
PyStun3 库简介

Installation 安装

Usage 用法

PyNAT 库简介

Installation 安装

From PyPI 来自 PyPI

From GitHub 来自 GitHub

Usage 用法

PyStun3 库简介


Installation 安装

To install the latest version:


$ pip install pystun3

or download/clone the source and install manually using:


$ cd /path/to/pystun3/src
$ python setup.py install

If you're hacking on pystun3 you should use the 'develop' command instead:

如果你正在使用 pystun3,你应该使用‘ develop’命令:

$ python setup.py develop

This will make a link to the sources inside your site-packages directory so that any changes are immediately available for testing.


Usage 用法

From command line:


$ pystun3
NAT Type: Full Cone
External IP: <your-ip-here>
External Port: 54320

Pass --help for more options:

通过---- 更多选项的帮助:

% pystun3 --help
usage: pystun3 [-h] [-d] [-H STUN_HOST] [-P STUN_PORT] [-i SOURCE_IP][-p SOURCE_PORT] [--version]optional arguments:-h, --help            show this help message and exit-d, --debug           Enable debug logging (default: False)-H STUN_HOST, --host STUN_HOSTSTUN host to use (default: None)-P STUN_PORT, --host-port STUN_PORTSTUN host port to use (default: 3478)-i SOURCE_IP, --interface SOURCE_IPnetwork interface for client (default: SOURCE_PORT, --port SOURCE_PORTport to listen on for client (default: 54320)--version             show program's version number and exit

From Python:

来自 Python:

import stun
nat_type, external_ip, external_port = stun.get_ip_info()

This will rotate through an internal list of STUN servers until a response is found. If no response is found you will get "Blocked" as the nat_type and None for external_ip and external_port.

这将通过 STUN 服务器的内部列表循环,直到找到响应。如果没有找到响应,您将得到“ Blocked”作为 nat _ type,而 None 作为 external _ ip 和 external _ port。

If you prefer to use a specific STUN server:

如果您喜欢使用特定的 STUN 服务器:

nat_type, external_ip, external_port = stun.get_ip_info(stun_host='stun.ekiga.net')

If you prefer to use a specific STUN server port:

如果您喜欢使用特定的 STUN 服务器端口:

nat_type, external_ip, external_port = stun.get_ip_info(stun_port=3478)

You may also specify the client interface and port that is used although this is not needed:


sip = "" # interface to listen on (all)
port = 54320 # port to listen on
nat_type, external_ip, external_port = stun.get_ip_info(sip, port)

PyNAT 库简介


Discover external IP addresses and NAT topologies using STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP Through Network Address Translators).

使用 STUN (通过网络地址转换器的 UDP 简单遍历)发现外部 IP 地址和 NAT 拓扑。

PyNAT follows RFC 3489, and is inspired by a similar program for Python 2.x called PyStun. PyNAT supports Python 2.7 and later.

遵循 RFC 3489,灵感来自 Python 2. x 的一个类似程序 PyStun。支持 Python 2.7及更高版本。

Installation 安装

PyNAT requires Python 2.7 or later.

需要 Python 2.7或更高版本。

From PyPI 来自 PyPI

Install PyNAT by running pip3 install pynat from the command line.

通过从命令行运行 pip3 Install PyNAT 来安装 PyNAT。



On some Linux systems, installation may require running pip with root permissions, or running pip3 install pynat --user. The latter may require exporting ~/.local/bin to PATH.

在某些 Linux 系统上,安装可能需要使用 root 权限运行 pip,或者运行 pip3 install pynat -- user。后者可能需要出口。本地/垃圾桶到 PATH。

From GitHub 来自 GitHub

Clone or download the git repo, navigate to the directory, and run:

克隆或下载 git repo,导航到目录,然后运行:

python3 setup.py sdist
cd dist
pip3 install pynat-<version>.tar.gz

Usage 用法

To get information about the network topology and external IP/port used, run pynat:

要获取有关网络拓扑和所使用的外部 IP/端口的信息,运行 pynat:

Network type: UDP Firewall
Internal address:
External address:

Run pynat -h or pynat --help for more options:

运行 pynat-h 或 pynat-help for more options:

usage: pynat [-h] [--source_ip SOURCE_IP] [--source-port SOURCE_PORT][--stun-host STUN_HOST] [--stun-port STUN_PORT]PyNAT v0.0.0 Discover external IP addresses and NAT topologies using STUN.
Copyright (C) 2018 Ariel Antonitis. Licensed under the MIT License.optional arguments:-h, --help            show this help message and exit--source_ip SOURCE_IPThe source IPv4 address to bind to.--source-port SOURCE_PORTThe source port to bind to.--stun-host STUN_HOSTThe STUN host to use for queries.--stun-port STUN_PORTThe port of the STUN host to use for queries.

To use PyNAT inside a Python shell or project:

在 Python shell 或者项目中使用 PyNAT:

from pynat import get_ip_info
topology, ext_ip, ext_port = get_ip_info()

To also get information about the internal IP, if unknown:

还可以获取内部 IP 的信息,如果不知道:

topology, ext_ip, ext_port, int_ip = get_ip_info(include_internal=True)

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