The VideoLAN project releases regular updates for the VLC Media Player. These updates add new features and fix bugs, but can also include important security patches that help protect your PC or Mac from attack.

VideoLAN项目发布VLC Media Player的定期更新。 这些更新增加了新功能并修复了错误,但也可能包含重要的安全补丁,可帮助保护您的PC或Mac免受攻击。

VLC automatically notifies you of new updates when you open it, but it doesn’t automatically install them. Here’s how to check manually and get the most recent version of VLC on any platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone, and iPad.

当您打开VLC时,VLC会自动通知您新的更新,但不会自动安装它们。 以下是在任何平台上手动检查并获取最新版本的VLC的方法:Windows,Mac,Linux,Android,iPhone和iPad。

If you don’t want to use the built-in update process, you don’t have to. You can download the latest version of VLC from VideoLAN’s website. Be sure to only get it from the official website at

如果您不想使用内置的更新过程,则不必这样做。 您可以从VideoLAN的网站下载最新版本的VLC。 请确保仅从videolan.org的官方网站上获取它。

如何在Windows PC上更新VLC (How to Update VLC on a Windows PC)

On a Windows PC, click Help > Check for Updates to see whether an update is available.

在Windows PC上,单击“帮助”>“检查更新”以查看是否有可用的更新。

If an update is available, VLC will offer to download and install it for you. Click “Yes” and VLC will download the latest update for you.

如果有可用的更新,VLC将为您下载并安装它。 单击“是”,VLC将为您下载最新更新。

VLC will offer to launch the installer once it’s downloaded. Click “install” to close VLC and begin installing it.

VLC将在下载后立即启动安装程序。 单击“安装”以关闭VLC并开始安装。

Click through the installer to install the new version of VLC. You can just select “Upgrade VLC using previous settings (recommended)” to keep your current VLC options.

单击安装程序以安装新版本的VLC。 您只需选择“使用以前的设置升级VLC(推荐)”即可保留当前的VLC选项。

Once it’s done, ensure “Run VLC media player” is selected and click “Finish.”


VLC is now up-to-date. If you click Help > Check for Updates again, you’ll see you have the latest version of the media player.

VLC现在是最新的。 如果再次单击“帮助”>“检查更新”,则会看到您拥有最新版本的媒体播放器。

如何在Mac上更新VLC (How to Update VLC on a Mac)

On a Mac, click VLC > Check for Updates. This option is found on the menu bar at the top of your Mac’s display.

在Mac上,单击VLC>检查更新。 此选项位于Mac显示器顶部的菜单栏上。

VLC will let you know if an update is available. Click “Install Update” to download it.

VLC会通知您是否有更新。 单击“安装更新”进行下载。

When it’s done, click “Install and Relaunch” to install the latest version of VLC and open it.


If you click VLC > Check for Update again, you’ll see a message saying you’re up-to-date with the latest version available.


如何在Android,iPhone,iPad和Linux上更新VLC (How to Update VLC on Android, iPhone, iPad, and Linux)

On Android, VLC updates through the Google Play Store. On iPhone or iPad, it updates through Apple’s App Store, just like any other application.

在Android上,VLC通过Google Play商店进行更新。 在iPhone或iPad上,它可以像其他任何应用程序一样通过Apple的App Store更新。

The same is true on Linux: Your Linux distribution updates VLC through its normal software update tools.


Just install normal application and software updates to get the latest versions of VLC.




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