1、Cannot access memory at adress 0xbf9

     a. 我把读串口的readMyCom()私有函数的代买注视掉一行就不会出现上面的问题,这个函数的代码是:
     viod MainWindow::readMyCom()
          QByteArray temp;
          temp = myCom -> readAll();
          if (!temp.isEmpty())
               if(cmd[1] == temp[1])           // cmd是我定义的一个8个数据元素的数组cmd[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
ui -> textBrowser -> append(tr("Receive: ") + temp);  
//                 qFatal("Read Success!");               // 我把这行注视掉就没错了,不明白为什么,现在我终于明白“要怀疑一切”。
b. 这里的qFatal()是这样的函数(摘录Qt API4_3_4.CHM):
void qFatal ( const char * msg , ... )

Calls the message handler with the fatal message  msg . If no message handler has been installed, the message is printed to stderr. Under Windows, the message is sent to the debugger.

For a release library this function will exit the application with return value 1. For the debug version this function will abort on Unix systems to create a core dump, and report a _CRT_ERROR on Windows allowing to connect a debugger to the application.

This function takes a format string and a list of arguments, similar to the C printf() function.


 int divide(int a, int b)
     if (b == 0)                                //
program error

qFatal ("divide: cannot divide by zero");

return a / b;


Warning:   The internal buffer is limited to 8192 bytes, including the '/0'-terminator.

See also  qDebug (),  qCritical (),  qWarning (),  qInstallMsgHandler (), and  Debugging Techniques .

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