
package com.openapi.util;import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;/*** 描述:日期处理类.*/
public class TimeUtil {/*** one day millisecond count*/public static final long ONE_DAY_MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 3600 * 24;public static final long ONE_HOUR_MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 3600;public static final long ONE_MIN_MILLISECONDS = 1000 * 60;/*** 时间日期格式化到年月日时分秒.*/public static String dateFormatYMDHMS = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";public static String dateFormatYMDHMS_f = "yyyyMMddHHmmss";public static String dateFormatMDHM = "MM-dd HH:mm";public static String dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";/*** 时间日期格式化到年月日.*/public static String dateFormatYMD = "yyyy-MM-dd";/*** 时间日期格式化到年月日时分.中文显示*/public static String dateFormatYMDHMofChinese = "yyyy年MM月dd日 HH:mm";/*** 时间日期格式化到年月日.中文显示*/public static String dateFormatYMDofChinese = "yyyy年MM月dd日";/*** 时间日期格式化到月日.中文显示*/public static String dateFormatMDofChinese = "MM月dd日";/*** 时间日期格式化到月.中文显示*/public static String dateFormatMofChinese = "MM月";/*** 时间日期格式化到年月.*/public static String dateFormatYM = "yyyy-MM";/*** 时间日期格式化到年月日时分.*/public static String dateFormatYMDHM = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm";//2018-04-23 15:15:46/*** 时间日期格式化到月日.*/public static String dateFormatMD = "MM/dd";public static String dateFormatM_D = "MM-dd";public static String dateFormatM = "MM月";public static String dateFormatD = "dd";public static String dateFormatM2 = "MM";public static String dateFormatMDHMofChinese = "MM月dd日HH时mm分";public static String dateFormatHMofChinese = "HH时mm分";public static String dateFormatyyMMddHHmmss = "yyMMddHHmmss";/*** 时分秒.*/public static String dateFormatHMS = "HH:mm:ss";/*** 时分.*/public static String dateFormatHM = "HH:mm";/*** 上午/下午时分*/public static String dateFormatAHM = "aHH:mm";public static String dateFormatYMDE = "yyyy/MM/dd E";public static String dateFormatYMD2 = "yyyy/MM/dd";private static String dateFormatYYYYMM = "yyyyMM";/*** 时间戳转特定格式时间** @param dataFormat* @param timeStamp* @return*/public static String formatData(String dataFormat, long timeStamp) {if (timeStamp == 0) {return "";}timeStamp = timeStamp;SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(dataFormat);return format.format(new Date(timeStamp));}/*字符串转时间戳*/public static long parseTime(String strTime, String dataFormat) {SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(dataFormat);long time = 0L;try {time = format.parse(strTime).getTime();} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return time;}/*** 将毫秒转换成秒** @param time* @return*/public static int convertToSecond(Long time) {Date date = new Date();date.setTime(time);return date.getSeconds();}/*** 描述:时间戳转化为Date类型.** @param strDate String形式的日期时间* @param format  毫秒级时间戳* @return Date Date类型日期时间*/public static Date getDateByFormat(long longDate, String format) {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);Date date = null;try {date = mSimpleDateFormat.parse(mSimpleDateFormat.format(longDate));} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return date;}/*** 描述:String类型的日期时间转化为Date类型.** @param strDate String形式的日期时间* @param format  格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @return Date Date类型日期时间*/public static Date getDateByFormat(String strDate, String format) {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);Date date = null;try {date = mSimpleDateFormat.parse(strDate);} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return date;}/*** 描述:String类型的日期时间转化为Date类型.** @param strDate String形式的日期时间* @param format  格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @return Date Date类型日期时间*/public static Date getDateByFormat(String strDate) {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatYMDHMS);Date date = null;try {date = mSimpleDateFormat.parse(strDate);} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return date;}/*** 描述:获取偏移之后的Date.** @param date          日期时间* @param calendarField Calendar属性,对应offset的值, 如(Calendar.DATE,表示+offset天,Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,表示+offset小时)* @param offset        偏移(值大于0,表示+,值小于0,表示-)* @return Date 偏移之后的日期时间*/public static Date getDateByOffset(Date date, int calendarField, int offset) {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();try {c.setTime(date);c.add(calendarField, offset);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return c.getTime();}/*** 描述:获取指定日期时间的字符串(可偏移).** @param strDate       String形式的日期时间* @param format        格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @param calendarField Calendar属性,对应offset的值, 如(Calendar.DATE,表示+offset天,Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,表示+offset小时)* @param offset        偏移(值大于0,表示+,值小于0,表示-)* @return String String类型的日期时间*/public static String getStringByOffset(String strDate, String format, int calendarField, int offset) {String mDateTime = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);c.setTime(mSimpleDateFormat.parse(strDate));c.add(calendarField, offset);mDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return mDateTime;}/*** 描述:Date类型转化为String类型(可偏移).** @param date          the date* @param format        the format* @param calendarField the calendar field* @param offset        the offset* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getStringByOffset(Date date, String format, int calendarField, int offset) {String strDate = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);c.setTime(date);c.add(calendarField, offset);strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** from yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss to MM-dd HH:mm*/public static String formatDate(String before) {String after;try {Date date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.getDefault()).parse(before);after = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd HH:mm", Locale.getDefault()).format(date);} catch (ParseException e) {return before;}return after;}/*** CST转string*/public static String formatCST(String before) {String after;try {SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.US);Date d = sdf.parse(before);after = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd ").format(d);} catch (ParseException e) {return before;}return after;}/*** CST转string*/public static String formatCST(String before, String pattern) {String after;try {SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy", Locale.US);Date d = sdf.parse(before);after = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(d);} catch (ParseException e) {return before;}return after;}/*** 获取日期字符串(eg:180525)** @return*/public static String getDateStr() {Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();//SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH");//(now.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1900), now.get(Calendar.MONTH), now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH), now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), 0;//String time =now.get(Calendar.YEAR)+""+ (now.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+""+now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)+""+now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);String year = (now.get(Calendar.YEAR) + "").substring(2);String month = (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1 + "").length() == 1 ? "0" + (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) : (now.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) + "";String day = (now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "").length() == 1 ? "0" + now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) : now.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) + "";String hour = (now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + "").length() == 1 ? "0" + now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) : now.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + "";return year + month + day + hour;}/*** 获取当日凌晨时间戳*/public static Long getEarlyTime() {//获取当日凌晨时间戳long now = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L;long daySecond = 60 * 60 * 24;long dayTime = now - (now + 8 * 3600) % daySecond;return dayTime;}/*** 获取凌晨时间戳*/public static Date getEarlyTime(Date time,String dateFormat) {//获取当日凌晨时间戳long now = time.getTime() / 1000L;long daySecond = 60 * 60 * 24;long dayTime = now - (now + 8 * 3600) % daySecond;long millis = dayTime * 1000;return getDateByFormat(millis, dateFormat);}/*** 描述:Date类型转化为String类型.** @param date   the date* @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getStringByFormat(Date date, String format) {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);String strDate = null;try {strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(date);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** 描述:获取指定日期时间的字符串,用于导出想要的格式.** @param strDate String形式的日期时间,必须为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss格式* @param format  输出格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @return String 转换后的String类型的日期时间*/public static String getStringByFormat(String strDate, String format) {String mDateTime = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);c.setTime(mSimpleDateFormat.parse(strDate));SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat(format);mDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat2.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return mDateTime;}/*** 描述:获取milliseconds表示的日期时间的字符串.** @param format 格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @return String 日期时间字符串*/public static String getStringByFormat(long milliseconds, String format) {String thisDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);thisDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(milliseconds);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return thisDateTime;}/*** 描述:获取表示当前日期时间的字符串.** @param format 格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @return String String类型的当前日期时间*/public static String getCurrentDate(String format) {String curDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();curDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return curDateTime;}public static Date getCurrentDate(){String curDateTime = getCurrentDate(dateFormatYMDHMS);return convertStringToDate(dateFormatYMDHMS, curDateTime);}//获取当前系统当天日期public static String getCurrentDay() {String curDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0);curDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return curDateTime;}//获取当前系统当天日期public static String getCurrentDayToSecond() {String curDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatYMDHMS);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0);curDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return curDateTime;}//获取当前系统当天日期public static String getCurrentDay2() {String curDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatYMDHMS);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 0);curDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return curDateTime;}//获取当前系统前后第几天public static String getNextDay(int i) {String curDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, i);curDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return curDateTime;}//获取当前系统前后第几小时public static String getNextHour(int i) {String curDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormat);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();c.add(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, i);curDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return curDateTime;}/*** 描述:获取表示当前日期时间的字符串(可偏移).** @param format        格式化字符串,如:"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"* @param calendarField Calendar属性,对应offset的值, 如(Calendar.DATE,表示+offset天,Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY,表示+offset小时)* @param offset        偏移(值大于0,表示+,值小于0,表示-)* @return String String类型的日期时间*/public static String getCurrentDateByOffset(String format, int calendarField, int offset) {String mDateTime = null;try {SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();c.add(calendarField, offset);mDateTime = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return mDateTime;}/*** 描述:计算两个日期所差的天数.** @param date1 第一个时间的毫秒表示* @param date2 第二个时间的毫秒表示* @return int 所差的天数*/public static int getOffectDay(long date1, long date2) {Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar1.setTimeInMillis(date1);Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar2.setTimeInMillis(date2);//先判断是否同年int y1 = calendar1.get(Calendar.YEAR);int y2 = calendar2.get(Calendar.YEAR);int d1 = calendar1.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);int d2 = calendar2.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);int maxDays = 0;int day = 0;if (y1 - y2 > 0) {maxDays = calendar2.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);day = d1 - d2 + maxDays;} else if (y1 - y2 < 0) {maxDays = calendar1.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);day = d1 - d2 - maxDays;} else {day = d1 - d2;}return day;}/*** 描述:计算两个日期所差的小时数.** @param date1 第一个时间的毫秒表示* @param date2 第二个时间的毫秒表示* @return int 所差的小时数*/public static int getOffectHour(long date1, long date2) {Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar1.setTimeInMillis(date1);Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar2.setTimeInMillis(date2);int h1 = calendar1.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);int h2 = calendar2.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);int h = 0;int day = getOffectDay(date1, date2);h = h1 - h2 + day * 24;return h;}/*** 描述:计算两个日期所差的分钟数.** @param date1 第一个时间的毫秒表示* @param date2 第二个时间的毫秒表示* @return int 所差的分钟数*/public static int getOffectMinutes(long date1, long date2) {Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar1.setTimeInMillis(date1);Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar2.setTimeInMillis(date2);int m1 = calendar1.get(Calendar.MINUTE);int m2 = calendar2.get(Calendar.MINUTE);int h = getOffectHour(date1, date2);int m = 0;m = m1 - m2 + h * 60;return m;}/*** 描述:计算两个日期所差的秒数* @param date1 下一个时间的毫秒表示* @param date2 上一个时间的毫秒表示* @return*/public static  int getOffectSeconds(long date1,long date2){Calendar calendar1 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar1.setTimeInMillis(date1);Calendar calendar2 = Calendar.getInstance();calendar2.setTimeInMillis(date2);int s1 = calendar1.get(Calendar.SECOND);int s2 = calendar2.get(Calendar.SECOND);int m = getOffectMinutes(date1,date2);int h = getOffectHour(date1, date2);int s = 0;s = s1 - s2 + h * 3600 + m * 60;return s;}/*** 描述:获取本周一.** @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getFirstDayOfWeek(String format) {return getDayOfWeek(format, Calendar.MONDAY);}public static String getFirstDayOfWeek(String format, Long time) {SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); // 设置时间格式Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();cal.setTime(new Date(time));// 判断要计算的日期是否是周日,如果是则减一天计算周六的,否则会出问题,计算到下一周去了int dayWeek = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);// 获得当前日期是一个星期的第几天if (1 == dayWeek) {cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, -1);}System.out.println("要计算日期为:" + sdf.format(cal.getTime())); // 输出要计算日期cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY);// 设置一个星期的第一天,按中国的习惯一个星期的第一天是星期一int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);// 获得当前日期是一个星期的第几天cal.add(Calendar.DATE, cal.getFirstDayOfWeek() - day);// 根据日历的规则,给当前日期减去星期几与一个星期第一天的差值cal.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);cal.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0);cal.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0);String imptimeBegin = sdf.format(cal.getTime());System.out.println("所在周星期一的日期:" + imptimeBegin);
//        cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 2);
//        String imptimeMi = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
//        System.out.println("所在周星期三的日期:" + imptimeMi);
//        cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 2);
//        String imptimeEnd = sdf.format(cal.getTime());
//        System.out.println("所在周星期五的日期:" + imptimeEnd);return imptimeBegin;}/*** 描述:获取本周日.** @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getLastDayOfWeek(String format) {return getDayOfWeek(format, Calendar.SUNDAY);}/*** 描述:获取本周的某一天.** @param format        the format* @param calendarField the calendar field* @return String String类型日期时间*/private static String getDayOfWeek(String format, int calendarField) {String strDate = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);int week = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);if (week == calendarField) {strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} else {int offectDay = calendarField - week;if (calendarField == Calendar.SUNDAY) {offectDay = 7 - Math.abs(offectDay);}c.add(Calendar.DATE, offectDay);strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());}} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** 描述:获取本月第一天.** @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getFirstDayOfMonth(String format) {String strDate = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);//当前月的第一天c.set(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** 描述:获取本月第一天.** @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getFirstDayOfMonth(String format, Long date) {String strDate = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);//当前月的第一天if (date != null) {c.setTime(new Date(date));}c.set(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);c.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);c.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0);c.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0);strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** 描述:获取本月第一天.** @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getFirstDayOfYear(String format, Long date) {String strDate = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);//当前月的第一天if (date != null) {c.setTime(new Date(date));}c.set(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);c.set(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);c.set(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE, 0);c.set(GregorianCalendar.SECOND, 0);strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** 描述:获取本月最后一天.** @param format the format* @return String String类型日期时间*/public static String getLastDayOfMonth(String format) {String strDate = null;try {Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();SimpleDateFormat mSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);// 当前月的最后一天c.set(Calendar.DATE, 1);c.roll(Calendar.DATE, -1);strDate = mSimpleDateFormat.format(c.getTime());} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}return strDate;}/*** 描述:获取表示当前日期的0点时间毫秒数.** @return the first time of day*/public static long getFirstTimeOfDay() {Date date = null;try {String currentDate = getCurrentDate(dateFormatYMD);date = getDateByFormat(currentDate + " 00:00:00", dateFormatYMDHMS);return date.getTime();} catch (Exception e) {}return -1;}/*** 描述:获取表示当前日期24点时间毫秒数.** @return the last time of day*/public static long getLastTimeOfDay() {Date date = null;try {String currentDate = getCurrentDate(dateFormatYMD);date = getDateByFormat(currentDate + " 24:00:00", dateFormatYMDHMS);return date.getTime();} catch (Exception e) {}return -1;}/*** 描述:判断是否是闰年()* <p>(year能被4整除 并且 不能被100整除) 或者 year能被400整除,则该年为闰年.** @param year 年代(如2012)* @return boolean 是否为闰年*/public static boolean isLeapYear(int year) {if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 400 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) {return true;} else {return false;}}/*** 取指定日期为星期几** @param strDate  指定日期* @param inFormat 指定日期格式* @return String   星期几*/public static String getWeekNumber(String strDate, String inFormat) {String week = "星期日";Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(inFormat);try {calendar.setTime(df.parse(strDate));} catch (Exception e) {return "错误";}int intTemp = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1;switch (intTemp) {case 0:week = "星期日";break;case 1:week = "星期一";break;case 2:week = "星期二";break;case 3:week = "星期三";break;case 4:week = "星期四";break;case 5:week = "星期五";break;case 6:week = "星期六";break;}return week;}/*** 距离当前多少个小时** @param dateStr* @return*/public static int getExpiredHour(String dateStr) {int ret = -1;SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");Date date;try {date = sdf.parse(dateStr);Date dateNow = new Date();long times = date.getTime() - dateNow.getTime();if (times > 0) {ret = ((int) (times / ONE_HOUR_MILLISECONDS));} else {ret = -1;}} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}return ret;}/*** 根据用户生日计算年龄*/public static int getAgeByBirthday(Date birthday) {Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();if (cal.before(birthday)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("The birthDay is before Now.It's unbelievable!");}int yearNow = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);int monthNow = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;int dayOfMonthNow = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);cal.setTime(birthday);int yearBirth = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);int monthBirth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;int dayOfMonthBirth = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);int age = yearNow - yearBirth;if (monthNow <= monthBirth) {if (monthNow == monthBirth) {// monthNow==monthBirthif (dayOfMonthNow < dayOfMonthBirth) {age--;}} else {// monthNow>monthBirthage--;}}return age;}/*** 友好显示时间差** @param diff 毫秒* @return*/public static String getFriendTimeOffer(long diff) {int day = (int) (diff / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));if (day > 0)return day + "天";int time = (int) (diff / (60 * 60 * 1000));if (time > 0)return time + "小时";int min = (int) (diff / (60 * 1000));if (min > 0)return min + "分钟";int sec = (int) diff / 1000;if (sec > 0)return sec + "秒";return "1秒";}/*** 友好的时间间隔** @param duration 秒* @return*/public static String getFriendlyDuration(long duration) {String str = "";long tmpDuration = duration;str += (tmpDuration / 60 > 10 ? tmpDuration / 60 : "0" + tmpDuration / 60) + ":";tmpDuration %= 60;str += (tmpDuration / 1 >= 10 ? tmpDuration / 1 : "0" + tmpDuration / 1);tmpDuration %= 1;return str;}/*** 友好的时间间隔2** @param duration 秒* @return*/public static String getFriendlyDuration2(long duration) {String str = "";long tmpDuration = duration;str += (tmpDuration / 60 > 0 ? tmpDuration / 60 + "'" : "");tmpDuration %= 60;str += (tmpDuration / 1 >= 10 ? tmpDuration / 1 + "''" : "0" + tmpDuration / 1 + "''");tmpDuration %= 1;return str;}public static String getFriendlyMusicDuration(long duration) {String str = "-";int tmpDuration = (int) (duration / 1000);//秒str += (tmpDuration / 3600 > 10 ? tmpDuration / 3600 : "0" + tmpDuration / 3600) + ":";tmpDuration %= 3600;str += (tmpDuration / 60 > 10 ? tmpDuration / 60 : "0" + tmpDuration / 60) + ":";tmpDuration %= 60;str += (tmpDuration / 1 >= 10 ? tmpDuration / 1 : "0" + tmpDuration / 1);tmpDuration %= 1;return str;}/*** 通过日期来确定星座** @param mouth* @param day* @return*/public static String getStarSeat(int mouth, int day) {String starSeat = null;if ((mouth == 3 && day >= 21) || (mouth == 4 && day <= 19)) {starSeat = "白羊座";} else if ((mouth == 4 && day >= 20) || (mouth == 5 && day <= 20)) {starSeat = "金牛座";} else if ((mouth == 5 && day >= 21) || (mouth == 6 && day <= 21)) {starSeat = "双子座";} else if ((mouth == 6 && day >= 22) || (mouth == 7 && day <= 22)) {starSeat = "巨蟹座";} else if ((mouth == 7 && day >= 23) || (mouth == 8 && day <= 22)) {starSeat = "狮子座";} else if ((mouth == 8 && day >= 23) || (mouth == 9 && day <= 22)) {starSeat = "处女座";} else if ((mouth == 9 && day >= 23) || (mouth == 10 && day <= 23)) {starSeat = "天秤座";} else if ((mouth == 10 && day >= 24) || (mouth == 11 && day <= 22)) {starSeat = "天蝎座";} else if ((mouth == 11 && day >= 23) || (mouth == 12 && day <= 21)) {starSeat = "射手座";} else if ((mouth == 12 && day >= 22) || (mouth == 1 && day <= 19)) {starSeat = "摩羯座";} else if ((mouth == 1 && day >= 20) || (mouth == 2 && day <= 18)) {starSeat = "水瓶座";} else {starSeat = "双鱼座";}return starSeat;}/*** 获取指定时间的毫秒值*/public static long getDatelongMills(String fomat, String dateStr) {SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(fomat);Date date = null;try {date = sdf.parse(dateStr);} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}long longDate = date.getTime();return longDate;}/*** 两个日期比较** @param DATE1* @param DATE2* @return*/public static int compare_date(String DATE1, String DATE2) {DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", Locale.CHINA);try {Date dt1 = df.parse(DATE1);Date dt2 = df.parse(DATE2);if (dt1.getTime() - dt2.getTime() > 0) {//date1>date2return 1;} else {return -1;}} catch (Exception exception) {exception.printStackTrace();}return 0;}public static boolean isValidDate(String str) {if (str == null) return false;boolean convertSuccess = true;// 指定日期格式为四位年/两位月份/两位日期,注意yyyy/MM/dd区分大小写;SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");try {// 设置lenient为false. 否则SimpleDateFormat会比较宽松地验证日期,比如2007/02/29会被接受,并转换成2007/03/01format.setLenient(true);format.parse(str);} catch (ParseException e) {// e.printStackTrace();// 如果throw java.text.ParseException或者NullPointerException,就说明格式不对convertSuccess = false;}return convertSuccess;}public static boolean isValidDate(String str, String pattern) {if (str == null) return false;boolean convertSuccess = true;// 指定日期格式为四位年/两位月份/两位日期,注意yyyy/MM/dd区分大小写;SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);try {// 设置lenient为false. 否则SimpleDateFormat会比较宽松地验证日期,比如2007/02/29会被接受,并转换成2007/03/01format.setLenient(true);format.parse(str);} catch (ParseException e) {// e.printStackTrace();// 如果throw java.text.ParseException或者NullPointerException,就说明格式不对convertSuccess = false;}return convertSuccess;}public static List<String> findDatesDay(Date dBegin, Date dEnd) {List<String> lDate = new ArrayList<String>();SimpleDateFormat sd = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUtil.dateFormatYMD);lDate.add(sd.format(dBegin));Calendar calBegin = Calendar.getInstance();// 使用给定的 Date 设置此 Calendar 的时间calBegin.setTime(dBegin);Calendar calEnd = Calendar.getInstance();// 使用给定的 Date 设置此 Calendar 的时间calEnd.setTime(dEnd);// 测试此日期是否在指定日期之后while (dEnd.after(calBegin.getTime())) {// 根据日历的规则,为给定的日历字段添加或减去指定的时间量calBegin.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);lDate.add(sd.format(calBegin.getTime()));}return lDate;}/*** @param minDate 最小时间  2015-01* @param maxDate 最大时间 2015-10* @return 日期集合 格式为 年-月* @throws Exception*/public static List<String> getMonthBetween(String minDate, String maxDate) {ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(TimeUtil.dateFormatYMD);//格式化为年月try {Calendar min = Calendar.getInstance();Calendar max = Calendar.getInstance();min.setTime(sdf.parse(minDate));min.set(min.get(Calendar.YEAR), min.get(Calendar.MONTH), 1);max.setTime(sdf.parse(maxDate));max.set(max.get(Calendar.YEAR), max.get(Calendar.MONTH), 2);Calendar curr = min;while (curr.before(max)) {result.add(sdf.format(curr.getTime()));curr.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1);}return result;} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();return null;}}/*** 当前时间所在一周的周一和周日时间** @param time 当前时间* @return*/public static Map<String, String> getWeekDate(String time) {Map<String, String> map = new HashMap();SimpleDateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");Date reDate = null;try {reDate = dateFormat2.parse(time);} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();calendar.setTime(reDate);while (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.MONDAY) {calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);}List<String> dateList = new ArrayList<String>();for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {String dayTemp = dateFormat2.format(calendar.getTime());dateList.add(dayTemp);calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);if (i == 0) {map.put("mondayDate", dayTemp);}if (i == 6) {map.put("sundayDate", dayTemp);}}return map;}public static List<String> printWeekdays(String dateStr) {SimpleDateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");Date reDate = null;try {reDate = dateFormat2.parse(dateStr);} catch (ParseException e) {e.printStackTrace();}Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();calendar.setTime(reDate);while (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.MONDAY) {calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);}List<String> dateList = new ArrayList<String>();for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {String dayTemp = dateFormat2.format(calendar.getTime());dateList.add(dayTemp);calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);}return dateList;}/*** 获取某年某月有多少天** @param year* @param month* @return*/public static int getDayNumOfMonth(int year, int month) {Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();c.set(year, month, 0); //输入类型为int类型return c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);}/*** 将 180817112342 转为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm* @return String*/public static String formatDateStr(String dateStr) {if (dateStr == null) return null;String year = dateStr.substring(0, 2);String month = dateStr.substring(2, 4);String day = dateStr.substring(4, 6);String hour = dateStr.substring(6, 8);String minute = dateStr.substring(8, 10);return "20" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute;}/*** 将 180817112342 转为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss* @return String*/public static String formatDateStr2(String dateStr) {if (dateStr == null) return null;String year = dateStr.substring(0, 2);String month = dateStr.substring(2, 4);String day = dateStr.substring(4, 6);String hour = dateStr.substring(6, 8);String minute = dateStr.substring(8, 10);String second = dateStr.substring(dateStr.length() - 2, dateStr.length());return "20" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;}/*** 将 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss 转为 180817112342* @return String*/public static String formatStrDate(String str){String str1 = str.replace("-","").replace(":","").replace(" ","");str = str1.substring(2);return str;}public static String formatThisMonth() {SimpleDateFormat dateFormat2 = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatYYYYMM);return dateFormat2.format(new Date());}/*** 将 180817112342 转为 时间戳* @return String*/public static Long formatDateStr3(String dateStr) {if (dateStr == null) return null;String year = dateStr.substring(0, 2);String month = dateStr.substring(2, 4);String day = dateStr.substring(4, 6);String hour = dateStr.substring(6, 8);String minute = dateStr.substring(8, 10);String second = dateStr.substring(dateStr.length() - 2, dateStr.length());String time = "20" + year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;return parseTime(time, dateFormatYMDHMS);}/*** 获取当前时间或时间** @param theTime theTime*/public static String getTimeOrTimeNow(Date theTime) {return getDateTime(dateFormatYMDHMS, theTime);}/*** 获取时间** @param pattern pattern* @param aDate   aDate*/private static String getDateTime(String pattern, Date aDate) {SimpleDateFormat df;String returnValue = "";if (aDate == null) {System.out.print("aDate is null!");} else {df = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);returnValue = df.format(aDate);}return (returnValue);}/*** 获取当前日期的时间戳*/public static long getNowTimeStamp() {long returnTimeStamp;Date aDate = null;aDate = convertStringToDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", getFullNowDateTime());if (aDate == null) {returnTimeStamp = 0;} else {returnTimeStamp = aDate.getTime();}return returnTimeStamp;}/*** 将字符串转成时间** @param datePattern 格式* @param strDate     字符串的时间*/public static Date convertStringToDate(String datePattern, String strDate) {SimpleDateFormat df;Date date;//传入的时间是以 / 分割int length = 2;if (strDate.split("_").length < length) {strDate = strDate.replace("/", "_");}if (strDate.split(" ").length > 1) {datePattern = dateFormatYMDHMS;}df = new SimpleDateFormat(datePattern);try {date = df.parse(strDate);} catch (ParseException pe) {return null;}return (date);}/*** 获取当前的完整的日期和时间*/public static String getFullNowDateTime() {String strReturn;Date now = new Date();try {SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");strReturn = sdf.format(now);} catch (Exception e) {strReturn = "";}return strReturn;}/*** 描述:根据时间返回几天前或几分钟的描述.** @param strDate the str date* @return the string*/public static String formatDateStr2Desc(Date date, String outFormat) {DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat(dateFormatYMDHM);Calendar c1 = Calendar.getInstance();Calendar c2 = Calendar.getInstance();try {c2.setTime(date);c1.setTime(new Date());int d = getOffectDay(c1.getTimeInMillis(), c2.getTimeInMillis());if (d == 0) {int h = getOffectHour(c1.getTimeInMillis(), c2.getTimeInMillis());if (h > 0) {return h + "小时前";} else if (h < 0) {return Math.abs(h) + "小时后";} else if (h == 0) {int m = getOffectMinutes(c1.getTimeInMillis(), c2.getTimeInMillis());if (m > 0) {return m + "分钟前";} else if (m < 0) {return Math.abs(m) + "分钟后";} else {return "刚刚";}}} else if (d > 0) {if (d == 1) {return "昨天";} else if (d == 2) {return "前天";}} else if (d < 0) {if (d == -1) {return "明天";} else if (d == -2) {return "后天";}return Math.abs(d) + "天后";}String out = getStringByFormat(df.format(date), outFormat);if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(out)) {return out;}} catch (Exception e) {}return df.format(date);}}

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