
public class PredictGenderTrain
{public String filePath;

    public static void main(String args[]){PredictGenderTrain dg = new PredictGenderTrain();//生成类实例,这种写法忘了叫什么了,故弄玄虚的感觉,谁知道告我一下,我喜欢主类里只有main函数的写法
        dg.filePath =  System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\src\\main\\resources\\PredictGender\\Data";//找到数据路径
     * This function uses GenderRecordReader and passes it to RecordReaderDataSetIterator for further training.
    public void train(){int seed = 123456;
        double learningRate = 0.01;
        int batchSize = 100;
        int nEpochs = 100;
        int numInputs = 0;
        int numOutputs = 0;
        int numHiddenNodes = 0;

        try(GenderRecordReader rr = new GenderRecordReader(new ArrayList<String>() {{add("M");add("F");}}))//这个try里面有小括号我也是头一次注意,括号里一般都是输入输出流,训练数据读取器作为临时变量,过后就会被自动回收,这里调用性别读取器类,后面会有这个类的详细解释{long st = System.currentTimeMillis();//打印当前时间
            System.out.println("Preprocessing start time : " + st);

            rr.initialize(new FileSplit(new File(this.filePath)));//初始化读取器

            long et = System.currentTimeMillis();//打印当前时间,处理时间
            System.out.println("Preprocessing end time : " + et);
            System.out.println("time taken to process data : " + (et-st) + " ms");

            numInputs = rr.maxLengthName * 5;  // multiplied by 5 as for each letter we use five binary digits like 00000//每个字符用5个二进制表示,输入大小就是最长名字的5倍
            numOutputs = 2;//输出大小为2
            numHiddenNodes = 2 * numInputs + numOutputs;//隐含层大小

            GenderRecordReader rr1 = new GenderRecordReader(new ArrayList<String>() {{add("M");add("F");}});//又搞了一个读取器

            DataSetIterator trainIter = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(rr, batchSize, numInputs, 2);//训练迭代器
            DataSetIterator testIter = new RecordReaderDataSetIterator(rr1, batchSize, numInputs, 2);//测试迭代器

            MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder()//网络还是一样,假装自己是老司机.seed(seed).biasInit(1).regularization(true).l2(1e-4).iterations(1).optimizationAlgo(OptimizationAlgorithm.STOCHASTIC_GRADIENT_DESCENT).learningRate(learningRate).updater(Updater.NESTEROVS).momentum(0.9)//采用梯度修正的参数修正方法.list().layer(0, new DenseLayer.Builder().nIn(numInputs).nOut(numHiddenNodes).weightInit(WeightInit.XAVIER).activation("relu").build()).layer(1, new DenseLayer.Builder().nIn(numHiddenNodes).nOut(numHiddenNodes).weightInit(WeightInit.XAVIER).activation("relu").build()).layer(2, new OutputLayer.Builder(LossFunctions.LossFunction.MSE).weightInit(WeightInit.XAVIER).activation("softmax").nIn(numHiddenNodes).nOut(numOutputs).build()).pretrain(false).backprop(true).build();

            MultiLayerNetwork model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf);
            model.setListeners(new HistogramIterationListener(10));

            for ( int n = 0; n < nEpochs; n++){//按步走while(trainIter.hasNext()){//按批走model.fit(trainIter.next());//训练模型
            }ModelSerializer.writeModel(model,this.filePath + "PredictGender.net",true);//通过模型序列化方法把模型写到指定路径

            System.out.println("Evaluate model....");
            Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(numOutputs);//评价模型,这个也是老套路了,最终打印评价矩阵
            while(testIter.hasNext()){DataSet t = testIter.next();
                INDArray features = t.getFeatureMatrix();
                INDArray lables = t.getLabels();
                INDArray predicted = model.output(features,false);

                eval.eval(lables, predicted);

            }//Print the evaluation statistics
        }catch(Exception e){System.out.println("Exception111 : " + e.getMessage());
public class GenderRecordReader extends LineRecordReader//性别读取器,把什么样的数据放入深度学习网络其实就是在建模,这里把名字中的字符都映射成二进制,这也决定了隐层的输入
{// list to hold labels passed in constructor
    private List<String> labels;//标签数组

    // Final list that contains actual binary data generated from person name, it also contains label (1 or 0) at the end
    private List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();名字的二值数组,包括二值标签

    // String to hold all possible alphabets from all person names in raw data
    // This String is used to convert person name to binary string seperated by comma
    private String possibleCharacters = "";//来自于名字的字母表,用于把逗号分隔的名字转成的二进制数

    // holds length of largest name out of all person names
    public int maxLengthName = 0;//名字最长的长度

    // holds total number of names including both male and female names.
    // This variable is not used in PredictGenderTrain.java
    private int totalRecords = 0;//总共的名字数量

    // iterator for List "names" to be used in next() method
    private Iterator<String> iter;//名字迭代器

     * Constructor to allow client application to pass List of possible Labels//允许客户端程序传一串名字
     * @param labels - List of String that client application pass all possible labels, in our case "M" and "F"
    public GenderRecordReader(List<String> labels)//传入标签的方法{this.labels = labels;
        //this.labels = this.labels.stream().map(element -> element + ".csv").collect(Collectors.toList());
        //System.out.println("labels : " + this.labels);
     * returns total number of records in List "names"
     * @return - totalRecords
    private int totalRecords()//返回名字数量{return totalRecords;
     * This function does following steps//这函数做了一下几件事
     * - Looks for the files with the name (in specified folder) as specified in labels set in constructor
     * - File must have person name and gender of the person (M or F),
     *   e.g. Deepan,M
     *        Trupesh,M
     *        Vinay,M
     *        Ghanshyam,M
     *        Meera,F
     *        Jignasha,F
     *        Chaku,F
     * - File for male and female names must be different, like M.csv, F.csv etc.
     * - populates all names in temporary list
     * - generate binary string for each alphabet for all person names
     * - combine binary string for all alphabets for each name
     * - find all unique alphabets to generate binary string mentioned in above step
     * - take equal number of records from all files. To do that, finds minimum record from all files, and then takes
     *   that number of records from all files to keep balance between data of different labels.
     * - Note : this function uses stream() feature of Java 8, which makes processing faster. Standard method to process file takes more than 5-7 minutes.
     *          using stream() takes approximately 800-900 ms only.
     * - Final converted binary data is stored List<String> names variable
     * - sets iterator from "names" list to be used in next() function
     * @param split - user can pass directory containing .CSV file for that contains names of male or female//以性别命名文件的目录
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InterruptedException
     * This function gives binary string for full name string
     * - It uses "PossibleCharacters" string to find the decimal equivalent to any alphabet from it
     * - generate binary string for each alphabet
     * - left pads binary string for each alphabet to make it of size 5
     * - combine binary string for all alphabets of a name
     * - Right pads complete binary string to make it of size that is the size of largest name to keep all name length of equal size
     * - appends label value (1 or 0 for male or female respectively)
     * @param name - person name to be converted to binary string
     * @param gender - variable to decide value of label to be added to name's binary string at the end of the string
     * @return
    private String getBinaryString(String name, int gender){String binaryString = "";
        for (int j = 0; j < name.length(); j++)//对每个名字,遍历每个字符,从字符集中找到索引,把索引转成二进制,并补足5位0{String fs = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.leftPad(Integer.toBinaryString(this.possibleCharacters.indexOf(name.charAt(j))),5,"0");
            binaryString = binaryString + fs;
        }//binaryString = String.format("%-" + this.maxLengthName*5 + "s",binaryString).replace(' ','0'); // this takes more time than StringUtils, hence commented

        binaryString  = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.rightPad(binaryString,this.maxLengthName*5,"0");//这名字处理完了,要保证最大长度一致,右补0,比如某人名字是一个字符串,最长是两个字符串,缺的就补0
        binaryString = binaryString.replaceAll(".(?!$)", "$0,");//这里是一个鬼畜般的用法,老衲也是查了半天,$是结束符,
?!$代表不是结束符,.(?!$)代表不是结束符的一个字符,$0是找到这个字符, 整个的意思是只要没到结束,把每个字符替换成这个字符后面加逗号,这样就把输入分开了
        //System.out.println("binary String : " + binaryString);        return binaryString + "," + String.valueOf(gender);    }}
public void initialize(InputSplit split) throws IOException, InterruptedException//由于继承线性读取器,需要重写各方法
{if(split instanceof FileSplit)//如果split是FileSplit的实例,注意FileSplit继承BaseInputSplit,BaseInputSplit继承
InputSplit,split是InputSplit类{URI[] locations = split.locations();//文件定位,感觉方法还是挺全的


        if(locations != null && locations.length >= 1)//至少有俩文件{String longestName = "";//最长名字
            String uniqueCharactersTempString = "";//唯一字符
            List<Pair<String, List<String>>> tempNames = new ArrayList<Pair<String, List<String>>>();//临时名字数组
            for(URI location : locations){//遍历每个路径File file = new File(location);//路径对应文件夹

                List<String> temp  = this.labels.stream().filter(line -> file.getName().equals(line + ".csv")).collect(Collectors.toList());//这明明就是我最喜欢的scala的写法啊,过滤文件夹下名为性别的csv文件,组成数组
                if(temp.size() > 0)//要有文件{java.nio.file.Path path = Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath());//找到路径
                    List<String> tempList = java.nio.file.Files.readAllLines(path, Charset.defaultCharset()).stream().map(element -> element.split(",")[0]).collect(Collectors.toList());//又是scala写法,按行读取文件夹下所有数据,并按逗号切分,取出第一列也就是名字构成数组

                    Optional<String> optional = tempList.stream().reduce((name1, name2)->name1.length() >= name2.length() ? name1 : name2);//还是scala,求出最长名字

                    if (optional.isPresent() && optional.get().length() > longestName.length())//还是Scala方法,
.isPresent()相当于scala Option的some(),也就是不为空且比最长的还长longestName = optional.get();//赋值给最长字符串

                    uniqueCharactersTempString = uniqueCharactersTempString + tempList.toString();//把名字数组转成字符串
                    Pair<String,List<String>> tempPair = new Pair<String,List<String>>(temp.get(0),tempList);
                    throw new InterruptedException("File missing for any of the specified labels");//没文件报错
            }this.maxLengthName = longestName.length();//赋值最大长度

            String unique = Stream.of(uniqueCharactersTempString).map(w -> w.split("")).flatMap(Arrays::stream).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()).toString();//求名字字符串的唯一字符,详细的不说了,都是类似scala语法

            char[] chars = unique.toCharArray();//唯一字符转成字符数组

            unique = new String(chars);//再转成字符串
            unique = unique.replaceAll("\\[", "").replaceAll("\\]","").replaceAll(",","");//去掉方括号逗号
            if(unique.startsWith(" "))unique = " " + unique.trim();//如果是tab,whithspace开头,去掉

            this.possibleCharacters = unique;//赋值给唯一字符串

            Pair<String, List<String>> tempPair = tempNames.get(0);//拿出第一个文件
            int minSize = tempPair.getValue().size();//计算文件数据量
            for(int i=1;i<tempNames.size();i++)//循环找到最小的数据量{if (minSize > tempNames.get(i).getValue().size())minSize = tempNames.get(i).getValue().size();
            }List<Pair<String, List<String>>> oneMoreTempNames = new ArrayList<Pair<String, List<String>>>();
            for(int i=0;i<tempNames.size();i++)//循环文件{int diff = Math.abs(minSize - tempNames.get(i).getValue().size());//看每个文件数据量比最小的多多少
                List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<String>();

                if (tempNames.get(i).getValue().size() > minSize) {如果比最小的大,只取最小长度的数据tempList = tempNames.get(i).getValue();
                    tempList = tempList.subList(0, tempList.size() - diff);
                    tempList = tempNames.get(i).getValue();//如果一样长保持不变
                Pair<String, List<String>> tempNewPair = new Pair<String, List<String>>(tempNames.get(i).getKey(),tempList);

            List<Pair<String, List<String>>> secondMoreTempNames = new ArrayList<Pair<String, List<String>>>();

            for(int i=0;i<oneMoreTempNames.size();i++)//遍历刚才的数组{int gender = oneMoreTempNames.get(i).getKey().equals("M") ? 1 : 0;//给M编号1,F编号0
                List<String> secondList = oneMoreTempNames.get(i).getValue().stream().map(element -> getBinaryString(element.split(",")[0],gender)).collect(Collectors.toList());//把名字转成二进制,并加上新编的类别号
                Pair<String,List<String>> secondTempPair = new Pair<String, List<String>>(oneMoreTempNames.get(i).getKey(),secondList);

            for(int i=0;i<secondMoreTempNames.size();i++){names.addAll(secondMoreTempNames.get(i).getValue());//把所有文件名加到二进制名字数组
            this.totalRecords = names.size();//二进制名字总数
            this.iter = names.iterator();//变成迭代器
            throw new InterruptedException("File missing for any of the specified labels");
    }else if (split instanceof InputStreamInputSplit){System.out.println("InputStream Split found...Currently not supported");
        throw new InterruptedException("File missing for any of the specified labels");
 * - takes onme record at a time from names list using iter iterator
 * - stores it into Writable List and returns it
 * @return
public List<Writable> next()//复写next方法,逗号分隔把数值转成小数且是一个可写的列表
{if (iter.hasNext()){List<Writable> ret = new ArrayList<>();
        String currentRecord = iter.next();
        String[] temp = currentRecord.split(",");
        for(int i=0;i<temp.length;i++){ret.add(new DoubleWritable(Double.parseDouble(temp[i])));
        }return ret;
        throw new IllegalStateException("no more elements");
public boolean hasNext()//复写hasNext
{if(iter != null) {return iter.hasNext();
    }throw new IllegalStateException("Indeterminant state: record must not be null, or a file iterator must exist");
public void close() throws IOException {}@Override
public void setConf(Configuration conf) {this.conf = conf;
public Configuration getConf() {return conf;
public void reset()//复写reset,把保存的名字赋给迭代器
{this.iter = names.iterator();


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