by Seth Alexander

塞斯·亚历山大(Seth Alexander)

FreeCodeCamp纳什维尔聚会的回顾 (A Recap from the freeCodeCamp Nashville Meetup)

At a recent freeCodeCamp meetup, a small group of campers got together to solve some coding challenges and we talk shop.


Leland brought up the scope of the projects. How it’s easy to go off on tangents and hours later be so far away from what you initially started working on.

利兰德提出了项目范围。 切线和几小时后开始切线很容易,与您最初开始的工作相去甚远。

We shared some tips on how to stay focused and keep within the scope of the project. A lot of the time we’ll learn things after we complete a project that makes it even easier to implement what we truly wanted to do. So sometimes it’s more frustrating to succeed in going the extra mile by trudging through the dirt only to realize that you didn’t know about the free shuttle that could’ve gotten you there much quicker and easier.

我们分享了一些有关如何保持专注并保持在项目范围内的提示。 很多时候,我们会在完成一个项目后学习一些东西,这使得实施我们真正想要做的事情变得更加容易。 因此,有时候,在泥泞小地上跋涉而成功地走远路会令人沮丧,只是意识到您不知道免费穿梭巴士可以使您更快更轻松地到达目的地。

We put our heads together and helped Andy with a checkbox problem he was having. We were calling checked (MDN) to return true or false, and it was throwing an error complaining about not being able to be called on null.

我们齐心协力,帮助安迪解决了他遇到的复选框问题。 我们正在调用checked ( MDN )返回true或false,它抛出了一个错误,抱怨无法在null上被调用。

We discussed the job landscape at length. Phillip is on the prowl but doesn’t have the 1–3 years professional experience it seems like all Jr. Developer roles are looking for these days. Which we all agreed is a Catch-22 that just doesn’t make sense.

我们详细讨论了工作前景。 Phillip正在四处寻觅,但没有1-3年的专业经验,似乎所有Jr. Developer角色都在寻找这些日子。 我们都同意的是Catch-22,这根本没有道理。

Networking is a big key to getting the first job in this industry it seems. Having a Sr. Developer who can vouch for your skills is typically needed for a company to take the leap and risk it. We discussed HackerRank as well as the usefulness of some recruiters to open doors when the resume is lacking.

看起来,网络是获得该行业第一份工作的重要关键。 公司通常需要拥有可以证明您的技能的高级开发人员,才能冒险并冒险。 我们讨论了HackerRank以及缺少简历时一些招聘人员打开门的有用性。

We found out about CHINGU from Matt. This is an interesting project that looks to throw people who are self learning web development into cohorts of like minded people to level themselves up in a quicker fashion.

我们从Matt找到了有关CHINGU的信息。 这是一个有趣的项目,旨在将自学Web开发的人们吸引到志趣相投的人群中,以更快的方式提升自己。

I was able to find the “Welcome” doc they send to new cohorts and it’s an interesting framework. I’d be interested to see how one actually is executed but don’t think I want to take part in one now. I have enough going on. It’s a solid option for others though to look at how they can speed up their progress.

我能够找到他们发送给新队列的“ Welcome”文档,这是一个有趣的框架。 我很想看看一个人实际上是如何执行的,但是我不认为我现在想参加。 我已经足够了。 对于其他人来说,看看他们如何加快进度是一个不错的选择。

I shared some of the resources that we came into contact with this weekend with Music City Code. Technologist Federation of Nashville aka TechFed, has an awesome thing going on. I encourage everyone to sign up with them on their site.

我分享了本周末我们与Music City Code接触的一些资源。 纳什维尔 (又名TechFed)的技术专家联合会正在发生一件令人敬畏的事情。 我鼓励每个人都在他们的网站上注册。

If you’re looking to get more involved with the Nashville tech scene then volunteer at tech events. The networking is invaluable. Also, the Complete Developer Podcast are a couple cool dudes. They run a weekly podcast as well as a bi-monthly (that means twice a month right?) developer meetup. Subscribe and go check out their meetup.

如果您想让更多人参与纳什维尔的科技活动,请自愿参加科技活动。 网络是无价的。 另外, Complete Developer Podcast是几个很酷的家伙。 他们每周播客一次,每两个月播客一次(这意味着每月两次?)。 订阅并查看他们的聚会。

We’re looking forward to bigger things for freeCodeCamp Nashville. We’ve got a bigger meeting space in the works. Also, some possible sponsorships that’ll allow us to do more and maintain a small budget. We received a lot of positive feedback from Music City Code attendees who stopped by the table. We also found out that Nashville Software School shares freeCodeCamp as a resource for people wanting to learn more about coding.

我们期待freeCodeCamp Nashville的更大发展。 我们的工作空间更大。 另外,一些可能的赞助将使我们能够做更多的事情,并维持少量预算。 音乐城守则的与会者在桌旁停了下来,我们收到了很多积极的反馈。 我们还发现, 纳什维尔软件学院(Nashville Software School)与freeCodeCamp共享,作为希望学习更多有关编码的人们的资源。

Finally, a huge congrats to our very own organizer Dave who landed his first dev gig this weekend! Yet another one showing the people can make the transition to web development without a CS degree and without attending a bootcamp. Persistence and hard work do pay off.

最后,对我们自己的组织者Dave表示祝贺,他本周末首次参加了演出! 另一幅向人们展示的内容可以无需CS学位和参加训练营就可以过渡到Web开发。 坚持不懈和辛勤工作确实有回报。

You can read more about my coding journey on my blog.




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