RISC-V GCC通过-mabi选项指定数据模型和浮点参数传递规则。有效的选项值包括ilp32、ilp32f、ilp32d、lp64、lp64f 和 lp64d。前半部分指定数据模型,后半部分指定浮点参数传递规则。

mingdu.zheng at gmail dot com



x int字长 long字长 指针字长
ilp32/ilp32f/ilp32d 32bits 32bits 32bits
lp64/lp64f/lp64d 32bits 64bits 64bits


x 需要浮点扩展指令? float参数 double参数
ilp32/lp64 不需要 通过整数寄存器(a0-a1)传递 通过整数寄存器(a0-a3)传递
ilp32f/lp64f 需要F扩展 通过浮点寄存器(fa0-fa1)传递 通过整数寄存器(a0-a3)传递
ilp32d/lp64d 需要F扩展和D扩展 通过浮点寄存器(fa0-fa1)传递 通过浮点寄存器(fa0-fa1)传递


RISC-V GCC 使用手册对-mabi选项的说明:

Specify integer and floating-point calling convention. ABI-string contains two parts: the size of integer types and the registers used for floating-point types. For example -march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64d means that long and pointers are 64-bit (implicitly defining int to be 32-bit), and that floating-point values up to 64 bits wide are passed in F registers. Contrast this with -march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64f, which still allows the compiler to generate code that uses the F and D extensions but only allows floating-point values up to 32 bits long to be passed in registers; or -march=rv64ifd -mabi=lp64, in which no floating-point arguments will be passed in registers.
The default for this argument is system dependent, users who want a specific calling convention should specify one explicitly. The valid calling conventions are: ilp32, ilp32f, ilp32d, lp64, lp64f, and lp64d. Some calling conventions are impossible to implement on some ISAs: for example, -march=rv32if -mabi=ilp32d is invalid because the ABI requires 64-bit values be passed in F registers, but F registers are only 32 bits wide.

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