记录下使用woo语言开发 sockets 和https代理过程

已经在gitee开源: https://gitee.com/oshine/woo_proxy

目前使用的是一个端口监听所有的代理包含http https sockets4 sockets5




client.woo 文件内容:

_DIR = _DIR == '.' and './' or _DIRlocal conf = require(_DIR .. '.conf')local addr = conf['http/s_sockets4/5_addr']
print('sockets(4/5) and http/s proxy start on:', addr)local ser = woo.sockets:new()-- 开启 tcp sockets proxy监听服务
ser:listen('tcp', addr, function(handler)-- 启动一个线程来处理,启动线程需要绝对路径_run(_DIR .. '/client/sockets_handler.woo', handler, _DIR, conf) -- 把sockets handler,目录位置传入线程中去
end, function(err)print(err)


require(_ARGS[2] .. '.client.utils'); -- 导入工具包
local conf = _ARGS[3];print('sockets(4/5) handler in:')
_out('_ARGS:=== ', _ARGS);(function()-- 获取线程传入的 sockets handlerlocal handler = _ARGS[1]assert(handler, 'server form parent not correct.')print('conn ok!')local len, b = handler:read(1)if len < 1 thenprint("Request packet is too short!")returnendprint('Got first byre for proxy:', b[1])if b[1] == 0x05 then-- sockets5协议print('sockets-5 in')-- 开始读取sockets 5 剩余报文local sockets_header_read_left_len, _, err = handler:read(1024)if sockets_header_read_left_len < 1 or err thenprint('read sockets5 left header error:', err)returnend-- 回应客户端:Socks服务端不需要验证方式_, _ = handler:write({ 0x05, 0x00 })-- 读取客户端报文中的规则local sockets_header_read_len, sockets_header_bytes, err1 = handler:read()if sockets_header_read_len < 1 or err1 thenprint('read sockets5 new header error:', err)returnendlocal host, port(({ [0x01] = function()-- ip v4host = sockets_header_bytes[5] .. '.' .. sockets_header_bytes[6] .. '.' ..sockets_header_bytes[7] .. '.' .. sockets_header_bytes[8]print("got ip v4:", host)end, [0x03] = function()-- domainhost = _byte_str(_tbl_sub(sockets_header_bytes, 6, sockets_header_read_len - 1)) -- // [5] 表示域名的长度print("got domain:", host)end, [0x04] = function()-- ip v6host = _byte_str(_tbl_sub(sockets_header_bytes, 5, 20))print("got ip v6:", host)end })[sockets_header_bytes[4]])()-- got portport = math.bor(math.lshift(sockets_header_bytes[sockets_header_read_len - 1], 8),sockets_header_bytes[sockets_header_read_len])print('parse host port done:', host, port)print('======_include======', _include)local tsf = _include('client.transfer'):new({tokenB = "123321123", timeB = _time(), portB = port, remoteAddr = conf.remote_addr,hostB = host, remoteConnectOk = function()--// reply success to clientprint('reply success to client')_, _ = handler:write({ 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 })end, beforeEachCopy = nil })tsf:isValid(handler, function()print('sockets5 isValid ok!')tsf:eachCopy()end, function(err11)print('sockets5 isValid err:', err11)end)elseif b[1] == 0x04 then-- sockets4协议print('sockets-4 in')len, b = handler:read(1)--var b [1]byteif len ~= 1 thenreturn print("Socks4Request input too short")endlocal s = {}s.command = b[1]if b[1] ~= 1 thenif b[1] == 2 then-- todo 未实现绑定命令return print("Unimplemented bind command")endreturn print("Invalid command:" .. s.command)endlen, b = handler:read(2)s.port = _byte_str(b)s.port_b = (b)--address := make([]byte, 4)local ll, bb = handler:read(4)if ll ~= 4 thenreturn print("Socks4Request address is too short")ends.address = _byte_str(bb)s.address_b = (bb)-- sock4A--if s.address.String() == "0.0.0.x" then--    return errors.New("Unimplemented SOCK 4A protocol")--endlocal n, b1 = handler:read(1)if n ~= 1 thenreturn print("Socks4Request input too short")endif b1[1] ~= 0 thenreturn print("Sock4 protocol errored")end-- okprint('======_include======', _include)local tsf = _include('client.transfer'):new({tokenB = "123321123", timeB = _time(), portB = s.port, remoteAddr = conf.remote_addr,hostB = s.address, remoteConnectOk = function()local b = {}b = _merge(b, 0, 0x5A)b = _merge(b, s.port_b, s.address_b)-- b = append(b, byte((s.Port&0xFF00)>>8), byte(s.Port&0xFF))print('reply success to client')handler:write(b)end, beforeEachCopy = nil })tsf:isValid(handler, function()print('sockets5 isValid ok!')tsf:eachCopy()end, function(err11)print('sockets5 isValid err:', err11)end)else  -- if b[1] == _ascii('C')-- handler for http/sprint('===========handler for http/s============')_ARGS[4]=b_include('client.http(s)_single')end--handler:close()--print('sockets server read,len:', n, 'str:', _byte_str(b))--f:write(' hello client!')

此处列出一些主要的逻辑代码,全部代码去 gitee:https://gitee.com/oshine/woo_proxy


windows10设置很简单,找不到这个界面,在设置主页搜索proxy(英文系统) 或者 代理(中文系统)

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