gsoc 任务

Hello everyone,


This is the blog post for the third week of my GSoC coding period. In this post, I talk about the developments in our project, the power of built-in cancellation in the Combine framework, and also share an incredible news!

这是我的GSoC编码周期第三周的博客文章。 在这篇文章中,我将讨论我们项目的发展,Combine框架中内置取消功能的强大功能,并分享一个不可思议的消息!

I have to say, it really has been fast. It is almost unbelievable to me that its been about seven weeks being into GSoC already*; and WWDC kicks off tomorrow! *Results were announced on May 4, community bonding period starts instantly.

我不得不说,这确实很快。 对我来说,这几乎已经不可思议了,它已经进入GSoC大约七个星期了*; WWDC明天开始! *结果于5月4日宣布,社区联谊期立即开始。

项目发展 (Developments in the project)

This week, we’ve completed some major tasks for the Mentorship iOS app, and it is starting to take shape now.

本周,我们已经完成了Mentorship iOS应用程序的一些主要任务,并且现在已初具规模。

家 (Home)

Home Screen

The home screen gives the users an overview of all their mentorship relation requests, along with a quick glance of their tasks. The home screen is also the source screen for the user to access their profile.

主屏幕为用户提供了所有导师关系请求的概览,以及他们的任务的快速浏览。 主屏幕还是用户访问其个人资料的源屏幕。

As you might know from my second week post, the current design of the home screen was decided after a full week of additional discussions. It looks nice :) (Sorry for the weird tasks xD)

您可能会在第二周的帖子中知道,主屏幕的当前设计是经过一整周的额外讨论后才决定的。 看起来不错:)(对xD奇怪的任务很抱歉)

个人资料 (Profile)

Profile Editor

The profile of the user is stored on device and synchronized with the server to make it accessible offline while keeping it up-to-date.


Updating the profile is a multi-step process, involving making an HTTP call to the server, showing a custom spinner along with text during the process, showing an alert after completion with appropriate message, and saving the profile in offline storage.


Due to the use of bindings, the data structure of a user profile containing optionals is changed so that it can be safely unwrapped for editing in the text fields, and then changed again while saving.


Also, we’ve now added protocols which allows us to reuse the profile screen to a good extent for the member profile and the user profile page. It’s a pretty elegant solution, and serves as an implementation of generic programming.

此外,我们现在还添加了协议,这些协议使我们可以在很大程度上将配置文件屏幕重用于成员配置文件和用户配置文件页面。 这是一个非常优雅的解决方案,可以用作通用编程的实现。

设定值 (Settings)

Settings Screen

I especially like the settings screen. It’s really neat! The big and clear icons without any color or background make for an experience that is truly distraction free.

我特别喜欢设置屏幕。 真的很整洁! 没有任何颜色或背景的大而清晰的图标带来了真正的无干扰体验。

It is seriously a pleasure to use it, especially on a physical device.



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