
翻了好几篇关于definition与declaration和博客,都写的很坑人 ,看来我得写一篇了,避免很多新手一入门就被坑了。



extern const int a; // declares, but doesn't define a
extern const int b = 1;// defines b
extern "C" void f1(void(*pf)()); // declares a function f1 with C linkage,


int f(int); // declares, but doesn't define f


int f(int x); // declares, but doesn't define f and x
int f(int x) { // defines f and xreturn x+a;


struct S {    // defines Sint n;        // defines S::nstatic int i; // declares, but doesn't define S::i
int S::i; // defines S::i

5.只申明了类的名字,主要用在forward declaration和elaborated type中

struct S; // declares, but doesn't define S
class Y f(class T p); // declares, but doesn't define Y and T (and also f and p)


template<typename T> // declares, but doesn't define T


template<> struct A<int>; // declares, but doesn't define A<int>


typedef S S2; // declares, but doesn't define S2 (S may be incomplete)


using S2 = S; // declares, but doesn't define S2 (S may be incomplete)


enum Color : int; // declares, but doesn't define Col


using N::d; // declares, but doesn't define d


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