select a bucket. Each bucket contains a few

// high-order bits of each hash to distinguish the entries

// within a single bucket.


// If more than 8 keys hash to a bucket, we chain on

// extra buckets.


// When the hashtable grows, we allocate a new array

// of buckets twice as big. Buckets are incrementally

// copied from the old bucket array to the new bucket array.


// Map iterators walk through the array of buckets and

// return the keys in walk order (bucket #, then overflow

// chain order, then bucket index). To maintain iteration

// semantics, we never move keys within their bucket (if

// we did, keys might be returned 0 or 2 times). When

// growing the table, iterators remain iterating through the

// old table and must check the new table if the bucket

// they are iterating through has been moved ("evacuated")

// to the new table.

// Picking loadFactor: too large and we have lots of overflow

// buckets, too small and we waste a lot of space. I wrote

// a simple program to check some stats for different loads:

// (64-bit, 8 byte keys and elems)

// loadFactor %overflow bytes/entry hitprobe missprobe

// 4.00 2.13 20.77 3.00 4.00

// 4.50 4.05 17.30 3.25 4.50

// 5.00 6.85 14.77 3.50 5.00

// 5.50 10.55 12.94 3.75 5.50

// 6.00 15.27 11.67 4.00 6.00

// 6.50 20.90 10.79 4.25 6.50

// 7.00 27.14 10.15 4.50 7.00

// 7.50 34.03 9.73 4.75 7.50

// 8.00 41.10 9.40 5.00 8.00


// %overflow = percentage of buckets which have an overflow bucket

// bytes/entry = overhead bytes used per key/elem pair

// hitprobe = # of entries to check when looking up a present key

// missprobe = # of entries to check when looking up an absent key


// Keep in mind this data is for maximally loaded tables, i.e. just

// before the table grows. Typical tables will be somewhat less loaded.

import (






const (

// Maximum number of key/elem pairs a bucket can hold.

bucketCntBits = 3

bucketCnt = 1 << bucketCntBits

// Maximum average load of a bucket that triggers growth is 6.5.

// Represent as loadFactorNum/loadFactorDen, to allow integer math.

loadFactorNum = 13

loadFactorDen = 2

// Maximum key or elem size to keep inline (instead of mallocing per element).

// Must fit in a uint8.

// Fast versions cannot handle big elems - the cutoff size for

// fast versions in cmd/compile/internal/gc/walk.go must be at most this elem.

maxKeySize = 128

maxElemSize = 128

// data offset should be the size of the bmap struct, but needs to be

// aligned correctly. For amd64p32 this means 64-bit alignment

// even though pointers are 32 bit.

dataOffset = unsafe.Offsetof(struct {

b bmap

v int64


// Possible tophash values. We reserve a few possibilities for special marks.

// Each bucket (including its overflow buckets, if any) will have either all or none of its

// entries in the evacuated* states (except during the evacuate() method, which only happens

// during map writes and thus no one else can observe the map during that time).

emptyRest = 0 // this cell is empty, and there are no more non-empty cells at higher indexes or overflows.

emptyOne = 1 // this cell is empty

evacuatedX = 2 // key/elem is valid. Entry has been evacuated to first half of larger table.

evacuatedY = 3 // same as above, but evacuated to second half of larger table.

evacuatedEmpty = 4 // cell is empty, bucket is evacuated.

minTopHash = 5 // minimum tophash for a normal filled cell.

// flags

iterator = 1 // there may be an iterator using buckets

oldIterator = 2 // there may be an iterator using oldbuckets

hashWriting = 4 // a goroutine is writing to the map

sameSizeGrow = 8 // the current map growth is to a new map of the same size

// sentinel bucket ID for iterator checks

noCheck = 1<


3. 哈希冲突



bucket数据结构指示下一个bucket的指针称为overflow bucket,意为当前bucket盛不下而溢出的部分。事实上哈希冲突并不是好事情,它降低了存取效率,好的哈希算法可以保证哈希值的随机性,但冲突过多也是要控制的,后面会再详细介绍。

4. 负载因子


负载因子 = 键数量/bucket数量






5. 渐进式扩容

5.1 扩容的前提条件



1.      负载因子 > 6.5时,也即平均每个bucket存储的键值对达到6.5个。

2.      overflow数量 > 2^15时,也即overflow数量超过32768时。

5.2 增量扩容









5.3 等量扩容



6. 查找过程


1.      根据key值算出哈希值

2.      取哈希值低位与hmap.B取模确定bucket位置

3.      取哈希值高位在tophash数组中查询

4.      如果tophash[i]中存储值也哈希值相等,则去找到该bucket中的key值进行比较

5.      当前bucket没有找到,则继续从下个overflow的bucket中查找。

6.      如果当前处于搬迁过程,则优先从oldbuckets查找


7. 插入过程


1.      根据key值算出哈希值

2.      取哈希值低位与hmap.B取模确定bucket位置

3.      查找该key是否已经存在,如果存在则直接更新值

4.      如果没找到将key,将key插入


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