系统 ubuntu16.04
cuda 10.0
python 3.7.6
nvidia驱动 410.48
gcc版本 5.4.0
1.git clone 源码
git clone https://github.com/ApolloAuto/apollo.git -b r5.5.0
bash docker/setup_host/install_docker.sh
bash docker/scripts/dev_start.sh -C
如果没有option -C,那就把它去掉
bash docker/scripts/dev_into.sh
bash apollo.sh build
8.如果要再次进入docker环境,先查看container ID
docker ps -a
docker attach d872ca1d7226
docker attach containerID
bash scripts/bootstrap.sh

cd docs/demo_guide/
python rosbag_helper.py demo_3.5.record
source /apollo/scripts/apollo_base.sh
cyber_recorder play -f demo_3.5.record --loop

在此之前一定要安装与本地相同版本的NVIDIA driver
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-410
2.第二步,Build Apollo
./apollo.sh build_opt_gpu
3.Run bootstrap.sh,运行dreamview
4.在浏览器打开dreamview:Launch Dreamview from your web browser by typing following address http://localhost:8888/
3.选择车辆和地图:Select your car and map using the dropdowm options in the top right corner in Dreamview
4.运行transformSelect the transform button in Dreamview or type the following command in your terminal
cyber_launch start /apollo/modules/transform/launch/static_transform.launch
比如:Cyber_launch not found,先要运行cyber_setup.bash
5.如果图像是压缩的,解压图片:If the image is compressed, launch the image decompression module
cyber_launch start modules/drivers/tools/image_decompress/launch/image_decompress.launch
Launch the perception modules
6.If you want to launch all modules
cyber_launch start /apollo/modules/perception/production/launch/perception_all.launch
7.If you want to test camera-based obstacle and lane detection
cyber_launch start /apollo/modules/perception/production/launch/perception_camera.launch
8.If you want to visualize camera-based results overlaid on the captured image and in bird view, mark enable_visualization: true in ‘modules/perception/production/conf/perception/camera/fusion_camera_detection_component.pb.txt befor executing the above command. It will pop up when you play recorded data in point 9 Also, If you want to enable CIPO, add ‘enable_cipv: true’ as a new line in the same file

If you want to test lane detection alone use
mainboard -d ./modules/perception/production/dag/dag_streaming_perception_lane.dag
If you want to visualize lane results overlaid on the captured image and in bird view, mark enable_visualization: true in modules/perception/production/conf/perception/camera/lane_detection_component.config before executing the above command. It will pop up when you play recorded data in point 9

If you want to test traffic light detection module alone use
cyber_launch start /apollo/modules/perception/production/launch/perception_trafficlight.launch
If you want to visualize the traffic light detection results overlaid on the captured image, mark —start_visualizer=true in apollo/modules/perception/production/conf/perception/perception_common.flag before executing the above command. It will pop up when you play recorded data in point 9

Play your recorded bag

cyber_recorder play -f /apollo/data/bag/anybag -r 0.2


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