
The majority of web content today exists in a state of retrograde amnesia. Created in a moment, content is constantly altered, retaining no memory of its past state. This deletion of history is lightyears away from the original conception of the web by Vannear Bush and Ted Nelson: as it exists today, publishing on the web is more akin to the Soviet politburo’s airbrushing of history.

如今,大多数Web内容都处于逆行性健忘症状态。 瞬间创建的内容会不断更改,不会保留其过去状态。 历史的删除距范纳尔·布什 ( Vannear Bush)和特德·纳尔逊 ( Ted Nelson)最初的网络概念尚有数年之遥 :就像今天一样,在网络上进行发布更类似于苏联政治局对历史的描述。

Obsessed with the ever-flowing present, this process of constant recreation removes memory from the Internet: corrections, the development of ideas, millions of conversations, all disappear into the singularity. The exceptions are rare and limited: the documented editing process at Wikipedia, the Library of Congress’ archival of Twitter, various forums, and the efforts of curators like Jason Scott Lee and the team at archive.org. Developers should be more responsible net citizens, proactively archiving their own content for prosperity.

痴迷于不断发展的现在,不断进行娱乐的过程从Internet上消除了记忆:纠正,想法的发展,数百万次对话都消失了。 例外是罕见且有限的: Wikipedia上记录的编辑过程,国会图书馆的Twitter存档 ,各种论坛以及Jason Scott Lee等策展人的努力以及archive.org上的团队。 开发人员应该是更加负责任的网络公民,积极归档自己的内容以实现繁荣。

HTML has supported a basic content editing history system for a long time, with a significant feature added in HTML5. Content that has been redacted from within a previously published document should be marked up with the del tag:

HTML长期以来一直支持基本的内容编辑历史记录系统,并在HTML5中添加了重要功能。 从先前发布的文档中del内容应使用del标记标记:

<p>This unchanged content was part of the original document.
<del>This sentence was also original content, which has now been redacted</del>

Most browsers will display <del> content as strikethrough, although we can change that with CSS, including the option to hide <del> content entirely.


This unchanged content was part of the original document. This sentence was also original content, which has now been redacted

不变的内容是原始文档的一部分。 这句话也是原始内容,现已删除

XHTML lacked any context for del, but in HTML5 we can add a timestamp for the moment the content was removed through the datetime attribute:


<p>This unchanged content was part of the original document.
<del datetime="2013-02-03T00:00Z">This was also original content,
which has now been redacted</del>

In the example above the attribute defines the day of deletion; datetime values can be accurate down to the minute, second, and timezone.

在上面的示例中,属性定义删除的日期; datetime值可以精确到分钟,秒和时区。

Material inserted after original publication should be marked up with <ins>. Again, HTML5 adds the option of including the datetime attribute to show search engines and the browser when the new content was added:

原始出版物之后插入的材料应标有<ins> 。 再次,HTML5添加了包括datetime属性的选项,以在添加新内容时显示搜索引擎和浏览器:

<p> This unchanged content was part of the original document.
<ins datetime="2013-02-8T00:00Z">This is new content</ins>.

Content marked up as <ins>. is visually displayed as underlined in the browser; again, we can change that to whatever we want with CSS.

内容标记为<ins> 。 在浏览器中显示为带下划线的图形; 再一次,我们可以使用CSS将其更改为所需的内容。

This unchanged content was part of the original document.This is new content.

不变的内容是原始文档的一部分。 这是新内容

The <ins> and <del> tags can also take a cite attribute, which can lead the browser and reader to a further explanation for the insertion or deletion:


<p> This unchanged content was part of the original document.
<ins datetime="2013-02-8T00:00Z" cite="http://accurate.com/insertion#reason">This is new content</ins>.

The new datetime feature for ins and del means that it is possible to do several things, if we add the right code:


  • Explore a document’s editing history inline in the browser. 在浏览器中内联浏览文档的编辑历史记录。
  • Highlight new additions and fade deletions of content over time. 突出显示内容的新增加和淡出删除。
  • Display information related to the content currently being read. 显示与当前正在读取的内容有关的信息。

By adding HTML5’s arbitrary data attribute, it would also be possible to expand the context of a deletion or insertion as added metadata:


<p> This unchanged content was part of the original document.
<ins datetime="2013-02-8T00:00Z" data-deletedBy="Jeff Koons"
data-deleted-reason="Incorrect information">This is old content</ins>.

Sadly, no CMS currently supports these kinds of features, but it is entirely possible to handcode the same functionality into your pages, which I will demonstrate in upcoming articles.


翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/653/Archive-Site-Content-Changes-With-HTML5



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