尽管注释中不鼓励使用regex,但可以使用regex将时间对象解析为datetime.time对象,对它们执行必要的计算,然后以所需格式打印它们:# datetime module for time calculations

import datetime

# regex module

import re

# seconds to add to time

myinp = 4

# List of data strings

# data = 'John Time Made 11:05:20 in 2010', '5.001 Kelly', '6.005 Josh'

with open('data.txt') as f:

data = f.readlines()

new_data = []

#iterate through the list of data strings

for time in data:


# First check for 'HH:MM:SS' time format in data string

# regex taken from this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8318236/regex-pattern-for-hhmmss-time-string

match = re.findall("([0-1]?\d|2[0-3]):([0-5]?\d):([0-5]?\d)", time)

# this regex returns a list of tuples as strings "[('HH', 'MM', 'SS')]",

# which we join back together with ':' (colon) separators

t = ':'.join(match[0])

# create a Datetime object from indexing the first matched time in the list,

# taken from this answer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/100210/what-is-the-standard-way-to-add-n-seconds-to-datetime-time-in-python

# May create an IndexError exception, which we catch in the `except` clause below

orig = datetime.datetime(100,1,1,int(match[0][0]), int(match[0][1]), int(match[0][2]))

# Add the number of seconds to the Datetime object,

# taken from this answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/656297/python-time-timedelta-equivalent

newtime = (orig + datetime.timedelta(0, myinp)).time()

# replace the time in the original data string with the newtime and print

new_data.append(time.replace(t, str(newtime)))

# catch an IndexError Exception, which we look for float-formatted seconds only

except IndexError:

# look for float-formatted seconds (s.xxx)

# taken from this answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4703390/how-to-extract-a-floating-number-from-a-string

match = re.findall("\d+\.\d+", time)

# create a Datetime object from indexing the first matched time in the list,

# specifying only seconds, and microseconds, which we convert to milliseconds (micro*1000)

orig = datetime.datetime(100,1,1,second=int(match[0].split('.')[0]),microsecond=int(match[0].split('.')[1])*1000)

# Subtract the seconds from the Datetime object, similiar to the time addtion in the `try` clause above

newtime = orig - datetime.timedelta(0, myinp)

# format the newtime as `seconds` concatenated with the milliseconds converted from microseconds

newtime_fmt = newtime.second + newtime.microsecond/1000000.

# Get the seconds value (first value(index 0)) from splitting the original string at the `space` between the `seconds` and `name` strings

t = time.split(' ')[0]

# replace the time in the original data string with the newtime and print

new_data.append(time.replace(t , str(newtime_fmt)))

with open('new_data.txt', 'w') as nf:

for newline in new_data:





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