LocalDate类parse()方法 (LocalDate Class parse() method)



public static LocalDate parse(CharSequence c_seq);
public static LocalDate parse(CharSequence c_seq, DateTimeFormatter fmtr);

  • parse() method is available in java.time package.


  • parse(CharSequence c_seq) method is used to create an instance of LocalDate from parsing the given char sequence.

    parse(CharSequence c_seq)方法用于通过解析给定的char序列来创建LocalDate的实例。

  • parse(CharSequence c_seq, DateTimeFormatter fmtr) method is used to create an instance of LocalDate from parsing the given char sequence based on the given formatter.

    parse(CharSequence c_seq,DateTimeFormatter fmtr)方法用于根据给定的格式器解析给定的char序列来创建LocalDate的实例。

  • These methods may throw an exception at the time of the represent date.


    DateTimeParseException: This exception may throw when the given parameter can't parse.


  • These are static methods and it is accessible with the class name and if we try to access these methods with the class object then we will not get an error.




  • In the first cases, parse(CharSequence c_seq),

    在第一种情况下,parse(CharSequence c_seq)

    • CharSequence c_seq – represents the sequence to parse in this object.
    • CharSequence c_seq –表示要在此对象中解析的序列。
  • In the second cases, parse(CharSequence c_seq, DateTimeFormatter fmtr),

    在第二种情况下,解析(CharSequence c_seq,DateTimeFormatter fmtr),

    • CharSequence c_seq – Similar as defined in the first case.
    • CharSequence c_seq –与第一种情况下定义的相似。
    • DateTimeFormatter fmtr – represents the formatter to format the sequence in this object.
    • DateTimeFormatter fmtr –表示格式化程序,用于格式化此对象中的序列。

Return value:


In both the cases, the return type of the method is LocalDate, it returns the date that holds the value parsed the given sequence in a formatted manner.

在这两种情况下,方法的返回类型均为LocalDate ,它以格式化的方式返回保存解析给定序列的值的日期。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of parse() method of LocalDate
import java.time.*;
import java.time.format.*;
public class ParseOfLocalDate {public static void main(String args[]) {CharSequence c_seq = "2005-06-05";
DateTimeFormatter dtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy");
// Here, parse(CharSequence) create an
// instance of LocalDate from a
// CharSequence
LocalDate l_da = LocalDate.parse(c_seq);
// Display l_da
System.out.println("LocalDate.parse(c_seq): " + l_da);
// Here, parse(CharSequence,DateTimeFormatter)
// creates an instance of LocalDate from a
// CharSequence by using the given
// DateTimeFormatter
l_da = LocalDate.parse("15-Aug-1991", dtf);
// Display l_da
System.out.println("LocalDate.parse(15-Aug-1991,dtf): " + l_da.toString());



LocalDate.parse(c_seq): 2005-06-05
LocalDate.parse(15-Aug-1991,dtf): 1991-08-15

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/localdate-parse-method-with-example.aspx

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