    desc emp;
    select 2 * 4 from dual;
    select sysdate from dual;
    如:select sysdate “toDay 日 期” from dual;
4、|| 字符串连接
    如:select 2*3 || 8 from dual;
    select ename || sal from scott.emp;
    select ename || ‘ORACLE’ from scott.emp;
5、单引号,如:select 2 * 2 || 'abc''efg' from dual;
    select distinct deptno from scott.emp;
    去掉重复组合:select distinct deptno,job from scott.emp;
    A、=查询,select * from scott.emp where sal = 1500;
        select * from scott.emp where sal > 1500;
    C、and or
        select * from scott.emp where sal > 1500 and sal <= 5000 or deptno = 10;
    D、in、not in
        select * from scott.emp where sal in (1500, 800) and deptno not in (10, 20)
    E、like模糊 escape 转义
        Select * from scott.emp where ename like ‘%in%’;
        Select * from scott.emp where ename like ‘%in\%k%’;
        Select * from scott.emp where ename like ‘%in#%k%’ escape ‘#’;
    F、is null、is not null
    K、    order by
        select sal, ename from scott.emp order by sal;
        select sal, ename from scott.emp order by sal asc;
        select sal, ename from scott.emp order by sal desc;
        select sal, ename from scott.emp where sal > 2000 order by sal desc;
        select sal, deptno, ename from scott.emp order by sal,deptno desc;
        select lower(‘abcABC’) from dual;
        select upper(‘abcABC’) from dual;
        substr(target, startIndex, length)
        select substr(‘abcABC’, 1, 3) from dual;
        将数字安装ascii值转换成字符:select char(65) from dual;
        将字符转换成ascii值:select ascii(‘Z’) from dual;
        select round(22.456) from dual;
        保留2位小数:select round(22.456, 2) from dual;
        精确到个位:select round(22.456, -1) from dual;
        select to_char(sal, '$000,000.00') from scott.emp;
        select to_char(sal, '$999,999.99') from scott.emp;
        select to_char(sal, 'L999,999.99') from scott.emp;
        格式控制 描述 
        YYYY、YYY、YY 分别代表4位、3位、2位的数字年 
        YEAR 年的拼写 
        MM 数字月 
        MONTH 月的全拼 
        MON 月的缩写 
        DD 数字日 
        DAY 星期的全拼 
        DY 星期的缩写 
        AM 表示上午或者下午 
        HH24、HH12 12小时制或24小时制 
        MI 分钟 
        SS 秒钟 
        SP 数字的拼写 
        TH 数字的序数词 
        “特殊字符” 假如特殊字符 
        HH24:MI:SS AM 15:43:20 PM
        select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') from dual;
        select to_char(sysdate, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
        to_date(target, current_format)
        select to_date('2011-4-2 17:55:55', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') from dual;
        select to_number('$12,322.56', '$999,999.99') + 10 from dual;
        select to_number('$12,322.56', '$00,000.00') + 10 from dual;
        select to_number('22.56') + 10 from dual;
        select ename, sal, nvl(comm, 1.00) from scott.emp;
9、group function 组函数:min、max、avg、sum、count
        select max(sal) from scott.emp;
        select min(sal) from scott.emp;
        select avg(sal) from emp;
        select round(avg(sal), 2) from emp;
        select to_char(avg(sal), 'L999,999.99') from emp;
        select sum(sal) from emp;
        select count(comm) from emp;
        select count(distinct deptno) from emp;
10、group by 分组
    select deptno, avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;
    select deptno, job, avg(sal) from emp group by deptno, job;
    select deptno, ename, sal from emp where sal in (select max(sal) from emp group by deptno);
11、having 对分组数据进行过滤
    select * from (select avg(sal) sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) where sal > 2000;
    select avg(sal) sal, deptno from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) > 2000;
    select emp.ename, emp.sal, emp.deptno from emp, (select max(sal) max_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t where emp.sal = t.max_sal and emp.deptno = t.deptno;
    select s.grade, t.deptno, t.avg_sal from scott.salgrade s, (select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t where t.avg_sal > s.losal and t.avg_sal < s.hisal;(between)
    select a.ename, b.ename mgr_name from emp a, emp b where a.empno = b.mgr;
14、 连接查询
    select dname, ename from dept, emp where dept.deptno = emp.deptno;
    select dname, ename from dept join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;
    select dname, ename from dept join emp using(deptno);
    select dname, ename from dept left join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;
    select dname, ename from dept right join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;
    select dname, ename from dept full join emp on dept.deptno = emp.deptno;
    select a.ename, b.ename mgr_name from emp a join emp b on a.mgr = b.empno;
    select a.ename, b.ename mgr_name from emp a left join emp b on a.mgr = b.empno;
15、 Rownum
    select rounum, deptno, dname from dept;
    select * from (
         select rownum r, dept.* from dept
    ) t where  t.r > 2;
    select level, empno, ename, mgr from emp
    connect by prior mgr = empno;
    select row_number() over(partition by deptno order by sal), emp.* from emp;
    select rank() over(partition by deptno order by sal), emp.* from emp;
    select rank() over(order by deptno), emp.* from emp;
    select rank() over(order by sal), emp.* from emp;
    select rank() over(order by sal), emp.* from emp;
    select dense_rank() over(order by sal), emp.* from emp;
    select * from emp
    select * from emp2;
    select * from emp
    union all
    select * from emp2;        
    select * from emp
    select * from emp2;
19、 查询系统表、视图
    select owner, object_name, object_type, status, dba_objects.* from dba_objects where object_type = 'view' and status = 'invalid';
    select * from user_objects where object_type like 'PROCEDURE';
    select ename, sal, deptno from emp 
    where sal in (select max(sal) from emp group by deptno);
    select ename, sal, emp.deptno from emp 
    join (select max(sal) max_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t 
    on emp.deptno = t.deptno and emp.sal = t.max_sal;
    select grade, losal, hisal, t.avg_sal from salgrade 
    join (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t
    on t.avg_sal between losal and hisal;
    select ename, job from emp where empno in (select mgr from emp);
    select * from (select sal, ename from emp order by sal desc) where rownum = 1;
    select distinct a.sal from emp a join emp b on a.sal > b.sal where rownum = 1;
    select sal from emp where sal not in (select distinct a.sal from emp a join emp b on a.sal < b.sal);
    select deptno, t.avg_sal from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t
    where avg_sal = (
        select max(avg_sal) max_sal from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno)
    select deptno, t.avg_sal from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t
    where avg_sal = (
        select max(avg(sal)) max_sal from emp group by deptno
    select dname from dept where deptno = (
     select deptno from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t
     where avg_sal = (
            select max(avg_sal) max_sal from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno)
    select dname from dept where deptno = (
        select deptno from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) t
        where avg_sal = (
               select max(avg(sal)) from emp group by deptno
    select dname from dept where deptno = (
      select deptno from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) 
      where avg_sal = (
        select min(avg_sal) min_sal from (
               select avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno
    select dname from dept where deptno = (
        select deptno from (select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno) 
        where avg_sal = (    
          select min(avg(sal)) avg_sal from emp group by deptno
    select dname from dept where deptno = (
    select deptno from (
         select grade, t.deptno from salgrade s join (
            select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno
         ) t
         on t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal
      where grade = (
        select min(grade) from salgrade s join (
            select avg(sal) avg_sal, deptno from emp group by deptno
        ) t
        on t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal
    select t.deptno, dname from (
        select sal, deptno from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp)
    ) t join dept 
    on t.deptno = dept.deptno
    where sal = (
        select min(sal) from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp)
    select * from (
        select empno, ename, sal from emp where empno in (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)
    ) t
    where t.sal > (
        select max(sal) max_sal from emp where empno not in (
         select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null


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