1822 - Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing index for constraint ‘fk_tno_course’ in the referenced table ‘teacher’



create table student(sno varchar(10) primary key,sname varchar(20),sage NUMERIC(2,0),ssex varchar(5)
);create table teacher(tno varchar(10),tname varchar(20)
);create table course(cno varchar(10) primary key,cname varchar(20),tno varchar(20) not null,constraint fk_tno_course foreign key (tno) references teacher(tno)
);create table score(sno varchar(10),cno varchar(10),score NUMERIC(4,2),constraint pk_sno_cno primary key (sno,cno),constraint fk_cno_score foreign key (cno) references course(cno),constraint fk_sno_score foreign key (sno) references student(sno)


create table student(sno varchar(10) primary key,sname varchar(20),sage NUMERIC(2,0),ssex varchar(5)
);create table teacher(tno varchar(10) primary key,tname varchar(20)
);create table course(cno varchar(10) primary key,cname varchar(20),tno varchar(20) not null,constraint fk_tno_course foreign key (tno) references teacher(tno)
);create table score(sno varchar(10),cno varchar(10),score NUMERIC(4,2),constraint pk_sno_cno primary key (sno,cno),constraint fk_cno_score foreign key (cno) references course(cno),constraint fk_sno_score foreign key (sno) references student(sno)

1822 - Failed to add the foreign key constraint. Missing index for constraint ‘fk_tno_course‘ in the相关推荐

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