错误是在进行利用pycharm IDE和airtest框架进行苹果手机自动化测试遇到的


[I 210715 10:32:34 _device:572] ProductVersion: 14.6
[I 210715 10:32:34 _device:551] Download https://tool.appetizer.io/iGhibli/iOS-DeviceSupport/raw/master/DeviceSupport/14.6.zip -> C:\Users\Xpeng\.tidevice\device-support\14.6.zip
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\softwareinstall\Anoconda\envs\artest\lib\site-packages\tidevice\_device.py", line 454, in start_service
    return self._unsafe_start_service(name)
  File "D:\softwareinstall\Anoconda\envs\artest\lib\site-packages\tidevice\_device.py", line 471, in _unsafe_start_service
    "Remember that you have to mount the Developer disk image on your device"
tidevice.exceptions.MuxServiceError: Could not start service: com.apple.testmanagerd.lockdown.secure! Remember that you have to mount the Developer disk image on your device





运行tidevice developer,保错

raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://github.com/iGhibli/iOS-DeviceSupport/raw/master/DeviceSupport/14.6.zip






下载下来后,在苹果系统重新build wda(重新利用xcode在手机上进行wda安装后,成功)

[I 210715 11:22:11 _device:998] DeviceIdentifier: 00008030-0002204634E0802E
[I 210715 11:22:12 _device:840] SignIdentity: 'Apple Development: qianxingyu95@icloud.com (3F84JU47BT)'
[I 210715 11:22:12 _device:846] CFBundleExecutable: WebDriverAgentRunner-Runner
[I 210715 11:22:12 _device:877] AppContainer: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/123DD0EE-6668-4DEC-94F9-26CAC390DD13
[I 210715 11:22:13 _device:917] Launch 'com.xiaopeng.wda1.xctrunner' pid: 1544
[I 210715 11:22:13 _device:1092] ProductVersion: 14.6
[I 210715 11:22:13 _device:1047] Test runner ready detected
[I 210715 11:22:13 _device:1040] Start execute test plan with IDE version: 29
[I 210715 11:22:13 _device:953] WebDriverAgent start successfully

tidevice.exceptions.MuxServiceError: Could not start service: com.apple.testmanagerd.lockdown.secure相关推荐

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