





Hainan is the second largest island next to Taiwan and most southern province in China.

2.海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所,因而被誉为中国的四季花园和度假胜地,每年都吸引 了大批中外游客。

The island features beautiful views, pleasant climate, sufficient sunshine, diverse species, abundant hot springs and crystal-clear sea. As most beaches are ideal places for swimming and sunbathing almost all the year around, it is well recognized as Chiness four-season garden and holiday resort and attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.


Since its founding in 1988, Hainan has made rapid development in tourism, service industries and high-tech industries and become the only special economic zone at the provincial level.


With the strong support of the central government and the national people, Hainan will be built into the largest pilot free trade zone.

海南是仅次于台湾的中国第二大岛,是位于中国最南端的省份。海南岛风景秀丽,气候宜人,阳光充足,生物多样,温泉密布,海水清澈,大部分海滩几乎全年都是游泳和日光浴的理想场所,因而被誉为中国的四季花园和度假胜地,每年都吸引 了大批中外游客。

  海南1988年建省以来,旅游业、服务业、高新技术产业飞速发展,是中国唯一的省极经济特区。在中央政府和全国人民的大 力支持下,海南将建成中国最大的自由贸易试验区。

  Hainan is the second largest island next to Taiwan and most southern province in China. The island features beautiful views, pleasant climate, sufficient sunshine, diverse species, abundant hot springs and crystal-clear sea. As most beaches are ideal places for swimming and sunbathing almost all the year around, it is well recognized as Chiness four-season garden and holiday resort and attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists.

  Since its founding in 1988, Hainan has made rapid development in tourism, service industries and high-tech industries and become the only special economic zone at the provincial level. With the strong support of the central government and the national people, Hainan will be built into the largest pilot free trade zone.



Yunnan is a province in southwest China with the average altitude of 1,500 metres.


Yunnan features a long history, picturesque landscapes and pleasant climate.


With its superior ecological environment and diverse species, Yunnan is well recognized as a paradise of wild animals and plants.


In addition, Yunnan boasts abundant mineral and water resources, providing favourable conditions for its sustainable development.


Yunnan is home to 25 ethnic minorities, who have their own language, custom and religion.

6.云南独特的自然景色和丰富的民族文化使其成为中国最受 欢迎的旅游目的地之一,每年都吸引着大批国内外游客前往观光旅游。

The unique natural scenery and the rich ethnic cultures make Yunnan one of the favourite tourist destinations in China, which attracts domestic and foreign tourists in their multitudes every year.


  云南居住着25个少数民族,他们大多有自己的语言习俗和宗教。云南独特的自然景色和丰富的民族文化使其成为中国最受 欢迎的旅游目的地之一,每年都吸引着大批国内外游客前往观光旅游。

  Yunnan is a province in southwest China with the average altitude of 1,500 metres. Yunnan features a Long history, picturesque landscapes and pleasant climate. With its superior ecological environment and diverse species, Yunnan is well recognized as a paradise of wild animals and plants. In addition, Yunnan boasts abundant mineral and water resources, providing favourable conditions for its sustainable development.

  Yunnan is home to 25 ethnic minorities, who have their own language, custom and religion. The unique natural scenery and the rich ethnic cultures make Yunnan one of the favourite tourist destinations in China, which attracts domestic and foreign tourists in their multitudes every year.



Qinghai is a province in northeast China which is dominated by mountains and plateaus and thus is characterized with an amazing average altitude of over 3,000 metres.

2.青海省得名于全国最大的咸水湖青海湖。青海湖被誉为“中国最美的湖泊”,是最受欢的旅游景点之一, 也是摄影师和艺术家的天堂。

Qinghai is named after the Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in China, which is well recognized as the most beautiful lake in China, one of the most popular tourist attractions and the heaven for photographers and other artists.


Qinghai features grand landscapes, vast territory and rich resources. The abundant reserves in oil and natural gas have contributed to the rapid economic development of many cities in the province.

4.青海尤以水资源丰宿而闻名,是中国三大河流长江、黄河和澜沧江 的发源地,在中国的水生态中发挥着重要作用。

Furthermore, Qinghai serves as the headstream of China' s three major rivers, namely, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, thus building an exceptional reputation in its water resources and playing a significant role in China' s water ecosystem.

  青海是中国西北部的一个省份,平均海拔3000以上,大部分地区为高山和高原。青海省得名于全国最大的咸水湖青海湖。青海湖被誉为“中国最美的湖泊”,是最受欢的旅游景点之一, 也是摄影师和艺术家的天堂。

  青海山川壮丽,地大物博。石油和天然气储丰富,省内许多城市的经济在石油和天然气工业带动下得到了长足发展。青海尤以水资源丰宿而闻名,是中国三大河流长江、黄河和澜沧江 的发源地,在中国的水生态中发挥着重要作用。

  Qinghai is a province in northeast China which is dominated by mountains and plateaus and thus is characterized with an amazing average altitude of over 3,000 metres. Qinghai is named after the Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in China, which is well recognized as the most beautiful lake in China, one of the most popular tourist attractions and the heaven for photographers and other artists.

  Qinghai features grand landscapes, vast territory and rich resources. The abundant reserves in oil and natural gas have contributed to the rapid economic development of many cities in the province. Furthermore, Qinghai serves as the headstream of China' s three major rivers, namely, the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, thus building an exceptional reputation in its water resources and playing a significant role in China' s water ecosystem.


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