
2022年新款千月影视投屏前端+选集+上下集m.zip - 蓝奏云

Everybody is good, I like all kinds of research, is a variety of loads, today give you share a video system, the video system with the function of H5, open source program, does not need to be authorized, skilled friend can develop their own, I want to look at the picture you will know the name, QianYue film native APP, double side yo, do the APP all know, there is no limit to the android APP packaging, android is open source, what sign are very good processing, then the problem is coming, the signature of the apple how to do, the answer is simple, the apple system limitations, must use certificate issued by the official to run on apple devices, packaging need certificate, operation need the signature, then apple's APP packaging operation is a big problem, some friend with free certificate can cloud packaging, made 7 days free signature ace assistant, signed a week for personal use and can also be the trouble, for others but can not use, so this problem can be solve with H5 visa-free encapsulation, H5 version is the version of a web page, it is simple to put a page into an apple visa-free APP, theory, permanently installed are not afraid to sign, what all not afraid!

Installation is simple, replace the domain name, compression upload, restore the database, cloud package installed, then encapsulate the H5, OK

A brief introduction of function: on the basis of original increased a lot, such as pay treasure to pay

Can query the activation code usage, you can set the initial advertising agency authority, optimize a lot



搭建教程,今天我就安排升级,,升级成功后访问路径是  域名/ios/ios


上传好了直接解压!!直接双击解压即可,  数据库名字错了了大小写,,。你们用小写的就OK

Today's tutorial is QianYue film and television, new H5 version of the program not, learn to use, the requirement is this site QianYue, upload root directly

Directory and unzip, and database with the new database,,, we to the operation, and this is my building QianYue, you can see another one

Build tutorial, I will arrange the upgrade, today, after the success of the upgrade access path is a domain name/ios/ios

Visit before we see the upgrade, no, let us have a operation, and file a bit big, there is a prequel to video and image data

Upload directly extract!! Double-click the decompression can be directly, the database name wrong case,,. You use lowercase is OK


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