


Java Swing

Preface - 5

What This Book Covers

About the Source Code



1. Introducing Swing - 10

1.1 What Is Swing?

1.2 Swing Features

1.3 Swing Packages and Classes

1.4 The Model-View-Controller Architecture

1.5 Working with Swing

1.6 The Swing Set Demo

1.7 Reading this Book

2. Jump Starting a Swing Application - 27

2.1 Upgrading Your Programs

2.2 Beyond Buttons

2.3 A Bigger Application

3. Swing Component Basics - 44

3.1 Understanding Actions

3.2 Sending Change Events in Swing

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6.2 The JScrollBar Class

6.3 The JSlider Class

6.4 The JProgressBar Class

6.5 Monitoring Progress

7. Lists and Combo Boxes - 137

7.1 Lists

7.2 Representing List Data

7.3 Handling Selections

7.4 Displaying Cell Elements

7.5 The JList Class

7.6 Combo Boxes

7.7 The JComboBox Class

8. Swing Containers - 178

8.1 A Simple Container

8.2 Basic RootPaneContainers

9. Internal Frames - 208

9.1 Managing a Desktop

9.2 Building a Desktop

10. Swing Dialogs - 232

10.1 The JDialog Class

10.2 The JOptionPane Class

11. Specialty Panes and Layout Managers - 255

11.1 The JSplitPane Class

11.2 The JScrollPane Class

11.3 The JTabbedPane Class

11.4 Layout Managers

11.5 Other Panes

12. Chooser Dialogs - 292

12.1 The JFileChooser Class

12.2 The File Chooser Package

12.3 The Color Chooser

12.4 The JColorChooser Class

13. Borders - 327

13.1 Introducing Borders

13.2 Swing Borders

13.3 The CompoundBorder Class

13.4 Creating Your Own Border

14. Menus and Toolbars - 350

14.1 Introducing Swing Menus

14.2 Menu Bar Selection Models

14.3 The JMenuBar Class

14.4 The JMenuItem Class

14.5 The JPopupMenu Class

14.6 The JMenu Class

14.7 Selectable Menu Items

14.8 Toolbars

15. Tables - 400

15.1 Table Columns

15.2 Table Data

15.3 The JTable Class

15.4 Editing and Rendering

15.5 Selecting Table Entries

16. Advanced Table Examples - 449

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16.1 A Table with Row Headers

16.2 Large Tables with Paging

16.3 Charting Data with a TableModel

17. Trees - 466

17.1 A Simple Tree

17.2 Tree Models

17.3 Tree Nodes and Paths

17.4 The JTree Class

17.5 Tree Selections

17.6 Tree Events

17.7 Rendering and Editing

17.8 What Next?

18. Undo - 534

18.1 The Swing Undo Facility

19. Text 101 - 578

19.1 The Swing Text Components

19.2 More to Come

20. Document Model and Events - 609

20.1 The Document Model

20.2 Document Events

20.3 Advanced AbstractDocument Event Model

21. Styled Documents and JTextPane - 658

21.1 Style

21.2 A Stylized Editor

22. Carets, Highlighters, and Keymaps - 730

22.1 JTextComponent UI Properties

23. Text Views - 749

23.1 Text Views

23.2 The View Classes

24. EditorKits and TextActions - 788

24.1 Overview of the Editor Kits

24.2 Phew!

25. Programming with Accessibility - 827

25.1 How Accessibility Works

25.2 The Accessibility Package

25.3 Other Accessible Objects

25.4 The Six Types of Accessibility

25.5 The Accessibility Utility Classes

25.6 Interfacing with Accessibility

26. Look & Feel - 858

26.1 How Does It Work?

26.2 Key L&F Classes and Interfaces

26.3 The MultiLookAndFeel

26.4 Look-and-Feel Customization

26.5 Creation of a Custom L&F

27. Swing Utilities - 912

27.1 General Utilities

27.2 Editing and Rendering Utilities

27.3 Event Utilities

27.4 Image Utilities

28. Swing Under the Hood - 938

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28.1 Creating Your Own Component

28.2 Working with Focus

28.3 Lightweight vs. Heavyweight Components

28.4 Multithreading Issues with Swing

28.5 Painting and Repainting

A. Look & Feel Resources - 978

Colophon - 985

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