
初始为:/bigobj /wd4430


your compiler does not support AVX相关推荐

  1. caffe error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard

    error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This su ...

  2. OpenCV3.4.5带GPU编译error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011

    error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This su ...

  3. configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support.

    安装pcre包的时候提示缺少c++编译器 报错信息如下: configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support. 解决办法,使用yum安装 ...

  4. Qt 解决 #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard

    一.Qt编译过程中,出现以下问题 #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standar ...

  5. error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard.

    error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This su ...

  6. linux下安装安装pcre-8.32 configure: error: You need a C++ compiler for C++ support

    linux下安装安装pcre-8.32 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/pcre 出现以下错误 configure: error: You need a C++ com ...

  7. vscode写ROS程序报错提示需要C++11编译:This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011

    用vscode编写ROS程序,写到了thread线程相关内容,编译的时候报错: error: #error This file requires compiler and library suppor ...

  8. #error This file requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard

    解决方式: set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")

  9. 关于make提示must been abled with the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options

    转:https://blog.csdn.net/zheng_weichao/article/details/78298928 在make后,出现错误,提示如下: /usr/include/c++/4. ...


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