
  • 自述
  • 代码出处
  • 目录
  • 代码 Create formatted data file (为了方便理解,把代码的顺序略微改一下, 此章节略长。)
    • 1. `loadLines` 将文件的每一行拆分为一个字段字典(lineID、characterID、movieID、character、text)
      • 查看字典`lines`内容
      • encoding='iso-8859-1'
      • line.split(‘ + + + $ + + + ’)
      • enumerate
      • 字典添加键值对
      • lines[lineObj['lineID']] = lineObj
    • 2. `loadConversationsloadLines`根据movie_conversations.txt将行的字段分组到对话中
      • 查看movie_conversations的内容及格式
      • line.split(‘ + + + $ + + + ’)
      • enumerate
      • re.compile
      • 字典添加键值对
      • append
      • conversations
    • 3.`extractSentencePairs` 从对话中提取句子对
      • 循环的妙用
      • range() & len()
      • conversation["lines"][i]["text"].strip()
      • AND
      • qa_pairs
    • 4. 调用这些函数并创建文件
      • codecs.decode
      • lineterminator
      • write.writerow 和 write.writerows
      • printLines(datafile)








一步步读懂Pytorch Chatbot Tutorial代码(一) - 加载和预处理数据
一步步读懂Pytorch Chatbot Tutorial代码(二) - 数据处理
一步步读懂Pytorch Chatbot Tutorial代码(三) - 创建字典
一步步读懂Pytorch Chatbot Tutorial代码(四) - 为模型准备数据
一步步读懂Pytorch Chatbot Tutorial代码(五) - 定义模型

代码 Create formatted data file (为了方便理解,把代码的顺序略微改一下, 此章节略长。)

为了方便,通过下面代码将会创建一个标准格式的文件,包含每一行用TAB分隔的查询语句(quary sentence)和一个响应语句对(response sentence pair)

1. loadLines 将文件的每一行拆分为一个字段字典(lineID、characterID、movieID、character、text)

# Splits each line of the file into a dictionary of fields
lines = {}
MOVIE_LINES_FIELDS = ["lineID", "characterID", "movieID", "character", "text"]
def loadLines(fileName, fields):lines = {}with open(fileName, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-1') as f:for line in f:values = line.split(" +++$+++ ") # Extract fieldslineObj = {}for i, field in enumerate(fields):lineObj[field] = values[i]lines[lineObj['lineID']] = lineObjreturn lines               lines = loadLines(os.path.join(corpus, "movie_lines.txt"), MOVIE_LINES_FIELDS)


list(lines.items())[0]('L1045',{'lineID': 'L1045','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'They do not!\n'})




line.split(‘ + + + $ + + + ’)

split()方法:通过指定分隔符对字符串进行切片 所以print(values) 得到结果:

['L1045 ', ' u0 ', ' m0 ', ' BIANCA ', ' They do not!\n']
['L1044 ', ' u2 ', ' m0 ', ' CAMERON ', ' They do to!\n']
['L985 ', ' u0 ', ' m0 ', ' BIANCA ', ' I hope so.\n']
['L984 ', ' u2 ', ' m0 ', ' CAMERON ', ' She okay?\n']
['L925 ', ' u0 ', ' m0 ', ' BIANCA ', " Let's go.\n"]
['L924 ', ' u2 ', ' m0 ', ' CAMERON ', ' Wow\n']
['L872 ', ' u0 ', ' m0 ', ' BIANCA ', " Okay -- you're gonna need to learn how to lie.\n"]
['L871 ', ' u2 ', ' m0 ', ' CAMERON ', ' No\n']
['L870 ', ' u0 ', ' m0 ', ' BIANCA ', ' I\'m kidding.  You know how sometimes you just become this "persona"?  And you don\'t know how to quit?\n']



for i, field in enumerate(fields): 将fields按照字典{i : field}方式排列, 即

print(i,field) 得到如下结果:

0 lineID
1 characterID
2 movieID
3 character
4 text
0 lineID
1 characterID
2 movieID
3 character
4 text
0 lineID
1 characterID
2 movieID
3 character
4 text
0 lineID
1 characterID
2 movieID
3 character
4 text
0 lineID
1 characterID
2 movieID
3 character
4 text
0 lineID
1 characterID
2 movieID
3 character
4 text



a = {'数学':95}
a['语文'] = 89
a['英语'] = 90
print(a){'数学': 95}
{'数学': 95, '语文': 89}
{'数学': 95, '语文': 89, '英语': 90}

回到代码中,由于初始字典lineObj={} 是空值
所以第一句lineObj[field]=values[i] 即往字典lineObj中加入新的键 / 值对, 循环多次后print(lineObj)得到的结果:

{'lineID': 'L1045 ', 'characterID': ' u0 ', 'movieID': ' m0 ', 'character': ' BIANCA ', 'text': ' They do not!\n'}
{'lineID': 'L1044 ', 'characterID': ' u2 ', 'movieID': ' m0 ', 'character': ' CAMERON ', 'text': ' They do to!\n'}
{'lineID': 'L985 ', 'characterID': ' u0 ', 'movieID': ' m0 ', 'character': ' BIANCA ', 'text': ' I hope so.\n'}

lines[lineObj[‘lineID’]] = lineObj

同上,这句代码把当前lineObj里面的lineID作为键,当前lineObj作为lineID的值。然后字典lines 结果为:

{'L1045': {'lineID': 'L1045','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'They do not!\n'},'L1044': {'lineID': 'L1044','characterID': 'u2','movieID': 'm0','character': 'CAMERON','text': 'They do to!\n'},'L985': {'lineID': 'L985','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'I hope so.\n'},......

2. loadConversationsloadLines根据movie_conversations.txt将行的字段分组到对话中


#Groups fields of lines from 'loadLines' into conversations based on *movie_conversation.txt*
MOVIE_CONVERSATIONS_FIELDS=['character1ID','character2ID','movieID','utteranceIDs']def loadConversations(fileName, lines, fields):conversations = []with open(fileName, 'r', encoding='iso-8859-1') as f:for line in f:values = line.split(" +++$+++ ")# Extract fieldsconvObj = {}for i, field in enumerate(fields):convObj[field] = values[i]# Convert string to list (convObj["utteranceIDs"] == "['L598485', 'L598486', ...]")utterance_id_pattern = re.compile('L[0-9]+')lineIds = utterance_id_pattern.findall(convObj["utteranceIDs"])# Reassemble linesconvObj["lines"] = []for lineId in lineIds:convObj["lines"].append(lines[lineId])conversations.append(convObj)return conversations


file=os.path.join(corpus,'movie_conversations.txt')with open(file,'r') as datafile:lines=datafile.readlines()for line in lines[:10]:print(line)u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L198', 'L199']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L200', 'L201', 'L202', 'L203']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L204', 'L205', 'L206']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L207', 'L208']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L271', 'L272', 'L273', 'L274', 'L275']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L276', 'L277']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L280', 'L281']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L363', 'L364']u0 +++$+++ u2 +++$+++ m0 +++$+++ ['L365', 'L366']

line.split(‘ + + + $ + + + ’)

print(values) 得到结果:

['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L198', 'L199']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L200', 'L201', 'L202', 'L203']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L204', 'L205', 'L206']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L207', 'L208']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L271', 'L272', 'L273', 'L274', 'L275']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L276', 'L277']\n"]
['u0', 'u2', 'm0', "['L280', 'L281']\n"]


print(convObj) 的结果:

{'character1ID': 'u0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']\n"}
{'character1ID': 'u0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L198', 'L199']\n"}
{'character1ID': 'u0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L200', 'L201', 'L202', 'L203']\n"}
{'character1ID': 'u0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0'}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L204', 'L205', 'L206']\n"}


re 模块的一般使用步骤如下:

  • 使用 compile 函数将正则表达式的字符串形式编译为一个 Pattern 对象
  • 通过 Pattern 对象提供的一系列方法对文本进行匹配查找,获得匹配结果(一个 Match 对象)
  • 最后使用 Match 对象提供的属性和方法获得信息,根据需要进行其他的操作


‘L[0-9]+’ 是正则表达式,代表L开头,[0-9]+匹配1个或者多个数字

print(lineIds) 的结果为

['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']
['L198', 'L199']
['L200', 'L201', 'L202', 'L203']
['L204', 'L205', 'L206']
['L207', 'L208']
['L271', 'L272', 'L273', 'L274', 'L275']
['L276', 'L277']
['L280', 'L281']
['L363', 'L364']
['L365', 'L366']


convObj["lines"] = [] :添加新的键lines,值为空 到字典convObj

print(convObj) 的结果:

{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']\n", 'lines': []}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L198', 'L199']\n", 'lines': []}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L200', 'L201', 'L202', 'L203']\n", 'lines': []}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L204', 'L205', 'L206']\n", 'lines': []}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L207', 'L208']\n", 'lines': []}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L271', 'L272', 'L273', 'L274', 'L275']\n", 'lines': []}


append() 方法用于在列表末尾添加新的对象

for lineId in lineIds:convObj["lines"].append(lines[lineId])

这里通过上面re.compile 得到的lineIds,再经过for循环来提取其中的数值(第一个lineIdL194)。然后加上上一段代码返回的字典 lines,以及里面的键lineId 其对应的值L194,添加到字典convObj 中作为 键 ‘lines’的值

所以print(convObj['lines'] 的结果:(其实和上一段return的lines内容一致,但是顺序变为以L194开头)

[{'lineID': 'L194', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'}]
[{'lineID': 'L194', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'}, {'lineID': 'L195', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"}]
[{'lineID': 'L194', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'}, {'lineID': 'L195', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"}, {'lineID': 'L196', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\n'}]
[{'lineID': 'L194', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'}, {'lineID': 'L195', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"}, {'lineID': 'L196', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\n'}, {'lineID': 'L197', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': "Okay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine.  Saturday?  Night?\n"}]


最终print(conversations) 结果如下:

{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']\n", 'lines': [{'lineID': 'L194', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'}, {'lineID': 'L195', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"}, {'lineID': 'L196', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': 'Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\n'}, {'lineID': 'L197', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': "Okay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine.  Saturday?  Night?\n"}]}
{'character1ID': 'u0', 'character2ID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'utteranceIDs': "['L198', 'L199']\n", 'lines': [{'lineID': 'L198', 'characterID': 'u0', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'BIANCA', 'text': "You're asking me out.  That's so cute. What's your name again?\n"}, {'lineID': 'L199', 'characterID': 'u2', 'movieID': 'm0', 'character': 'CAMERON', 'text': 'Forget it.\n'}]}

3.extractSentencePairs 从对话中提取句子对

# Extracts pairs of sentences from conversations
def extractSentencePairs(conversations):qa_pairs = []for conversation in conversations:# Iterate over all the lines of the conversationfor i in range(len(conversation["lines"]) - 1):  # We ignore the last line (no answer for it)inputLine = conversation["lines"][i]["text"].strip()targetLine = conversation["lines"][i+1]["text"].strip()# Filter wrong samples (if one of the lists is empty)if inputLine and targetLine:qa_pairs.append([inputLine, targetLine])return qa_pairs


根据第一句循环for conversation in conversationsconversations 化整为零,所以 conversations[0]conversation,结果如下:

{'character1ID': 'u0','character2ID': 'u2','movieID': 'm0','utteranceIDs': "['L194', 'L195', 'L196', 'L197']\n",'lines': [{'lineID': 'L194','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'},{'lineID': 'L195','characterID': 'u2','movieID': 'm0','character': 'CAMERON','text': "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"},{'lineID': 'L196','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\n'},{'lineID': 'L197','characterID': 'u2','movieID': 'm0','character': 'CAMERON','text': "Okay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine.  Saturday?  Night?\n"}]}

range() & len()

  • start: 计数从 start 开始。默认是从 0 开始。例如range(5)等价于range(0, 5);
  • stop: 计数到 stop 结束,但不包括 stop。例如:range(0, 5) 是[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]没有5
  • step:步长,默认为1。例如:range(0, 5) 等价于 range(0, 5, 1)

conversations[0]['lines'] 结果如下:

[{'lineID': 'L194','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'},{'lineID': 'L195','characterID': 'u2','movieID': 'm0','character': 'CAMERON','text': "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"},{'lineID': 'L196','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\n'},{'lineID': 'L197','characterID': 'u2','movieID': 'm0','character': 'CAMERON','text': "Okay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine.  Saturday?  Night?\n"}]

len(conversations[0]['lines'])结果:4 所以这句的用意是提取对话的次数。


这句用来逐步提取对话内容, 过程如下

print(conversations[0]["lines"][0]) 得到

{'lineID': 'L194','characterID': 'u0','movieID': 'm0','character': 'BIANCA','text': 'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\n'}

print(conversations[0]["lines"][0])['text'].strip() 得到:(提取了第一句,并通过strip()删除头尾的符号。)

'Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.'



所以但第一个inputLine 无法取值时,if inputLine and targetLine: 语句终止。


print(qa_pairs[0] 结果:

['Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.', "Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you."]

4. 调用这些函数并创建文件


# Define path to new file
datafile = os.path.join(corpus, "formatted_movie_lines.txt")delimiter = '\t'
# Unescape the delimiter
delimiter = str(codecs.decode(delimiter, "unicode_escape"))# Initialize lines dict, conversations list, and field ids
#lines = {}
#conversations = []
#MOVIE_LINES_FIELDS = ["lineID", "characterID", "movieID", "character", "text"]
#MOVIE_CONVERSATIONS_FIELDS = ["character1ID", "character2ID", "movieID", "utteranceIDs"]# Load lines and process conversations
#print("\nProcessing corpus...")
#lines = loadLines(os.path.join(corpus, "movie_lines.txt"), #MOVIE_LINES_FIELDS)
#print("\nLoading conversations...")
#conversations = loadConversations(os.path.join(corpus, "movie_conversations.txt"),lines, MOVIE_CONVERSATIONS_FIELDS)# Write new csv file
print("\nWriting newly formatted file...")
with open(datafile, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as outputfile:writer = csv.writer(outputfile, delimiter=delimiter, lineterminator='\n')for pair in extractSentencePairs(conversations):writer.writerow(pair)# Print a sample of lines
print("\nSample lines from file:")



其中这句会体现在这段代码的输出中:在Python3中, 以字节形式表示的字符串则必须加上 前缀b,也就是写成上文的b’xxxx’形式。

另外确实不太理解加 ‘\t’ 为什么要做编码转换,留到以后懂了再来填坑。



write.writerow 和 write.writerows

writerow 单行写入
writerows 多行写入


Writing newly formatted file...Sample lines from file:
b"Can we make this quick?  Roxanne Korrine and Andrew Barrett are having an incredibly horrendous public break- up on the quad.  Again.\tWell, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\n"
b"Well, I thought we'd start with pronunciation, if that's okay with you.\tNot the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\n"
b"Not the hacking and gagging and spitting part.  Please.\tOkay... then how 'bout we try out some French cuisine.  Saturday?  Night?\n"
b"You're asking me out.  That's so cute. What's your name again?\tForget it.\n"
b"No, no, it's my fault -- we didn't have a proper introduction ---\tCameron.\n"
b"Cameron.\tThe thing is, Cameron -- I'm at the mercy of a particularly hideous breed of loser.  My sister.  I can't date until she does.\n"
b"The thing is, Cameron -- I'm at the mercy of a particularly hideous breed of loser.  My sister.  I can't date until she does.\tSeems like she could get a date easy enough...\n"
b'Why?\tUnsolved mystery.  She used to be really popular when she started high school, then it was just like she got sick of it or something.\n'

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    在Android开发工作中,我们都或多或少接触过代码混淆.比如我们想要集成某个SDK,往往需要做一些排除混淆的操作. 本文为本人的一些实践总结,介绍一些混淆的知识和注意事项.希望可以帮助大家更好的学习 ...

  7. 如何快速读懂一个后端系统代码

    如何快速看懂一个后端系统代码 当一个java开发新手拿到一个系统代码并且没有人给你讲基本的需求与功能时,如何快速读懂代码了解功能是提高工作效率的必备技能.我作为一个参加工作一年的Java小菜是如何做的 ...

  8. 一文读懂PyTorch张量基础(附代码)

    作者:Matthew Mayo, KDnuggets 翻译:和中华 校对:丁楠雅 本文约1000字,建议阅读5分钟. 本文介绍了PyTorch Tensor最基础的知识以及如何跟Numpy的ndarr ...

  9. C++飞机大战(注释较多,新手可读懂,附全代码)

    学了c++,总想用c++写点东西,便想到了飞机大战,话不多说,直接开始写!! 一,头文件的问题 这个不用多说~直接上代码 #include <iostream>//可以用bits/stdc ...


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