PipedInputStream类的available()方法 (PipedInputStream Class available() method)

  • available() method is available in java.io package.


  • available() method is used to return the number of available bytes left that can be read from this PipedInputStream without blocking.


  • available() method is a non-static method, it is accessible with the class object only and if we try to access the method with the class name then we will get an error.


  • available() method may throw an exception at the time of returning the available bytes left.

    在返回剩余的可用字节时, available()方法可能会引发异常。

    IOException: This exception may throw when getting any input/output error while performing.

    IOException :在执行过程中遇到任何输入/输出错误时,可能引发此异常。



    public int available();



  • It does not accept any parameter.


Return value:


The return type of the method is int, it returns the number of available bytes that can be read without blocking as it may return 0 when this stream closed by using the close() method.

方法的返回类型为int ,它返回可以读取而不会阻塞的可用字节数,因为当使用close()方法关闭此流时,它可能返回0。



// Java program to demonstrate the example
// of int available() method
// of PipedInputStream
import java.io.*;
public class AvailableOfPIS {public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {int val = 65;
try {// Instantiates PipedInputStream and
// PipedOutputStream
PipedInputStream pipe_in = new PipedInputStream();
PipedOutputStream pipe_out = new PipedOutputStream();
// By using connect() method is to connect
// this pipe_in to the given pipe_out
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {// By using write() method is to
// write the val to the stream pipe_out
// By using available() method is to return
// the available bytes to be read
int avail_bytes = pipe_in.available();
System.out.println("pipe_in.available(): " + avail_bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {// By using read() method is to
// read the integer and convert it into
// char
char ch = (char) pipe_in.read();
System.out.println("pipe_in.read(): " + ch);
// By using close() method is to close
// the stream
} catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println(ex.toString());



pipe_in.available(): 3
pipe_in.read(): A
pipe_in.read(): B
pipe_in.read(): C

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/java/pipedinputstream-available-method-with-example.aspx

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