本人在项目中单独运行ts文件时候,遇到报错:“TS1208: ‘greeter.ts’ cannot be compiled under ‘–isolatedModules’ because it is considered a global script file. Add an import, export, or an empty ‘export {}’ statement to make it a module.”

找到 tsconfig.json 文件,把 “isolatedModules”: true, 改为 false

isolatedModules‘ because it is considered a global script file. Add an import, export, or an empty相关推荐

  1. 前端项目实战44-cannot be compiled under ‘--isolatedModules‘ because it is considered a global script file.

    找到tsconfig.json的配置文件: isolatedModules字段改为false

  2. ts+v3 报错:‘Upload.vue‘ cannot be compiled under ‘--isolatedModules‘ because it is considered a global


  3. 错误:Script file ‘D:\software_install\Anaconda_install\Scripts\pip-script.py‘ is not present.完美解决方法

    欢迎大家关注笔者,你的关注是我持续更博的最大动力 原创文章,转载告知,盗版必究 错误:Script file 'D:\software_install\Anaconda_install\Scripts ...

  4. monkeyrunner Can't open specified script file

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  5. 代码报错, Hook script file phys_opt_design.tcl used in Synth Design does not exist.

    移动项目文件夹后优化文件找不到: [Project 1-975] Hook script file D:/AXU7EV_2020/7ev_hdmitxrx_ref/7ev_hdmitxrx_ref.r ...

  6. 【python bug修复】——Script file ‘D:\softwares_install\Anaconda3\envs\PartTimes\Scripts\pip-scrip

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  7. jenkins 下Unable to produce a script file错误解决

    背景:  os是使用服务器上的jenkins 编译的,由于项目比较多,时间久了导致内存不足.导致编译失败. 执行了一次 sudo rm /tmp/* 结果导致所有的项目编译出错 FATAL: Unab ...

  8. Jenkins 运行任务时遇到 FATAL:Unable to produce a script file 报错(已解决)

    关键词:Jenkins.Unable to produce a script file.UnmappableCharacterException.IOException: Failed to crea ...

  9. The term ‘oh-my-posh‘ is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file...

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