因为在py脚本里调用动态链接库.so文件(Linux)或者.dll文件(windows) invalid ELF header 所以需要重新编译一下

 lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libfile)


 g++ xxx.cpp -fPIC -shared -o


km_dict.cpp:67:24: error: ‘sqrt’ was not declared in this scope67 |             inv_sq = 1/sqrt(sum_sq); // divide by sum of squares|                        ^~~~
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘std::vector<int> randperm(int, int)’:
km_dict.cpp:95:14: error: ‘LONG_MAX’ was not declared in this scope95 |         if ( LONG_MAX > RAND_MAX && n-i-1>RAND_MAX ){ // not enough with a random integer up til RAND_MAX|              ^~~~~~~~
km_dict.cpp:15:1: note: ‘LONG_MAX’ is defined in header ‘<climits>’; did you forget to ‘#include <climits>’?14 | #include <iostream>+++ |+#include <climits>15 | using namespace std;
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘void build_km_tree(im_st&, tree_st&, int, bool)’:
km_dict.cpp:253:29: error: ‘log’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘long’?253 |     int n_layer = (int)ceil(log((double)tree.n_nodes)/log((double)tree.branch_fac)); // number of layers in the tree|                             ^~~|                             long
km_dict.cpp:253:24: error: ‘ceil’ was not declared in this scope253 |     int n_layer = (int)ceil(log((double)tree.n_nodes)/log((double)tree.branch_fac)); // number of layers in the tree|                        ^~~~
km_dict.cpp:262:27: error: ‘pow’ was not declared in this scope262 |         n_in_layer = (int)pow((double)tree.branch_fac,i); // number of nodes in current layer of the tree|                           ^~~
km_dict.cpp:263:9: error: ‘sort’ was not declared in this scope; did you mean ‘qsort’?263 |         sort(patches.begin(), patches.end()); // sort the patches according to their current id|         ^~~~|         qsort
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘void build_km_tree(const double*, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool, double*)’:
km_dict.cpp:313:23: error: ‘pow’ was not declared in this scope313 |         n_tmp += (int)pow((double)branch_fac,(i+1));|                       ^~~
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘void prob_im_to_dict(const int*, int, int, const double*, int, int, int, double*)’:
km_dict.cpp:496:19: error: ‘floor’ was not declared in this scope496 |     int patch_h = floor( patch_size / 2 );|                   ^~~~~
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘void dict_to_prob_im_opt(const int*, int, int, const double*, int, int, double*)’:
km_dict.cpp:562:19: error: ‘floor’ was not declared in this scope562 |     int patch_h = floor( patch_size / 2 ); // half patch size minus 0.5|                   ^~~~~
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘void dict_to_prob_im(const int*, int, int, const double*, int, int, double*)’:
km_dict.cpp:639:19: error: ‘floor’ was not declared in this scope639 |     int patch_h = floor( patch_size / 2 );|                   ^~~~~
km_dict.cpp: In function ‘void im_to_assignment(const double*, int, int, const double*, int, int, int*)’:
km_dict.cpp:728:19: error: ‘floor’ was not declared in this scope728 |     int patch_h = floor( patch_size / 2 ); // half patch size minus 0.5


#include <climits>
#include <cmath>


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