

用途: 利用上下文信息注释识别的变异位点(variant calls)
分类: 变异位点操作工具
概要: 根据变异位点的背景信息(与功能注释相对)进行注释。目前有许多的注释模块(见注释模块一节)可供使用。






HaplotypeCallerUnifiedGenotyper的结果中增加每个样本的深度和dbSNP ID信息。

java -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \-R reference.fasta \-T VariantAnnotator \-I input.bam \-V input.vcf \-o output.vcf \-A Coverage \--dbsnp dbsnp.vcf


-T/--analysis_type : 运行的工具
-I/--input_file: 和vcf相应的BAM文件
-o :输出文件
-V/--varaint: 输入的VCF文件
-A/--annotation: 要添加哪些注释项
--dbsnp: 已有的snp信息注释数据库

如下是 -A可接的内容:

Standard annotations in the list below are marked with a '*'.
Available annotations for the VCF INFO field:AS_BaseQualityRankSumTestAS_FisherStrandAS_InbreedingCoeffAS_InsertSizeRankSumAS_MQMateRankSumTestAS_MappingQualityRankSumTestAS_QualByDepthAS_RMSMappingQualityAS_ReadPosRankSumTestAS_StrandOddsRatioAlleleBalanceBaseCounts*BaseQualityRankSumTest*ChromosomeCountsClippingRankSumTestClusteredReadPosition*Coverage*ExcessHet*FisherStrandFractionInformativeReadsGCContentGenotypeSummaries*HaplotypeScoreHardyWeinbergHomopolymerRun*InbreedingCoeffLikelihoodRankSumTestLowMQMVLikelihoodRatio*MappingQualityRankSumTestMappingQualityZeroNBaseCountPossibleDeNovo*QualByDepth*RMSMappingQuality*ReadPosRankSumTestSampleListSnpEffSpanningDeletions*StrandOddsRatioTandemRepeatAnnotatorTransmissionDisequilibriumTestVariantTypeAvailable annotations for the VCF FORMAT field:AlleleBalanceBySampleAlleleCountBySampleBaseCountsBySampleBaseQualitySumPerAlleleBySample*DepthPerAlleleBySampleDepthPerSampleHCMappingQualityZeroBySampleOxoGReadCountsStrandAlleleCountsBySampleStrandBiasBySampleAvailable classes/groups of annotations:AS_RMSAnnotationAS_RankSumTestAS_StandardAnnotationAS_StrandBiasTestActiveRegionBasedAnnotationBetaTestingAnnotationExperimentalAnnotationRMSAnnotationRankSumTestReducibleAnnotationRodRequiringAnnotationStandardAnnotationStandardHCAnnotationStandardSomaticAnnotationStandardUGAnnotationStrandBiasTestWorkInProgressAnnotation



Name Summary
AS_BaseQualityRankSumTest Allele-specific rank Sum Test of REF versus ALT base quality scores
AS_FisherStrand Allele-specific strand bias estimated using Fisher's Exact Test *
AS_InbreedingCoeff Allele-specific likelihood-based test for the inbreeding among samples
AS_InsertSizeRankSum Allele specific Rank Sum Test for insert sizes of REF versus ALT reads
AS_MQMateRankSumTest Allele specific Rank Sum Test for mate's mapping qualities of REF versus ALT reads
AS_MappingQualityRankSumTest Allele specific Rank Sum Test for mapping qualities of REF versus ALT reads
AS_QualByDepth Allele-specific call confidence normalized by depth of sample reads supporting the allele
AS_RMSMappingQuality Allele-specific Root Mean Square of the mapping quality of reads across all samples.
AS_ReadPosRankSumTest Allele-specific Rank Sum Test for relative positioning of REF versus ALT allele within reads
AS_StrandOddsRatio Allele-specific strand bias estimated by the Symmetric Odds Ratio test
AlleleBalance Allele balance across all samples
AlleleBalanceBySample Allele balance per sample
AlleleCountBySample Allele count and frequency expectation per sample
BaseCounts Count of A, C, G, T bases across all samples
BaseCountsBySample Count of A, C, G, T bases for each sample
BaseQualityRankSumTest Rank Sum Test of REF versus ALT base quality scores
BaseQualitySumPerAlleleBySample Sum of evidence in reads supporting each allele for each sample
ChromosomeCounts Counts and frequency of alleles in called genotypes
ClippingRankSumTest Rank Sum Test for hard-clipped bases on REF versus ALT reads
ClusteredReadPosition Detect clustering of variants near the ends of reads
Coverage Total depth of coverage per sample and over all samples.
DepthPerAlleleBySample Depth of coverage of each allele per sample
DepthPerSampleHC Depth of informative coverage for each sample.
ExcessHet Phred-scaled p-value for exact test of excess heterozygosity
FisherStrand Strand bias estimated using Fisher's Exact Test
FractionInformativeReads The fraction of reads deemed informative over the entire cohort
GCContent GC content of the reference around the given site
GenotypeSummaries Summarize genotype statistics from all samples at the site level
HaplotypeScore Consistency of the site with strictly two segregating haplotypes
HardyWeinberg Hardy-Weinberg test for transmission disequilibrium
HomopolymerRun Largest contiguous homopolymer run of the variant allele
InbreedingCoeff Likelihood-based test for the inbreeding among samples
LikelihoodRankSumTest Rank Sum Test of per-read likelihoods of REF versus ALT reads
LowMQ Proportion of low quality reads
MVLikelihoodRatio Likelihood of being a Mendelian Violation
MappingQualityRankSumTest Rank Sum Test for mapping qualities of REF versus ALT reads
MappingQualityZero Count of all reads with MAPQ = 0 across all samples
MappingQualityZeroBySample Count of reads with mapping quality zero for each sample
NBaseCount Percentage of N bases
OxoGReadCounts Count of read pairs in the F1R2 and F2R1 configurations supporting the reference and alternate alleles
PossibleDeNovo Existence of a de novo mutation in at least one of the given families
QualByDepth Variant call confidence normalized by depth of sample reads supporting a variant
RMSMappingQuality Root Mean Square of the mapping quality of reads across all samples.
ReadPosRankSumTest Rank Sum Test for relative positioning of REF versus ALT alleles within reads
SampleList List samples that are non-reference at a given site
SnpEff Top effect from SnpEff functional predictions
SpanningDeletions Fraction of reads containing spanning deletions
StrandAlleleCountsBySample Number of forward and reverse reads that support each allele
StrandBiasBySample Number of forward and reverse reads that support REF and ALT alleles
StrandOddsRatio Strand bias estimated by the Symmetric Odds Ratio test
TandemRepeatAnnotator Tandem repeat unit composition and counts per allele
TransmissionDisequilibriumTest Wittkowski transmission disequilibrium test
VariantType General category of variant


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