

  1. Raft提供的方案为什么能够解决多成员变更带来的不一致问题?
  2. etxd/raft的是如何实现成员变更的问题?



  1. 日志条目会复制到两个配置的所有服务节点;
  2. 任何一个配置的任何服务节点都可以成为leader;
  3. 一致(用来选举和日志条目提交)需要在旧配置和新配置中的大多数分别达成。

    简要分析: 这种方式为什么能够避免数据不一致,首先数据不一致一般是集群中产生多个leader,正常情况下,只要在任意时刻避免多个leader产生就可以达到数据的一致性要求。而发生多个leader主要是当新节点的加入影响了大多数这个成为leader的条件。例如在当前配置中我们有【A,B,C】三个节点,现在新加入四个节点【D,E,F,G】,如果不采用联合配置,那么【D,E,F,G】就可能在收到leader的心跳之前选出新的leader,集群中就会出现两个leader。如果采用联合配置,就需要两个配置中的大多数,然而在老配置中【A,B,C】就会拒绝选举,这样【D,E,F,G】选举leader就不会成功,因为没有达到老配置的大多数。只要保证了在新配置应用之前没有发生多个leader的分化,配置更新就是安全地。只要在节点在等待主节点发送心跳之前没有选举leader成功,这样集群就算更新配置成功了。

etcd/raft 实现

etcd在实现中给出了两个方案:one by one 和联合共识方案。本文跟着上报消息流程来看看一次变更经历哪些步骤。

 // Propose proposes that data be appended to the log. Note that proposals can be lost without// notice, therefore it is user's job to ensure proposal retries.Propose(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error// ProposeConfChange proposes a configuration change. Like any proposal, the// configuration change may be dropped with or without an error being// returned. In particular, configuration changes are dropped unless the// leader has certainty that there is no prior unapplied configuration// change in its log.//// The method accepts either a pb.ConfChange (deprecated) or pb.ConfChangeV2// message. The latter allows arbitrary configuration changes via joint// consensus, notably including replacing a voter. Passing a ConfChangeV2// message is only allowed if all Nodes participating in the cluster run a// version of this library aware of the V2 API. See pb.ConfChangeV2 for// usage details and semantics.ProposeConfChange(ctx context.Context, cc pb.ConfChangeI) error


if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChange {var ccc pb.ConfChangeif err := ccc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {panic(err)}cc = ccc} else if e.Type == pb.EntryConfChangeV2 {var ccc pb.ConfChangeV2if err := ccc.Unmarshal(e.Data); err != nil {panic(err)}cc = ccc}


if cc != nil {alreadyPending := r.pendingConfIndex > r.raftLog.appliedalreadyJoint := len(r.prs.Config.Voters[1]) > 0wantsLeaveJoint := len(cc.AsV2().Changes) == 0var refused stringif alreadyPending {refused = fmt.Sprintf("possible unapplied conf change at index %d (applied to %d)", r.pendingConfIndex, r.raftLog.applied)} else if alreadyJoint && !wantsLeaveJoint {refused = "must transition out of joint config first"} else if !alreadyJoint && wantsLeaveJoint {refused = "not in joint state; refusing empty conf change"}if refused != "" {r.logger.Infof("%x ignoring conf change %v at config %s: %s", r.id, cc, r.prs.Config, refused)m.Entries[i] = pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryNormal}} else {r.pendingConfIndex = r.raftLog.lastIndex() + uint64(i) + 1}}
  1. pendingConfIndex:是否有配置正在变更,这个和切主不一样,这里如果有配置正在变更,会舍弃当前的配置变更,返回失败;
  2. wantsLeaveJoint:是否是联合配置,换句话说就是是不是涉及多个节点的变更。
  3. alreadyJoint:之前的联合配置是否已经更新为最新配置,也就是有没有清理联合配置,保留最新配置。

注意:如果alreadyJoint && !wantsLeaveJoint为真,就表示涉及多个节点变更但上次的变更还没有清理联合配置,返回失败;不是联合配置便拒绝空配置。


two years later…


func (n *node) ApplyConfChange(cc pb.ConfChangeI) *pb.ConfState {var cs pb.ConfStateselect {case n.confc <- cc.AsV2():case <-n.done:}select {case cs = <-n.confstatec:case <-n.done:}return &cs


case cc := <-n.confc:_, okBefore := r.prs.Progress[r.id]// 进入raft协议层进行配置变更应用cs := r.applyConfChange(cc)// If the node was removed, block incoming proposals. Note that we// only do this if the node was in the config before. Nodes may be// a member of the group without knowing this (when they're catching// up on the log and don't have the latest config) and we don't want// to block the proposal channel in that case.//// NB: propc is reset when the leader changes, which, if we learn// about it, sort of implies that we got readded, maybe? This isn't// very sound and likely has bugs.if _, okAfter := r.prs.Progress[r.id]; okBefore && !okAfter {var found boolouter:for _, sl := range [][]uint64{cs.Voters, cs.VotersOutgoing} {for _, id := range sl {if id == r.id {found = truebreak outer}}}if !found {propc = nil}}select {case n.confstatec <- cs:case <-n.done:}


func (r *raft) applyConfChange(cc pb.ConfChangeV2) pb.ConfState {// 整个配置变更准备就在这个虚拟函数中做了cfg, prs, err := func() (tracker.Config, tracker.ProgressMap, error) {// 首先初始化一个Changer结构体changer := confchange.Changer{Tracker:   r.prs,LastIndex: r.raftLog.lastIndex(),}// 判断是不是来解除联合配置的,这里为什么能够判断我们暂时按下不表 ①if cc.LeaveJoint() {// 进入解除流程return changer.LeaveJoint()} else if autoLeave, ok := cc.EnterJoint(); ok { // 判断能否进入联合配置,就是来看是否有多个节点变更②// 然后进入联合配置变更 ③return changer.EnterJoint(autoLeave, cc.Changes...)}// 如果不是就施行one by one模式,就比较简单 return changer.Simple(cc.Changes...)}()if err != nil {// TODO(tbg): return the error to the caller.panic(err)}// 切换到准备好的配置 ④return r.switchToConfig(cfg, prs)


if r.prs.Config.AutoLeave && oldApplied <= r.pendingConfIndex && newApplied >= r.pendingConfIndex && r.state == StateLeader {// If the current (and most recent, at least for this leader's term)// 这里做了一件事,就是如果AutoLeave为真,上一个配置还没收尾,就该收尾了,当然只能是leader收尾// 怎么收尾呢,就是发一个空配置ent := pb.Entry{Type: pb.EntryConfChangeV2,Data: nil,}// There's no way in which this proposal should be able to be rejected.if !r.appendEntry(ent) {panic("refused un-refusable auto-leaving ConfChangeV2")}r.pendingConfIndex = r.raftLog.lastIndex()r.logger.Infof("initiating automatic transition out of joint configuration %s", r.prs.Config)}


func (c ConfChangeV2) LeaveJoint() bool {// NB: c is already a copy.c.Context = nilreturn proto.Equal(&c, &ConfChangeV2{})


func (c ConfChangeV2) EnterJoint() (autoLeave bool, ok bool) {// NB: in theory, more config changes could qualify for the "simple"// protocol but it depends on the config on top of which the changes apply.// For example, adding two learners is not OK if both nodes are part of the// base config (i.e. two voters are turned into learners in the process of// applying the conf change). In practice, these distinctions should not// matter, so we keep it simple and use Joint Consensus liberally.if c.Transition != ConfChangeTransitionAuto || len(c.Changes) > 1 {// Use Joint Consensus.var autoLeave boolswitch c.Transition {// ConfChangeTransitionAuto和ConfChangeTransitionJointImplicit都会在raft的收尾工作中自动完成联合配置解除case ConfChangeTransitionAuto:autoLeave = truecase ConfChangeTransitionJointImplicit:autoLeave = true// 需要应用层显示发一个空配置告诉Raft,解除上一次的联合配置case ConfChangeTransitionJointExplicit:default:panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown transition: %+v", c))}return autoLeave, true}return false, false


func (c Changer) EnterJoint(autoLeave bool, ccs ...pb.ConfChangeSingle) (tracker.Config, tracker.ProgressMap, error) {// 拷贝出要正在应用的配置和Tracker.Progressyi ③-①cfg, prs, err := c.checkAndCopy()if err != nil {return c.err(err)}// 如果已经是联合配置了,就返回错误 ③-②if joint(cfg) {err := errors.New("config is already joint")return c.err(err)}// 只是为了测试,别当真,正常运行的raft集群怎么会没有Votersif len(incoming(cfg.Voters)) == 0 {// We allow adding nodes to an empty config for convenience (testing and// bootstrap), but you can't enter a joint state.err := errors.New("can't make a zero-voter config joint")return c.err(err)}// 保留之前的配置放到joint[1]中*outgoingPtr(&cfg.Voters) = quorum.MajorityConfig{}// Copy incoming to outgoing.for id := range incoming(cfg.Voters) {// 赋值为原来配置,意思是即将不用的配置outgoing,即将走了。。。有没有字面意思的感觉哈哈哈outgoing(cfg.Voters)[id] = struct{}{}}// 应用为联合配置,这里很重要③-③if err := c.apply(&cfg, prs, ccs...); err != nil {return c.err(err)}// 这里的变更主要是让raft后面进行收尾工作cfg.AutoLeave = autoLeave//  这个我们在第①点里说一下return checkAndReturn(cfg, prs)


func (c Changer) checkAndCopy() (tracker.Config, tracker.ProgressMap, error) {cfg := c.Tracker.Config.Clone()prs := tracker.ProgressMap{}for id, pr := range c.Tracker.Progress {// A shallow copy is enough because we only mutate the Learner field.ppr := *pr// 这里拷贝的是每个progress地址prs[id] = &ppr}return checkAndReturn(cfg, prs)


func joint(cfg tracker.Config) bool {return len(outgoing(cfg.Voters)) > 0


// 这个函数主要做什么呢?就是根据ConfChangeSingle的内容,对原来的配置做一个变更
func (c Changer) apply(cfg *tracker.Config, prs tracker.ProgressMap, ccs ...pb.ConfChangeSingle) error {for _, cc := range ccs {if cc.NodeID == 0 {// etcd replaces the NodeID with zero if it decides (downstream of// raft) to not apply a change, so we have to have explicit code// here to ignore these.continue}switch cc.Type {// 如果是增加节点,就在prs中加一个,顺便清理Learners 和LearnersNext中相关的节点,下同就不啰嗦了case pb.ConfChangeAddNode:c.makeVoter(cfg, prs, cc.NodeID)case pb.ConfChangeAddLearnerNode:c.makeLearner(cfg, prs, cc.NodeID)case pb.ConfChangeRemoveNode:c.remove(cfg, prs, cc.NodeID)case pb.ConfChangeUpdateNode:default:return fmt.Errorf("unexpected conf type %d", cc.Type)}}// 这个就是如果变更后没有节点了,就是说全给删了或者变为learner节点,这必然不行啊,那干嘛不直接整一个新的集群,然后把这个集群给下了if len(incoming(cfg.Voters)) == 0 {return errors.New("removed all voters")}return nil


// switchToConfig reconfigures this node to use the provided configuration. It
// updates the in-memory state and, when necessary, carries out additional
// actions such as reacting to the removal of nodes or changed quorum
// requirements.
// The inputs usually result from restoring a ConfState or applying a ConfChange.
func (r *raft) switchToConfig(cfg tracker.Config, prs tracker.ProgressMap) pb.ConfState {// 把老配置应用程序新配置,以及prs也换一下r.prs.Config = cfgr.prs.Progress = prsr.logger.Infof("%x switched to configuration %s", r.id, r.prs.Config)// 拿到之前配置状态cs := r.prs.ConfState()// 检查当前节点是否在prs中,就是看看是否被移除pr, ok := r.prs.Progress[r.id]// Update whether the node itself is a learner, resetting to false when the// node is removed.// 当前节点是否被变为learner节点r.isLearner = ok && pr.IsLearner// 如果如果是主节点且被降级了或者移除了if (!ok || r.isLearner) && r.state == StateLeader {// 直接返回// This node is leader and was removed or demoted. We prevent demotions// at the time writing but hypothetically we handle them the same way as// removing the leader: stepping down into the next Term.//// TODO(tbg): step down (for sanity) and ask follower with largest Match// to TimeoutNow (to avoid interruption). This might still drop some// proposals but it's better than nothing.//// TODO(tbg): test this branch. It is untested at the time of writing.return cs}// Follower或者candidateif r.state != StateLeader || len(cs.Voters) == 0 {return cs}// 如果是主节点,就准备提交配置,看看大多数节点的Match Index是否大于当前commitIndex,如果大于就可提交到MatchIndexif r.maybeCommit() {// If the configuration change means that more entries are committed now,// broadcast/append to everyone in the updated config.// 然后广播给其他节点,我准备提交到MatchIndexr.bcastAppend()} else {// Otherwise, still probe the newly added replicas; there's no reason to// let them wait out a heartbeat interval (or the next incoming// proposal).r.prs.Visit(func(id uint64, pr *tracker.Progress) {// 或者给落后的节点发送append消息r.maybeSendAppend(id, false /* sendIfEmpty */)})}// 如果将要切主的节点被移除了,就驳回切主请求if _, tOK := r.prs.Config.Voters.IDs()[r.leadTransferee]; !tOK && r.leadTransferee != 0 {r.abortLeaderTransfer()}// 返回变更后的ConfStatereturn cs


case cc := <-n.confc:_, okBefore := r.prs.Progress[r.id]cs := r.applyConfChange(cc)// If the node was removed, block incoming proposals. Note that we// only do this if the node was in the config before. Nodes may be// a member of the group without knowing this (when they're catching// up on the log and don't have the latest config) and we don't want// to block the proposal channel in that case.//// NB: propc is reset when the leader changes, which, if we learn// about it, sort of implies that we got readded, maybe? This isn't// very sound and likely has bugs.if _, okAfter := r.prs.Progress[r.id]; okBefore && !okAfter {var found boolouter:for _, sl := range [][]uint64{cs.Voters, cs.VotersOutgoing} {for _, id := range sl {if id == r.id {found = truebreak outer}}}if !found {propc = nil}}select {case n.confstatec <- cs:case <-n.done:}





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