def fromfile(file, dtype=None, count=-1, sep=''): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__"""fromfile(file, dtype=float, count=-1, sep='')Construct an array from data in a text or binary file.#从文本或二进制文件中的数据构造一个数组。A highly efficient way of reading binary data with a known data-type,as well as parsing simply formatted text files.  Data written using the`tofile` method can be read using this function.#一种按二进制格式来读取数据的高效方法,还能解析简单格式化的文本文件。使用`tofile`写入数据的方法可以使用这个函数来读取。Parameters----------file : file or strOpen file object or filename.dtype : data-typeData type of the returned array.For binary files, it is used to determine the size and byte-orderof the items in the file.#对于二进制文件,它用于确定文件中项目的大小和字节顺序。count : intNumber of items to read. ``-1`` means all items (i.e., the completefile).sep : strSeparator between items if file is a text file.Empty ("") separator means the file should be treated as binary.Spaces (" ") in the separator match zero or more whitespace characters.A separator consisting only of spaces must match at least onewhitespace.# 如果文件是一个文本文件,默认使用空格分隔。("")分隔符意味着文件应被视为二进制文件。分隔符中的空格("")匹配零个或多个空白字符。仅由空格组成的分隔符必须至少匹配一个""。See also--------load, savendarray.tofileloadtxt : More flexible way of loading data from a text file.Notes-----Do not rely on the combination of `tofile` and `fromfile` fordata storage, as the binary files generated are are not platformindependent.  In particular, no byte-order or data-type information issaved.  Data can be stored in the platform independent ``.npy`` formatusing `save` and `load` instead.Examples--------Construct an ndarray:>>> dt = np.dtype([('time', [('min', int), ('sec', int)]),...                ('temp', float)])>>> x = np.zeros((1,), dtype=dt)>>> x['time']['min'] = 10; x['temp'] = 98.25>>> xarray([((10, 0), 98.25)],dtype=[('time', [('min', '<i4'), ('sec', '<i4')]), ('temp', '<f8')])Save the raw data to disk:>>> import os>>> fname = os.tmpnam()>>> x.tofile(fname)Read the raw data from disk:>>> np.fromfile(fname, dtype=dt)array([((10, 0), 98.25)],dtype=[('time', [('min', '<i4'), ('sec', '<i4')]), ('temp', '<f8')])The recommended way to store and load data:>>>, x)>>> np.load(fname + '.npy')array([((10, 0), 98.25)],dtype=[('time', [('min', '<i4'), ('sec', '<i4')]), ('temp', '<f8')])"""



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