
You know that feeling when you’re scrolling through a blog post and then — BAM! — one of those “Sign up for our newsletter” modals pops up?

当您滚动浏览博客文章,然后-BAM时,您就会知道这种感觉。 -弹出“注册我们的通讯”模式之一吗?

This is the most-hated type of ad that websites use. And there are plenty of other advertising anti-patterns.

这是网站使用的最讨厌的广告类型。 还有很多其他的广告反模式。

The Neilson Group surveyed 452 Americans who were not employed in IT or advertising, and asked them to rate various types of ads on a scale of 1 to 7 in terms of how much they disliked them.

尼尔森集团(Neilson Group)对452位未从事IT或广告业工作的美国人进行了调查,并要求他们根据不喜欢的程度对各种类型的广告进行评分,等级为1到7。

They did this for both desktop and mobile ads. Here are their results for desktop ad types. (The longer the red bar is, the more hated the advertising technique is.)

他们为台式机广告和移动广告做到了这一点。 以下是他们针对桌面广告类型的搜索结果。 (红色长条越长,广告技术就越令人讨厌。)

And here are their results for mobile ad types:


Nielsen also asked survey respondents to list anything they found annoying about ads in general. Here’s what they said:

尼尔森还要求接受调查的受访者列出他们发现的与广告有关的所有内容。 他们说的是:

If you have a website, I recommend you avoid using pop up modals to try to convince your users to do something. It may work on some people, but it’s clear that most people are annoyed by this.

如果您有网站,建议您避免使用弹出模式来说服用户做某事。 它可能对某些人有用,但是很显然,大多数人对此感到恼火。

Here are some other take-aways from the study:


  1. Don’t auto-play videos — especially not with sound. This eats up tons of your users’ bandwidth, and annoys people.不要自动播放视频,尤其是不能播放声音。 这会消耗大量用户带宽,并惹恼人们。
  2. Make the destination of each of your links as unambiguous as possible. When your users click on a link, they’re trusting you to not waste their time. Don’t jeopardize that trust by deceiving them about where the link goes.使每个链接的目的地尽可能明确。 当您的用户点击链接时,他们相信您不会浪费时间。 不要通过欺骗他们有关链接的位置来破坏这种信任。
  3. Don’t use fixed banners at the top of your page. Allow your users to scroll past content they don’t want to see any more.不要在页面顶部使用固定的横幅。 允许您的用户滚动浏览他们不想再看到的内容。
  4. Don’t use “intracontent” ads that appear as the page loads, or as your user scrolls through your content. People hate it when the the paragraph they’re reading gets pushed out of view.不要使用在页面加载时或用户滚动浏览内容时显示的“内容内”广告。 当他们正在阅读的段落被挤出视野时,人们会讨厌它。
  5. Don’t use animated ads. People hate them.不要使用动画广告。 人们讨厌他们。
  6. Any ad type that is annoying on desktop will be even more annoying on mobile, where screen space is more limited, clicking on closing X’s is harder, and you have to scroll to find auto-playing videos and shut them off.任何在桌面上令人讨厌的广告类型在移动设备上都会变得更加令人讨厌,因为移动设备上的屏幕空间更有限,单击关闭X更加困难,并且您必须滚动查找自动播放的视频并将其关闭。

If you must run ads, Nielsen recommends using ads on the right side of your content, or “related links” at the bottom of articles. These are least-likely to offend your users.

如果您必须投放广告,尼尔森建议您在内容的右侧使用广告,或在文章底部使用“相关链接”。 这些是最不可能冒犯您的用户的。

And just a friendly reminder — freeCodeCamp is completely ad-free and will stay that way! :)

只是一个友好的提醒-freeCodeCamp完全没有广告,并且会一直保持这种状态! :)

You can read Nielsen’s full analysis here: (10 minute read)

您可以在此处阅读Nielsen的完整分析:( 阅读10分钟 )

这是三个值得您花费时间的链接: (Here are three links worth your time:)

  1. Here are 435 free online programming and computer science courses you can start in June (1 to 26 minute browse)

    这里有435项免费的在线编程和计算机科学课程,您可以在6月开始( 浏览1到26分钟 )

  2. Writing a chess microservice using Node.js and Seneca (6 minute read)

    使用Node.js和Seneca编写国际象棋微服务( 阅读6分钟 )

  3. Try, Catch, Finally, and Throw: Error Handling in JavaScript (6 minute watch)

    尝试,捕获,最终和抛出:JavaScript中的错误处理( 观看6分钟 )

想到的一天: (Thought of the day:)

“A pinch of probability is worth a pound of perhaps.” — James Thurber

“一小撮概率值得一磅。” -詹姆斯·瑟伯

有趣的一天: (Funny of the day:)

Webcomic by Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal


当天的研究小组: (Study group of the day:)

freeCodeCamp Helsinki


Happy coding!


– Quincy Larson, teacher at freeCodeCamp

– Quincy Larson, freeCodeCamp的老师

If you get value out of these emails, please consider supporting our nonprofit.

如果您从这些电子邮件中获得了价值,请考虑支持我们的公益组织 。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/new-data-on-the-types-of-ads-internet-users-hate-the-most-275a34f46af1/



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