Participate in E-sports
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提交: 194 解决: 53
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Jessie and Justin want to participate in e-sports. E-sports contain many games, but they don’t know which one to choose, so they use a way to make decisions.
They have several boxes of candies, and there are i candies in the i^th box, each candy is wrapped in a piece of candy paper. Jessie opens the candy boxes in turn from the first box. Every time a box is opened, Jessie will take out all the candies inside, finish it, and hand all the candy papers to Justin.
When Jessie takes out the candies in the N^th box and hasn’t eaten yet, if the amount of candies in Jessie’s hand and the amount of candy papers in Justin’s hand are both perfect square numbers, they will choose Arena of Valor. If only the amount of candies in Jessie’s hand is a perfect square number, they will choose Hearth Stone. If only the amount of candy papers in Justin’s hand is a perfect square number, they will choose Clash Royale. Otherwise they will choose League of Legends.
Now tell you the value of N, please judge which game they will choose.

The first line contains an integer T(1≤T≤800), which is the number of test cases.
Each test case contains one line with a single integer: N(1≤N≤10^200).

For each test case, output one line containing the answer.

Arena of Valor
Clash Royale
League of Legends
Hearth Stone

输入一个数nnn,记录另一个n1=1+2+3+⋯+(n−1)=n×(n−1)2n1= 1+2+3+\dots+(n-1)=\cfrac{n\times(n-1)}{2}n1=1+2+3+⋯+(n−1)=2n×(n−1)​
若ju1==true&&ju2==trueju1==true \&\& ju2==trueju1==true&&ju2==true,输出 “Arena of Valor”
若ju1==true&&ju2==falseju1==true \&\& ju2==falseju1==true&&ju2==false,输出 “Hearth Stoner”
若ju1==false&&ju2==trueju1==false \&\& ju2==trueju1==false&&ju2==true,输出 “Clash Royale”
若ju1==false&&ju2==falseju1==false \&\& ju2==falseju1==false&&ju2==false,输出 “League of Legends”



import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO code application logic hereScanner cin=new Scanner(;int t=0;t=cin.nextInt();boolean ju1,ju2;while(t!=0) {t--;BigInteger a=BigInteger.ZERO;a=cin.nextBigInteger();BigInteger b=BigInteger.ZERO;b=a.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);b=b.multiply(a);BigInteger c=BigInteger.ONE;c=c.add(c);b=b.divide(c);ju1=false;ju2=false;if(a.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE)==0) {ju1=true;ju2=true;}else {BigInteger l=BigInteger.ONE;BigInteger r=a;BigInteger mid=BigInteger.ZERO;while(r.compareTo(l)>=0) {mid=l.add(r);mid=mid.divide(c);//System.out.println(l+" "+r+" "+mid);BigInteger nape=BigInteger.ZERO;nape=mid.multiply(mid);if(nape.compareTo(a)==0) {ju1=true;break;}else if(nape.compareTo(a)==1) {r=mid.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);}else {l=mid.add(BigInteger.ONE);}}l=BigInteger.ONE;r=b;while(r.compareTo(l)>=0) {mid=l.add(r);mid=mid.divide(c);BigInteger nape=BigInteger.ZERO;//System.out.println(l+" "+r+" "+mid);nape=mid.multiply(mid);if(nape.compareTo(b)==0) {ju2=true;break;}else if(nape.compareTo(b)==1) {r=mid.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);}else {l=mid.add(BigInteger.ONE);}}}if(ju1&&ju2) System.out.println("Arena of Valor");if(ju1&&!ju2) System.out.println("Hearth Stone");if(!ju1&&ju2) System.out.println("Clash Royale");if(!ju1&&!ju2) System.out.println("League of Legends");}}

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