    2)CFLAGS = -MMD -O2 -Wall -g


    ifconfig wlan0 up
    iwlist wlan0 scan
    cat /proc/net/rtl819xD/wlan0/best_channel
    ./hostapd hostap.conf -B

    udhcpd -fS /etc/udhcpd.conf &
    interface    eth0   改为   interface    wlan0
    2) 注释掉:option    0x08    01020304 这一行。
# Sample udhcpd configuration file (/etc/udhcpd.conf)
# Values shown are defaults

# The start and end of the IP lease block

# The interface that udhcpd will use
interface    wlan0

# The maximum number of leases (includes addresses reserved
# by OFFER's, DECLINE's, and ARP conflicts). Will be corrected
# if it's bigger than IP lease block, but it ok to make it
# smaller than lease block.
#max_leases    254

# The time period at which udhcpd will write out a dhcpd.leases
# file. If this is 0, udhcpd will never automatically write a
# lease file. Specified in seconds.
#auto_time    7200

# The amount of time that an IP will be reserved (leased to nobody)
# if a DHCP decline message is received (seconds)
#decline_time    3600

# The amount of time that an IP will be reserved
# if an ARP conflict occurs (seconds)
#conflict_time    3600

# How long an offered address is reserved (seconds)
#offer_time    60

# If client asks for lease below this value, it will be rounded up
# to this value (seconds)
#min_lease    60

# The location of the leases file
#lease_file    /etc/udhcpd.leases

# The location of the pid file
#pidfile    /var/run/udhcpd.pid

# Every time udhcpd writes a leases file, the below script will be called
#notify_file            # default: no script
#notify_file    dumpleases    # useful for debugging

# The following are bootp specific options
# next server to use in bootstrap
#siaddr    # default: (none)
# tftp server name
#sname        zorak        # default: none
# tftp file to download (e.g. kernel image)
#boot_file    /var/nfs_root    # default: none

# Static leases map
#static_lease 00:60:08:11:CE:4E
#static_lease 00:60:08:11:CE:3E

# The remainder of options are DHCP options and can be specified with the
# keyword 'opt' or 'option'. If an option can take multiple items, such
# as the dns option, they can be listed on the same line, or multiple
# lines.
# Examples:
opt    dns
option    subnet
opt    router
opt    wins
option    dns    # appended to above DNS servers for a total of 3
option    domain    local
option    lease    864000        # default: 10 days
# Arbitrary option in hex form:
#option    0x08    01020304    # option 8: "cookie server IP addr:"

# Currently supported options (for more info, see options.c):
#opt lease      NUM
#opt subnet     IP
#opt broadcast  IP
#opt router     IP_LIST
#opt ipttl      NUM
#opt mtu        NUM
#opt hostname   STRING        # client's hostname
#opt domain     STRING        # client's domain suffix
#opt search     STRING_LIST    # search domains
#opt nisdomain  STRING
#opt timezone   NUM        # (localtime - UTC_time) in seconds. signed
#opt tftp       STRING        # tftp server name
#opt bootfile   STRING        # tftp file to download (e.g. kernel image)
#opt bootsize   NUM        # size of that file
#opt rootpath   STRING        # (NFS) path to mount as root fs
#opt wpad       STRING
#opt serverid   IP        # default: server's IP
#opt message    STRING        # error message (udhcpd sends it on success too)
# Options specifying server(s)
#opt dns        IP_LIST
#opt wins       IP_LIST
#opt nissrv     IP_LIST
#opt ntpsrv     IP_LIST
#opt lprsrv     IP_LIST
#opt swapsrv    IP
# Obsolete options, no longer supported
#opt logsrv     IP_LIST    # 704/UDP log server (not syslog!)
#opt namesrv    IP_LIST    # IEN 116 name server, obsolete (August 1979!!!)
#opt cookiesrv  IP_LIST    # RFC 865 "quote of the day" server, rarely (never?) used
#opt timesrv    IP_LIST    # RFC 868 time server, rarely (never?) used

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