返回上级目录:iOS 性能优化(一):Improving Your App‘s Performance


  • 1.使用实例
    • 1.1 Points of Inerest(标记代码执行的点和执行时间)
      • 1.1.1 oc版,+load方法
        • override class func load()在swift中不被允许
        • instruments测试截图:+load方法的执行在启动的Initializing - Static Runtime Initialization阶段
        • 代码:用swift代码通过桥接文件来实现
      • 1.1.2 我2022.3.1日打印出来感觉很不对,如下图
  • 2.苹果官网资料
  • 3.实际操作
    • 3.1 时间段左右上下放大缩小


1.1 Points of Inerest(标记代码执行的点和执行时间)

import MetricKitclass ViewController: UIViewController {static let startupActivities:StaticString = "viewDidLoad"let poiLog = OSLog(subsystem: "com.example.CocoaPictures", category: .pointsOfInterest)override func viewDidLoad() {super.viewDidLoad()os_signpost(.begin, log: self.poiLog, name: ViewController.startupActivities)for i in 0...100 {print(i)}os_signpost(.end, log: self.poiLog, name: ViewController.startupActivities)

Apple Developer: Reducing Your App’s Launch Time

1.1.1 oc版,+load方法

override class func load()在swift中不被允许

instruments测试截图:+load方法的执行在启动的Initializing - Static Runtime Initialization阶段


import UIKit
import MetricKitclass XXYMetric: NSObject {static var startupActivities:StaticString = "didFinishLaunching"static var poiLog = OSLog(subsystem: "com.example.CocoaPictures", category: .pointsOfInterest)@objc class func start(str: String) {poiLog = OSLog(subsystem: str, category: .pointsOfInterest)os_signpost(.begin, log: poiLog, name: startupActivities)}@objc class func end(str: String) {poiLog = OSLog(subsystem: str, category: .pointsOfInterest)os_signpost(.end, log: poiLog, name: startupActivities)}}
#import "XXYPerson.h"
#import "XCTEST_oc-Swift.h"@implementation XXYPerson+ (void)load {[XXYMetric startWithStr:@"load"];for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {NSLog(@"%d",i);}[XXYMetric endWithStr:@"load"];}@end

1.1.2 我2022.3.1日打印出来感觉很不对,如下图

  • viewDidLoad方法怎么会和viewWillAppear方法同时执行?
  • 打印十个数字怎么要4.8s?


WWDC2019:Developing a Great Profiling Experience
WWDC2019:Modeling in Custom Instruments

WWDC2019: Getting Started with Instruments

Apple Developer: Instruments Help

Xcode Instruments的使用
iOS -调试工具Instruments使用总结


3.1 时间段左右上下放大缩小

Ctrl + Ctrl - 是上下的变大变小

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