
Constructive criticism, or more plainly, feedback, plays a crucial role in a designer’s job. Design is an iterative process, so we are often either asking for feedback on our own work or dishing it out to a fellow designer.

建设性的批评,或更明确地说,是反馈,在设计师的工作中起着至关重要的作用。 设计是一个反复的过程,因此我们经常要征求对自己工作的反馈,或者将其发给其他设计师。

It can take a lot of practice to be able to give criticism that is honest and constructive without coming off as pretentious or harsh. Learning to receive criticism can sometimes be even harder, especially when it can be so easy to get attached to your work. By following these simple guidelines, you will be able to properly engage with other designers in giving and receiving constructive criticism.

能够进行诚实而富有建设性的批评而又不会冒昧或苛刻,可能需要大量的实践。 学会接受批评有时会更加困难,尤其是当它容易被您的工作所吸引时。 通过遵循这些简单的准则,您将能够与其他设计师进行适当的交流,以给予和接受建设性的批评。

提出建设性批评 (Giving constructive criticism)

问问题 (Ask questions)

Often when we are asked to give feedback on someone’s work, it can be tempting to rush to give our advice. After all, they asked for our opinion and we want to give it to them. But by giving criticism without any context, our feedback can potentially be destructive instead of constructive.

通常,当我们被要求对某人的工作提供反馈时,可能会急于提出我们的建议。 毕竟,他们征求了我们的意见,我们希望将其给予他们。 但是,通过在没有任何上下文的情况下提出批评,我们的反馈可能具有破坏性,而不是建设性。

Stop for a minute and ask some questions. Understand what the project is about and why they made the decisions that they did. By stopping to learn about the designer’s point of view, it allows us to get a better sense of what obstacles they encountered. With that information, your feedback will be more impactful when you’re giving it.

停一分钟,问一些问题。 了解项目的内容以及他们做出决定的原因。 通过停下来了解设计师的观点,它使我们可以更好地了解他们遇到的障碍。 有了这些信息,您在提供反馈时就会更有影响力。

结构体 (Structure)

If you’re not sure how to begin giving your feedback, use the Compliment Sandwich technique. It’s a three-step process designed to help soften the impact of giving constructive criticism by sandwiching it between two compliments.

如果您不确定如何开始提供反馈,请使用Compliment Sandwich技术 。 这是一个分为三个步骤的过程,旨在通过将其夹在两个恭维之间来帮助减轻建设性批评的影响。

  1. Compliment: Begin by complimenting something about their work that you like. Even if you find it hard to compliment anything about their design, there is always something encouraging that you can say about their approach, their effort or design direction.

    赞美首先赞美您喜欢的工作。 即使您发现很难赞美他们的设计,也总是有一些令人鼓舞的地方,您可以说出他们的方法,他们的努力或设计方向。

  2. Constructive criticism: Take a moment to think about what you’re going to say and how you will deliver it. Ensure that your feedback is succinct so that you don’t start rambling. Pick out the things that you think could use improvement, think about how to explain your thoughts in a clear way and then address them one at a time.

    建设性批评:花点时间思考一下您要说的话以及如何实现。 确保您的反馈是简洁的,以免您开始漫无目的地。 挑选出您认为可以改进的内容,考虑如何以清晰的方式解释您的想法,然后一次解决它们。

  3. Compliment: Finish off your critique on a positive note. Encourage them to keep up their good work or reiterate your previous compliment. This will leave a good impression in their mind instead of all the negative points that you just brought up.

    夸奖:以正面评价结束您的评论。 鼓励他们继续保持良好的工作状态或重申您以前的称赞。 这将给他们留下良好的印象,而不是您刚才提到的所有负面观点。

交货 (Delivery)

It’s important to watch the tone in which you deliver your criticism so it doesn’t come off as sounding offensive or pretentious. A sentence spoken in two different ways can have completely different meanings. Be patient and understanding when giving feedback, just as you would want them to be if the roles were reversed.

重要的是要注意您发表批评的语气,以免引起批评或冒犯。 以两种不同方式说出的句子可能具有完全不同的含义。 提供反馈时要耐心并理解,就像角色被调换时您希望他们那样。

接受建设性批评 (Receiving constructive criticism)

设置上下文 (Set context)

When you ask for feedback on your work, the other person might not be familiar with the project or process. Always start off by providing them with context, including a general overview of the project, what demographic the user is and any constraints you had during the work.

当您要求对工作进行反馈时,其他人可能不熟悉该项目或过程。 始终从为他们提供上下文开始,包括项目的总体概述,用户的人口统计信息以及您在工作期间遇到的任何限制。

Also, be specific with your goals and what kind of feedback you’re looking for. If you only want a certain part of the design critiqued, then let them know in advance so that they know what to focus on.

另外,请具体说明您的目标以及所需的反馈。 如果您只想批判设计的某个部分,请提前告知他们,以便他们知道要重点关注什么。

赋予权限 (Give permission)

In my opinion, this may be the most important part about receiving constructive criticism. If you truly want honest feedback, then give the person the permission to say what is on their mind.

我认为,这可能是接受建设性批评的最重要部分。 如果您确实想要诚实的反馈,请允许该人说出他们的想法。

Openly welcome feedback and make them feel as comfortable as possible to speak freely. Often times, people will tiptoe around the things that they think need improvement and provide vague feedback. By only saying positive comments without properly critiquing the design is nothing more than an ego boost and provides no real value to anyone.

公开欢迎反馈,让他们感到自由说话尽可能自在。 通常,人们会tip着脚走走他们认为需要改进的事情,并提供模糊的反馈。 只说正面评论而不适当批评设计,无非是一种自我提升,对任何人都没有真正的价值。

Instead, ask them to be intentional and specific about what they point out. Get them to really drill down on the individual elements that they think could use improvement.

相反,请他们故意和具体地指出他们的观点。 让他们真正深入研究他们认为可以使用改进的各个元素。

全部拿来 (Take it all in)

Even when we want them to be honest with their thoughts, it can still be hard on our emotions to receive constructive criticism. Understandably, we have put in so much time and effort into our projects. We may have faced some obstacles, such as short timelines or push back from stakeholders, that they aren’t aware of.

即使我们希望他们对自己的思想诚实,也很难接受我们的建设性批评。 可以理解,我们在项目中投入了很多时间和精力。 我们可能遇到了一些障碍,例如时间表短,或者利益相关者不了解他们。

However, the criticism shouldn’t be viewed as a reflection on your skills. There isn’t a right way to approach a design, so any critique you receive should be taken the same way you would receive user feedback. You don’t ask a user to test out a prototype and tell them what they’re doing is wrong. You watch and learn from what they are doing and take notes on how to improve your design.

但是,批评不应被视为对您技能的反映。 没有正确的方法来进行设计,因此,您收到的任何评论都应以与接收用户反馈相同的方式对待。 您不要求用户测试原型并告诉他们他们在做什么是错误的。 您可以观看并从他们的工作中学习,并记下如何改进您的设计。

Whatever you are thinking about while receiving the criticism, hold back all of your thoughts and comments until the end. Meanwhile, focus on taking notes on what they say and keep them going.

收到批评时您在想什么,将所有想法和评论保留到最后。 同时,集中精力记录他们所说的话,并保持其前进。

谢谢他们 (Thank them)

At the end, thank them for their thoughts and then, if necessary, bring up the comments that you have about their criticism. Make sure you acknowledge that you have considered what they have told you and ask them what they think about your perspective.

最后,感谢他们的想法,然后在必要时提出您对他们的批评的意见。 确保您确认自己已经考虑了他们告诉您的内容,并询问他们对您的观点的看法。

You definitely don’t want to turn this into a debate. Even if you don’t agree with some of their points, just thank them for their advice and consider it when informing your design decisions during the next iteration.

您绝对不想将其变成辩论。 即使您不同意他们的某些观点,也要感谢他们的建议,并在下次迭代中告知您的设计决策时考虑一下。

去哪里进行建设性批评 (Where to go for constructive criticism)

设计平台 (Design platforms)

Some popular sites to receive feedback on your work are Dribbble and Behance. These are both great places to share your projects in a community of designers. Make sure to explicitly ask for feedback in the comments and give permission for others to critique your work.

Dribbble和Behance是一些可以收到有关您的工作反馈的热门网站。 这两个都是在设计师社区中共享项目的好地方。 确保在评论中明确要求反馈,并允许他人批评您的作品。

Dribbble (left) and Dribbble(左)和Behance (right)Behance(右)

社交媒体团体 (Social media groups)

Social media is obviously a great alternative to sharing your work as well. There are countless design groups and communities on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Slack that open up the world to give you constructive criticism on your work.

社交媒体显然是共享工作的绝佳选择。 LinkedIn,Facebook,Twitter或Slack上有无数的设计团队和社区,它们为世界打开了大门,使您对自己的作品提出建设性的批评。

Just remember, don’t be selfish. If you ask for feedback on your work, be willing to spend the time to give feedback to others as well. Besides, when you are the one giving the critique, you can often notice details in their work that might affect the way you design in the future.

请记住,不要自私。 如果您需要工作反馈,也愿意花时间向其他人反馈。 此外,当您成为提出批评的人时,您通常会注意到他们工作中的细节,这些细节可能会影响您将来的设计方式。

朋友和非设计师 (Friends and non-designers)

Before turning to any of these online spaces, ask your friends and family. Being close to you, they may be inclined to be supportive of your work and go easy on you. In this case, you might have to really push them to be constructive and rip apart your design.

在使用任何这些在线空间之前,请先询问您的朋友和家人。 与您亲近时,他们可能倾向于支持您的工作并为您轻松做事。 在这种情况下,您可能必须真正推动它们具有建设性,并撕裂您的设计。

Feedback from a non-designer can often be beneficial as they can provide the perspective of a consumer. They may not be able to articulate their thoughts in “design language”, but can point out if a colorway doesn’t seem right or a layout isn’t intuitive. In the end, you’re usually not designing for other designers, so don’t count out your friends and family from giving great constructive criticism.

来自非设计者的反馈通常可以是有益的,因为它们可以提供消费者的观点。 他们可能无法用“设计语言”表达自己的想法,但是可以指出,如果配色方法看起来不正确或布局不直观。 最后,您通常不打算为其他设计师设计作品,因此不要指望您的朋友和家人进行有建设性的批评。




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