1. 重做复习题3.但用月份名的拼写代替月份号(别忘了可以使用strcmp())。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>struct month {char name[10];char abbrev[4];int days;int number;
struct month months[12] = {{ "January", "JAN", 31, 1 },{ "February", "FEB", 29, 2 },{ "March", "MAR", 31, 3 },{ "April", "APR", 30, 4 },{ "May", "MAY", 31, 5 },{ "June", "JUN", 30, 6 },{ "July", "JUL", 31, 7 },{ "August", "AUG", 31, 8 },{ "September", "SEP", 30, 9 },{ "October", "OCT", 31, 10 },{ "November", "NOV", 30, 11 },{ "December", "DEC", 31, 12 }
};int fun(char * mon);int main(void)
{char mon[10];int days;printf("请输入月份,要求首字母大写:");while (gets(mon) && mon[0] != '\0'){days = fun(mon);if (days)printf("一年中(非闰年)到该月结束共有%d天\n", fun(mon));    elseprintf("程序不能识别月份。\n");printf("请再次输入月份,要求首字母大写,在开始处输入回车结束:");}printf("结束。\n");return 0;
}int fun(char * mon)
{int i, num = 0;for (i = 0; i < 12; i++){num += months[i].days;if (strcmp(mon, months[i].name) == 0)break;}if (i == 12)return 0;return num;


#include<stdio.h>int days(int day, int mon, int year);
int leapyear(int year);
int input(int *, int *);    //实现月份可以是月分号、月份名或月份缩写
struct month{char name[10];char abbrev[4];int days;int monumb;
};struct month months[12] = {{ "january", "jan", 31, 1 },{ "february", "feb", 28, 2 },{ "march", "mar", 31, 3 },{ "april", "apr", 30, 4 },{ "may", "may", 31, 5 },{ "june", "jun", 30, 6 },{ "july", "jul", 31, 7 },{ "august", "aug", 31, 8 },{ "september", "sep", 30, 9 },{ "october", "oct", 31, 10 },{ "november", "nov", 30, 11 },{ "december", "dec", 31, 12 }
int main(void)
{int year, day, mon;printf("请输入年份:");while (scanf("%d", &year) == 1){if (input(&mon, &day))printf("%d-%d-%d 是这一年中的第 %d 天\n", year, mon, day, days(year, mon, day));elseprintf("输入出错。\n");while (getchar() != '\n');printf("请再次输入年份,输入q结束程序:");}printf("结束。\n");return 0;
int days(int year, int mon, int day)
{int days = 0;leapyear(year) ? months[1].days = 29 : (months[1].days = 28);for (int i = 0; i < mon - 1; i++)days += months[i].days;return (days + day);
int leapyear(int year)
{if (year % 400 == 0){return 1;}else{if (year % 100 != 0 && year % 4 == 0)return 1;}return 0;
int input(int *pm, int *pd)
{char mname[10];int number;printf("请输入月份:");if (scanf("%d", &number) == 1)*pm = number;else{gets(mname);int i;for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)if (strcmp(mname, months[i].name) == 0 ||strcmp(mname, months[i].abbrev) == 0){*pm = months[i].monumb;break;}if (12 == i)return 0;}printf("请输入日期:");if (scanf("%d", pd)!=1)return 0;return 1;



# include <stdio.h>
# define MAXTITL 40
# define MAXAUTL 40
# define MAXBKS 100
struct book
{char title[MAXTITL];char author[MAXAUTL];float value;
};void show(struct book * a[], int n);
int main(void)
{struct book library[100];struct book * plib[100];int count = 0;int index;printf("Please enter the book title.\n");printf("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.\n");while (count < MAXBKS && gets(library[count].title) != NULL && library[count].title[0] != '\0'){printf("Now enter the author.\n");gets(library[count].author);printf("Now enter the value.\n");scanf("%f", &library[count].value);plib[count] = &library[count];count++;while (getchar() != '\n')continue;if (count < MAXBKS)printf("Enter the next title.\n");}if (count > 0){printf("Hera is the list of your books: \n");for (index = 0; index < count; index++)printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n",library[index].title, library[index].author, library[index].value);printf("\n按照标题定母升序显示:\n");show(plib, count);}elseprintf("No books? Too bad.\n");return 0;
}#include <string.h>
void show(struct book * a[], int n)
{struct book * temp;int i, j;for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++)if (strcmp(a[i]->title, a[j]->title) >0){temp = a[i];a[i] = a[j];a[j] = temp;}}for (i = 0; i < n; i++)printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n",a[i]->title, a[i]->author, a[i]->value);



Dribble.Flossie M. - 302039823



/*4.编写一个程序。按照下列要求,创建一个含有两个成员的结构模板:a.第一个成员是社会保障号;第二个成员是一个含三个成员的结构。它的第一个成员是名,第二个成员是名和姓中间的名字,最后一个成员是姓。创建并初始化一个含有5个此类结构的数组。程序以下列形式输出数据:Dribble.Flossie M. - 302039823名和姓中间的名字只输出了它的第一个字母,后面加了一个句点。如果姓名中间的名字为空,那么它的第一个字母和句点都不会输出(当然喽)。写一个函数来实现输出,把结构数组传递给这个函数。b.修改a部分,传递结构而不是结构地址。*/#include <stdio.h>
struct fullname{char firstname[20];char middlename[20];char lastname[20];
struct info{int number;struct fullname name;
void show_a(struct info st);
void show_b(struct info * pst, int n);int main(void)
{struct info nssf[5] = {{ 302039823, { "Dribble", "Mackede", "Flossie" } },{ 345345345, { "gadenfs", "Kasdfas", "Pszajkh" } },{ 302039823, { "Kazsdfj", "Aasdfaf", "Mjasdfh" } },{ 302039823, { "Qaadsef", "", "Yjsjdsh" } },{ 302039823, { "Bsdsdfs", "Fsjdsdd", "Rshdsdf" } }};printf("a.传递结构显示:\n");for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)show_a(nssf[i]);printf("\nb.传递结构指针显示:\n");show_b(nssf, 5);return 0;
void show_a(struct info st)
{if (st.name.middlename[0] != '\0')printf("%s.%s %c. - %d\n", st.name.firstname, st.name.lastname,st.name.middlename[0], st.number);elseprintf("%s.%s - %d\n", st.name.firstname,st.name.lastname, st.number);
}void show_b(struct info * pst, int n)
{for (int i = 0; i < n; i++){if (pst[i].name.middlename[0] != '\0')printf("%s.%s %c. - %d\n", pst[i].name.firstname, pst[i].name.lastname, pst[i].name.middlename[0], pst[i].number);elseprintf("%s.%s - %d\n", pst[i].name.firstname, pst[i].name.lastname, pst[i].number);}


  1. 外部定义一个name结构模板,它含有2个成员:一个字符串用于存放名字,另—个字符串用于存放姓氏。

  2. 外部定义一个student结构模板,它含有3个成员:一个 name结构,一个存放3个浮点数分数的 grade数组,以及一个存放这3个分数的平均分的变量。

  3. 使main()函数声明一个具自CSIZE (CSIZE=4)个student结构的数组,并随意初始化这些结构的名字部分。使用函数来执行d、e、f以及g部分所描述的任务。

  4. 请求用户输入学生姓名和分数,以交互地获取每个学生的成绩。将分数放到相应结构的grade数组成员中。您可以自主选择在main()或一个函数中实现这个循环。

  5. 为每个结构计算平均分,并把这个值赋给适合的成员。

  6. 输出每个结构中的信息。

  7. 输出结构的每个数值成员的班级平均分。

#include <stdio.h>
#define NAMELEN 20
#define CSIZE 4
#define COURSE 3
void input_d(struct student *, int);
void average_e(struct student *, int);
void show_f(const struct student *, int);
void show_g(const struct strudent *, int);struct name {char fristname[NAMELEN];char lastname[NAMELEN];
struct student{struct name name;double grade[COURSE];double average;
int main(void)
{struct student result[CSIZE] ={{ {  "大大", "习"  } },{ { "涛哥", "胡" } },{ { "二货", "江" } },{ {  "伟人", "毛" } }};input_d(result, CSIZE);average_e(result, CSIZE);show_f(result, CSIZE);show_g(result, CSIZE);return 0;
}void input_d(struct student * pst, int n)
{int i, j;for (i = 0; i < n; i++){printf("请输入 %s%s 的三科成绩:", pst[i].name.lastname, pst[i].name.fristname);scanf("%lf%lf%lf", &pst[i].grade[0], &pst[i].grade[1], &pst[i].grade[2]);}
void average_e(struct student * pst, int n)
{int i, j;double sum;for (i = 0; i < n; i++){for (j = 0, sum = 0.0; j < COURSE; j++)sum += pst[i].grade[j];pst[i].average = sum / 3.0;}
void show_f(const struct student * pst, int n)
{int i, j;puts("班级整体情况:");for (i = 0; i < n; i++){printf("%s%s \t\t", pst[i].name.lastname, pst[i].name.fristname);for (j = 0; j < COURSE; j++)printf("%5.2lf \t", pst[i].grade[j]);printf("%5.2lf\n", pst[i].average);}
void show_g(const struct student * pst, int n)
{int i, j;double sum;printf("每科平均分:\t");for (i = 0; i < COURSE; i++){for (j = 0, sum = 0; j < n; j++)sum += pst[j].grade[i];        printf("%5.2lf\t", sum / n);}printf("\n");


4 Jessie Joybat 5 2 1 1

第一项是球员号码,为了方便,范围是0到18。第二项是球员的名,第三项是姓。姓和名都是单个的单词。下一项是官方统计的球员上场次数,紧跟着是击中数、走垒数和跑点数( RBI)。文件可能包括超过一场比赛的数据,因此同一个球员可能会有多于一行的数据,而且在不同的行之间有可能有别的球员的数据。


球员号码    名姓上场次数    击中数跑垒数跑点数


0 伯光 田 5 2 1 1
1 伯通 周 4 2 1 1
2 盈盈 任 3 1 1 1
3 吹雪 西门 6 2 1 1
4 狐冲 令 5 3 1 1
5 我行 任 2 0 1 1
6 求败 独孤 0 0 0 0
7 小凤 陆 5 3 1 1
8 彩蝶 蓝 5 2 1 2
9 靖 郭 5 2 2 1
17 彩臣 宁 3 2 1 1
10 芷若 周 3 0 1 1
11 无忌 张 5 2 0 1
6 求败 独孤 3 3 1 1
12 敏 赵 7 4 1 1
13 峰 乔 8 6 1 1
14 誉 段 10 2 5 7
15 童佬 天山 3 1 1 1
16 老妖 黑山 5 2 0 1
17 彩臣 宁 6 2 1 1
18 特曼 奥 1 1 1 1
6 求败 独孤 2 2 0 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NAMELEN 15
#define LEN 19struct player {char first_name[NAMELEN];char last_name[NAMELEN];int field;int hit;int base;int points;float average;
void show_player(struct player *, int);
void fun(struct player *, int);
int main(void)
{struct player player_info[LEN] = {{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },{ { '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0 },};struct player temp;char file_name[80];FILE * fp;printf("请输入你要打开的文件:");gets(file_name);if ((fp = fopen(file_name, "r")) == NULL){fprintf(stderr, "%s打开失败\n", file_name);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}int i;while (fscanf(fp, "%d%s%s%d%d%d%d", &i,&temp.first_name,&temp.last_name,&temp.field,&temp.hit,&temp.base,&temp.points) == 7){    //将文件内容保存到结构成员中if (strcmp(player_info[i].first_name, temp.first_name) != 0)strcpy(player_info[i].first_name, temp.first_name); if (strcmp(player_info[i].last_name, temp.last_name) != 0)strcpy(player_info[i].last_name, temp.last_name);player_info[i].field += temp.field; player_info[i].hit += temp.hit; player_info[i].base += temp.base; player_info[i].points += temp.points;}for (i = 0; i < LEN; i++){    //计算击球平均成功率player_info[i].average = (float)player_info[i].hit / (float)player_info[i].field;}//显示每个球员的累计数据show_player(player_info, LEN);//整个时期显示一行综合统计数据,不理解什么意思,就把每个球员的各项数据相加吧fun(player_info, LEN);return 0;
}void show_player(struct player * pst, int n)
{int i;for (i = 0; i < n; i++){printf("%-3s%-8s \t", pst[i].last_name, pst[i].first_name);printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d %5.1f\n", pst[i].field, pst[i].hit, pst[i].base, pst[i].points, pst[i].average);}
void fun(struct player * pst, int n)
{int i;struct player temp = {{ '\0' }, { '\0' }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0};for (i = 0; i < n; i++){temp.field += pst[i].field;temp.hit += pst[i].hit;temp.base += pst[i].base;temp.points += pst[i].points;}temp.average = (float)temp.hit / (float)temp.field;printf("综合统计:\t%3d %3d %3d %3d %5.1f\n", temp.field, temp.hit,temp.base, temp.points, temp.average);


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAXTITL 40
#define MAXAUTL 40
#define MAXBKS 10int menu(void);
int eidt_menu(void);
int get_ch(char *);
void eidt(struct book *);
struct book {char title[MAXTITL];char author[MAXAUTL];float value;
};int main(void)
{struct book library[MAXBKS];int count = 0;int index;FILE * pbooks;int size = sizeof (struct book);if ((pbooks = fopen("f:\\test\\book.txt", "r+b")) == NULL){    //打开文件fputs("Can't open book.dat file\n", stderr);exit(1);}rewind(pbooks);int i = 1;    //删除第一条时count会多次为0,i用来确保只输出一次"Current contents of book.dat"while (count < MAXBKS && fread(&library[count], size, 1, pbooks) == 1){if (count == 0 && i){puts("Current contents of book.dat");i = 0;} printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[count].title, library[count].author, library[count].value);switch (menu()){case 'e': eidt(&library[count]);break;case 'd':continue;default:puts("Error!");}count++;}if (count == MAXBKS){fputs("The book.dat file is full.", stderr);exit(2);}//count < MAXBKS时可添加新内容puts("Please add new book titles.");puts("Press [enter] at the start of a line to stop.");while (count < MAXBKS && gets(library[count].title) != NULL && library[count].title[0] != '\0'){ //增加新内容puts("Now enter the author. ");gets(library[count].author);puts("Now enter the value.");scanf("%f", &library[count++].value);while (getchar() != '\n')continue;if (count < MAXBKS)puts("Enter the next title.");}if (count > 0){  //输出结构数组内容puts("Here is the list of your books: ");for (index = 0; index < count; index++)printf("%s by %s: $%.2f\n", library[index].title,library[index].author, library[index].value);//将整个结构数组写入文件rewind(pbooks);fwrite(library, size, count, pbooks);}elseputs("No books? Too bad.\n");puts("Bye.\n");fclose(pbooks);return 0;
}int menu(void)
{   //选择操作菜单,并返回用户输入的字符puts("请选择对当前显示内容的操作:");puts("e)编辑\td)删除\tq)不进行操作");return get_ch("edq");
}int get_ch(const char * str)
{   //确认用户输入的字符合法int ch;while (ch = getchar()){while (getchar() != '\n');if (strchr(str, ch))break;elseprintf("请输入正确的选项 %s:", str);}return ch;
}int eidt_menu(void)
{   //编辑菜单选项puts("请选择要修改的内容:");puts("t)书名\t a)作者\t v)价格");puts("s)退出并保存修改");puts("q)退出取消修改");return  get_ch("tavsq");
}void eidt(struct book * pst)
{   //进行编辑char ch;struct book copy = *pst;while (ch = eidt_menu(), ch != 's' && ch != 'q'){switch (ch){case 't': printf("请输入新的书名:");gets(pst->title);break;case 'a': printf("请输入新的作者:");gets(pst->author);break;case 'v': printf("请输入新的价格:");scanf("%f", &(pst->value));while (getchar() != '\n');break;default:puts("Error!");}}if (ch == 'q')*pst = copy;




To choose a function, enter its letter label:

a) Show number of empty seats(显示空的坐位数)

b) Show list of empty seats(显示空的坐位编号)

c) Show alphabetical list of seats(按照姓名的字母顺序显示已订的坐位)

d) Assign a customer to a seat assignment(给一个客户安排坐位)

e) Delete a seat assignment(删除一个已分配的坐位)

f) Quit(退出)




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NUM 12
#define NAMELEN 18
struct names{char first_name[NAMELEN];char last_name[NAMELEN];
typedef struct air_seat_info {int number;bool ide;struct names name;
} asi;void menu(void);
int empty_count(asi * pst, int n);
void empty_num(asi * pst, int n);
void alphabetical(asi * pst[], int n);
void d(asi * pst, int n);
void e(asi * pst, int n);
int get_ch(char * str);int main(void)
{asi air[NUM] = {{ 1, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 2, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 3, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 4, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 5, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 6, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 7, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 8, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 9, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 10, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 11, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },{ 12, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } },};asi * pair[NUM];int i;char ch;FILE * pf;size_t size = sizeof(air);if ((pf = fopen("f:\\test\\air.txt", "r+b")) == NULL){if ((pf = fopen("f:\\test\\air.txt", "w+b")) == NULL){fprintf(stderr, "文件打开失败\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}}else{rewind(pf);fread(air, size, 1, pf);}for (i = 0; i < NUM; i++)pair[i] = &air[i];menu();while ((ch = get_ch("abcdef")) != 'f'){switch (ch){case 'a':printf("empty seats: %d\n", empty_count(air, NUM));break;case 'b':empty_num(air, NUM);break; case 'c':alphabetical(pair, NUM);break;case 'd':d(air, NUM);break;case 'e':e(air, NUM);break;default:printf("\nError!\n");}putchar('\n');menu();}rewind(pf);fwrite(air, size, 1, pf);fclose(pf);return 0;
}void menu(void)
{puts("To choose a function, enter its letter label :");puts("a) Show number of empty seats(显示空的坐位数)");puts("b) Show list of empty seats(显示空的坐位编号)");puts("c) Show alphabetical list of seats(按照姓名的字母顺序显示已订的坐位)");puts("d) Assign a customer to a seat assignment(给一个客户安排坐位)");puts("e) Delete a seat assignment(删除一个已分配的坐位)");puts("f) Quit");
int get_ch(char * str)
{char ch;while (ch = getchar()){while (getchar() != '\n');if (strchr(str, ch) == NULL)printf("请输入正确的选择,例如%s :", str);elsebreak;}return ch;
int empty_count(asi * pst, int n)
{int i, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < n; i++)if (!pst[i].ide)count++;return count;
void empty_num(asi * pst, int n)
{int i = 0;if (empty_count == 0)printf("没有空的座位。\n");else{printf("当前空座位号码:\n");for (i = 0; i < n; i++)if (!pst[i].ide)printf("%3d", pst[i].number);printf("\n");}
void alphabetical(asi * pst[], int n)
{asi * temp;int i, j;if (empty_count(pst[0], n) == 12)printf("全部为空位,没有可显示信息。\n");else{for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++){if (strcmp(pst[i]->name.first_name, pst[j]->name.first_name) == 0){if (strcmp(pst[i]->name.last_name, pst[j]->name.last_name) > 0){temp = pst[i];pst[i] = pst[j];pst[j] = temp;}}else{if (strcmp(pst[i]->name.first_name, pst[j]->name.first_name) > 0){temp = pst[i];pst[i] = pst[j];pst[j] = temp;}}}}printf("当座信信息如下:\n");for (i = 0; i < n; i++)if (pst[i]->ide)printf("%s.%s  %d\n", pst[i]->name.first_name, pst[i]->name.last_name, pst[i]->number);}}
void d(asi * pst, int n)
{int i;char ch;asi temp;if (empty_count(pst, n) == 0)printf("预定已满没有空位。\n");else{printf("请在下列空的座位号码中选择你想要的位置:\n");empty_num(pst, n);scanf("%d", &i);temp = pst[i - 1];printf("请输入你的姓名:");scanf("%s%s", pst[i - 1].name.first_name, pst[i-1].name.last_name);while (getchar() != '\n');printf("即将为%s.%s分配%d号座位,确认请输入y 取消并退出请输入n.\n",pst[i - 1].name.first_name, pst[i - 1].name.last_name, i);ch = get_ch("yn");if (ch == 'n')pst[i - 1] = temp;else{pst[i - 1].ide = true;printf("信息已保存。\n");}     }
void e(asi * pst, int n)
{int i, j;asi temp = { 0, false, { { '\0' }, { '\0' } } };if (empty_count(pst, n) > 0){printf("以下是可删除的信息,请输入要删除的座位号码:\n");for (i = 0; i < n; i++){if (pst[i].ide)printf("座位:%d  姓名:%s.%s\n",i + 1, pst[i].name.first_name, pst[i].name.last_name);}while (scanf("%d", &j), !pst[j - 1].ide)printf("请输入正确的座位号码:\n");while (getchar() != '\n');printf("即将删除: 姓名:%s.%s 座位:%d,确认请输入y 取消并退出请输入n.\n",pst[j - 1].name.first_name, pst[j - 1].name.last_name, i);char ch = get_ch("yn");if (ch == 'y'){pst[j - 1] = temp;pst[j - 1].number = j;printf("删除成功\n");}}elseprintf("所有座位都为空,没有可删除的信息。");







# include <stdio.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# define LEN 14
# define ALLSEATS 12
# define ALLAIR 4
# define MENU_SEAT 6
# define EMPTY 0
# define TAKNE 1
# define CONTINUE 0
# define DONE 1struct airseat {int seat_id;int status;char lastname[LEN];char firstname[LEN];
};struct air {int air_id;struct airseat place[ALLSEATS];
};int getlet(const char * s);
int menu_1(void);
int menu_2(int flight);
void reserving(int, struct air *);
int show_empty(const struct air *, int);
void makelist(const struct air *, char *, int, int);
void show_emptylist(const struct air *, int);
void show_assignlist(const struct air *, int);
void assign_seat(struct air *, int);
void delete_seat(struct air *, int);int main(void)
{FILE * fp;char choice;struct air plane[ALLAIR];size_t size = sizeof(struct air);if ((fp = fopen("air.dat", "rb")) == NULL){int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){switch (i){case 0: plane[i].air_id = 101; break;case 1: plane[i].air_id = 311; break;case 2: plane[i].air_id = 444; break;case 3: plane[i].air_id = 519; break;}for (j = 0; j < 12; j++){plane[i].place[j].seat_id = j + 1;plane[i].place[j].status = EMPTY;}}}else{fread(plane, size, ALLAIR, fp);fclose(fp);}while ((choice = menu_1()) != 'q'){switch (choice){case 'a':reserving(plane[0].air_id, plane);break;case 'b':reserving(plane[1].air_id, plane);break;case 'c':reserving(plane[2].air_id, plane);break;case 'd':reserving(plane[3].air_id, plane);break;}}if ((fp = fopen("air.dat", "wb")) != NULL){fwrite(plane, size, ALLAIR, fp);fclose(fp);}elseputs("文件未打开,数据未保存到文件中");puts("谢谢您的使用,再见!");return 0;
int getlet(const char * s)
{char c;c = getchar();while (strchr(s, c) == NULL){printf("请输入正确的选择(%s):\n", s);while (getchar() != '\n')continue;c = getchar();}while (getchar() != '\n')continue;return c;
int menu_1(void)
{int i;char flight_choice[ALLAIR + 2] = { "abcdq" };char * flightlist[ALLAIR + 1] = {"101: 7:30", "311: 10:00", "444: 15:30", "519: 22:00", "Quit"};puts("欢迎乘做巨人航空,您可以选择下列航班:");for (i = 0; i <= ALLAIR; i++)printf("%c: %s\n", flight_choice[i], flightlist[i]);return getlet(flight_choice);
int menu_2(int flight)
{int i;char seats_choice[MENU_SEAT + 1] = { "abcdef" };char * choicelist[6] = {"显示当前航班还有多少座位可预定","显示可预定的坐位编号","显示已预定的坐位信息","提交新的预定信息","删除预定信息","返回上级菜单",};printf("\n欢迎乘座巨人航空%d航班,请根据选项查看座位信息\n", flight);for (i = 0; i < MENU_SEAT; i++)printf("%c): %s\n", seats_choice[i], choicelist[i]);return getlet(seats_choice);
void reserving(int flight, struct air *p)
{int choice_f;int i;int loop = 1;switch (flight){case 101: i = 0; break;case 311: i = 1; break;case 444: i = 2; break;case 519: i = 3; break;}while (loop && ((choice_f = menu_2(flight)) != 'q')){switch (choice_f){case 'a': printf("本次航班还有%d个空位可预定\n", show_empty(p, i));break;case 'b': show_emptylist(p, i);break;case 'c': show_assignlist(p, i);break;case 'd': assign_seat(p, i);break;case 'e': delete_seat(p, i);break;}if (choice_f == 'f')loop = 0;}
int show_empty(const struct air *p, int i)
{int j;int count = 0;for (j = 0; j < ALLSEATS; j++)if (p[i].place[j].status == EMPTY)count++;return count;
void makelist(const struct air *p, char * str, int i, int statu)
{char temp[LEN];int j;str[0] = '\0';for (j = 0; j < ALLSEATS; j++)if (p[i].place[j].status == statu){sprintf(temp, " %d", p[i].place[j].seat_id);strcat(str, temp);}
void show_emptylist(const struct air *p, int i)
{char emptylist[3 * ALLSEATS];if (show_empty(p, i) == EMPTY)printf("%d航班所有座位都已被预定。\n", p[i].air_id);else{printf("%d航班有下列座位可预定:\n", p[i].air_id);makelist(p, emptylist, i, EMPTY);puts(emptylist);}
void show_assignlist(const struct air *p, int i)
{int j;if (show_empty(p, i) == ALLSEATS)printf("%d航班还没有座位被预定。\n", p[i].air_id);else{printf("%d航班已经预定的座位短信息如下:\n", p[i].air_id);for (j = 0; j < ALLSEATS; j++)if (p[i].place[j].status == TAKNE){printf("seat %d : %s, %s\n",p[i].place[j].seat_id, p[i].place[j].firstname, p[i].place[j].lastname);}}
void assign_seat(struct air *p, int i)
{char list[3 * ALLSEATS];int seat, loop;if (show_empty(p, i) == EMPTY)printf("%d航班所有座位都已被预定。\n", p[i].air_id);else{makelist(p, list, i, EMPTY);puts("请根据空位列表输入你要预订的座位:");puts(list);do{while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1){scanf("%*s");puts("请根据空位列表输入你要预订的座位:");puts(list);}while (getchar() != '\n')continue;if (seat < 1 || seat > ALLSEATS || p[i].place[seat - 1].status == TAKNE){puts("请根据空位列表输入你要预订的座位:");puts(list);loop = DONE;}elseloop = CONTINUE;} while (loop);puts("请输入您的姓:");gets(p[i].place[seat - 1].firstname);puts("请输入您的名:");gets(p[i].place[seat - 1].lastname);puts("您的预定信息如下:");printf("seat %d: %s, %s\n",p[i].place[seat - 1].seat_id, p[i].place[seat - 1].lastname, p[i].place[seat - 1].firstname);puts("输入字母a保存,输入字母d取消保存");if (getlet("ad") == 'a'){p[i].place[seat - 1].status = TAKNE;puts("您的预定信息已保存。");}elseputs("您的预定未完成。");}
void delete_seat(struct air *p, int i)
{char list[3 * ALLSEATS];int seat, loop;if (show_empty(p, i) == ALLSEATS)printf("%d航班所有座位为空。\n", p[i].air_id);else{makelist(p, list, i, TAKNE);puts("请根据空位列表输入你要预订的座位:");puts(list);do{while (scanf("%d", &seat) != 1){scanf("%*s");puts("请根据空位列表输入你要预订的座位:");puts(list);}while (getchar() != '\n')continue;if (seat < 1 || seat > ALLSEATS || p[i].place[seat - 1].status == EMPTY)loop = DONE;elseloop = CONTINUE;} while (loop);puts("您要删除的预定信息如下:");printf("seat %d: %s, %s\n",p[i].place[seat - 1].seat_id, p[i].place[seat - 1].lastname, p[i].place[seat - 1].firstname);puts("输入字母d确认删除,输入字母e取息保存");if (getlet("ed") == 'd'){p[i].place[seat - 1].status = EMPTY;puts("您选择的的预定信息已删除。");}elseputs("取消。");}

10. 编写一个程序,用指向函数的指针数组执行菜单。例如,在菜单中选择a 会激活由数组第一个元


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void a(void);
void b(void);
void c(void);
void d(void);
int menu(void);
int getlet(char * str);
int main(void)
{//定义一个函数指针数组void(*fun[4])(void) = {a, b, c, d};//定义一个函数指针void(*f)();char ch;while ((ch = menu()) != 'q'){//使用函数指针数组printf("%p\n", fun[ch -'a']);fun[ch - 'a']();//使用函数指针switch (ch){    //把函数名赋给函数指针,表示把函数的首地址赋给函数指针case 'a': f = a;break;    case 'b': f = b;break;case 'c': f = c;break;case 'd': f = d;break;default:printf("\nError!\n");}f();printf("\n");}printf("结束。\n");return 0;
int menu(void)
{puts("生来徬徨歌词:");puts("a)心伤烂");puts("b)梦破败");puts("c)骨折断");puts("d)爱破灭");puts("q)退出程序");return getlet("abcdq");
int getlet(char * str)
{char c;while (c = getchar()){while (getchar() != '\n');if (strchr(str, c) == NULL)printf("Please enter (%s)\n", str);elsebreak;}return c;
void a(void)
{printf("1.这生活会把你的心伤烂 ");printf("可它从来就不会有一丝怜悯 ");printf("再也别象个傻瓜一样的哭了\n");
void b(void)
{printf("2.这世界会将你的梦破败 ");printf("而它从来就不会有一丝同情 ");printf("再也别象个疯子一样的拼了\n");
void c(void)
{printf("3.这生活会把你的骨折断 ");printf("而它从来就只是在袖手旁观 ");printf("不如象一块石头一样的滚吧\n");
void d(void)
{printf("4.这世界会将你的爱破灭 ");printf("而它从来就不会给一次拯救 ");printf("不如让我们一起放任自流吧\n");

11. 编写一个transform()函数,它接受4个参数 :包含double类型数据的源数组名,double类型的目标数组名,表示数组元素个数的int变量以及一个函数名(或者,等价的指向函数的指针)。transform()函数把指定的函数作用于源数组的每个元素,并将返回值放在目标数组中。例如:

transform(sourec, target, 100, sin);

这个函数调用把sin(source[0])赋给target[0], 等等,共有100个元素。在一个程序中测试该函数,调用4次transform(),分别使用math.h函数库中的两个函数以及自己设计的两个适合的函数作为参数。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAX 20
void transform(double a[], double b[], int n, double(*fun)(double));
double a(double);
double b(double);
void show(double array[], int n);
int main(void)
{double source[MAX], targer[MAX];int i;srand((unsigned)time(NULL));for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++)source[i] = (double)rand() /100.00 - 50.57;show(source, MAX);transform(source, targer, MAX, a);show(targer, MAX);transform(source, targer, MAX, b);show(targer, MAX);transform(source, targer, MAX, ceil);show(targer, MAX);transform(source, targer, MAX, fabs);show(targer, MAX);return EXIT_SUCCESS;
void show(double array[], int n)
{printf("\n");for (int i = 0; i <n; i++){printf("%10.2lf ", array[i]);if (i % 5 == 4)printf("\n");}printf("\n");
void transform(double a[], double b[], int n, double(*fun)(double))
{int i;for (i = 0; i < n; i++)b[i] = fun(a[i]);
double a(double fa)
{return fa + fa;
double b(double fa)
{return  fa-1;


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