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I'll be installing Google Desktop, and then we'll see if I get my zillion "lost" emails back.

Update: I'm rather annoyed that I can't easily control where Google Desktop puts the (ever-growing) indexes it creates. In case you wonder, they are at C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Google Desktop Search\

Update 2: Several hours later, 200 929 items are indexed, and it has used 525Mb of disk space for the index. One downside to this product compared to the net search engine, is that since items on my computer generally don't link each other, there are no "pagerank" feature to assue the most relevant result comes first. One unexpected (positively) side effect is that Google Desktop also indexes the file names of all my files, also those it doesn't index the contents of. It is sure the fastest "file find" feature.

Update 3: It finished surprisingly fast (over the night). 216K items, of them ~36K emails. The index is 2.3Gb.

硬盘大道不要钱,而永动机本来就是耗费资源的。装的软件越多,也许功能越先进,但越来越害怕他们在偷偷的使用我的CPU,于是于是安装Active CPU,还嫌不够再安装上SysInfoMyWork V2 一个监控CPU一个监控我的内存,两个配合还挺好。



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