先看下来自微软对Platform Builder里的图标解释,在以后的CE里,也类似。

The Catalog window and the OSDesignView tab contain a number of icons used to represent object types. The icons make it possible for you to differentiate between Catalog item objects at a glance.

The following table shows the icons used to represent Catalog objects.




Core OS design.

Catalog item group.


Required Catalog item.

Optional Catalog item.

Catalog item, type, or implementation excluded from the current OS design.

The Add to OS Design command is not available for Catalog items that are excluded by the OS design choice.


Catalog properties for a Catalog item type. Pertains to this icon and other icons with three cylinders.

Catalog properties for a specific implementation of a Catalog item. Pertains to this icon and other icons with two cylinders.

The following table shows the icons used to represent OSDesignView objects.




Core OS design.

Catalog item group.

Catalog item that is a dependency of another, so it is included in the OS design during the build process.

Catalog item that has one or more special notifications.


Source code file.


The following table shows the symbols that can provide more information about an OSDesignView object, using the Catalog item icon as an example.



User-specified Catalog item.

Catalog item (optional).

Catalog item that can be built but is excluded from the run-time image.

Catalog item excluded from the build and the run-time image.


在Catalog Item View中观察组件前面的选择框的图标。符号表示该组件是被用户主动选择进操作系统映像中的。符号表示该组件是被其它组件关联进操作系统映像中的。

红叉方块代表这个不被包含进工程,红色的感叹号表示使用这个组件要注意的,比如选中会对安全、隐私等造成安全等隐患,你可以在这个组件上右击会出现一个"show notification ",单击会出现一个对话框.圆圈代表只能选一个

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