Artificial Intelligence has been a buzzword that has been floating around for decades. Overall for many products and services, AI has been at the forefront of new innovations in how we do things.

人工智能一直是一个流行词,已经流行了数十年。 总体而言,对于许多产品和服务,人工智能在我们的处事方式上一直处于新创新的最前沿。

Most noticeably is within the computer vision space around self-driving cars. There have been huge developments with Musk himself stating that Tesla will have Level 5 autonomous vehicles by 2020 (for a breakdown of what Level 0–5 means see below).

最引人注目的是在自动驾驶汽车周围的计算机视觉空间内。 马斯克本人表示,Tesla到2020年将拥有5级自动驾驶汽车 (有关0-5级的细目分类,请参见下文),取得了长足发展。

Source: Source:
来源:来源: https : //

This would be amazing for the industry as well as companies supporting it. Startups like Scale have grown tremendously from the high demand of requirements around helping label and process data for autonomous vehicle companies.

对于行业以及支持它的公司来说,这将是惊人的。 像Scale这样的初创企业已经从围绕帮助自动驾驶汽车公司进行标签和处理数据的需求的高要求中获得了巨大发展。

但是我们看到了2020年的许多变化 (But we’ve seen a lot of changes in 2020)

For technology like self-driving to be successful, you need loads of images to be labeled correctly and fed through the model.


With the wild ride of 2020, conditions across the world have been interesting but also different.


资料来源: https : //

With the change in environment brings new sets of data that need to be analyzed and ingested.


As an example, one clear social norm that has risen that new models need to deal with could be the increased usage of face masks. AI now need to be trained up to correctly identify and categorize faces with masks, especially the upper part of the face.

举例来说,新模型需要处理的一个清晰的社会规范可能是增加使用口罩。 现在需要对AI进行培训,以正确地识别和分类带有蒙版的面部,尤其是面部的上部。

What this all means is that these models still have a long way to go before truly being able to identify what is happening around the world in a constantly changing environment.


让我们看看另一个例子 (Let’s take a look at another example as well)

Another example could be the massive influx of different search terms in the last few months.


In just a few days, terms like phone cases, chargers, LEGO, and more were knocked out and replaced with COVID-19 search terms.


Number of Top 10 Amazon search terms亚马逊十大搜索词

This means a lot of hiccups for AI that run behind the scenes in fields like fraud, marketing, logistics, and more. What is ‘norm’ in 2019 is now completely different in 2020, which means most of these algorithms need to be retrained to keep on top.

这意味着人工智能在欺诈,市场营销,物流等领域的许多幕后动作。 2019年的``标准''现在与2020年的情况完全不同,这意味着大多数这些算法都需要重新培训才能保持领先地位。

“It was never trained on a spike like this, so the system was out of whack,” says Sharma — Global vice president at Pactera Edge, IT Consulting company

“从来没有像这样的高峰训练过它,所以系统变得不合时宜,” Sharma — IT咨询公司Pactera Edge的全球副总裁

Those who simply ‘leave the engines running’ will run into issues, especially those who use AI to help manage inventory and ‘predict sales’ ahead of time.

那些仅仅“让引擎运转 ”的人会遇到问题,尤其是那些使用人工智能帮助提前管理库存并“预测销售”的人。

There are plenty of other examples, and this is just a quick look at how much 2020 has influenced AI.


还有一些较小的问题,例如查找可视数据进行标记。 (There are also smaller problems like finding visual data for labeling.)

AI can help with tasks that could take humans years to do but minutes for an AI to do. For computer vision to work, however, vast amounts of visual data are needed to be processed and labeled (as mentioned before).

人工智能可以帮助完成人类可能需要花费数年才能完成的任务,而人工智能需要花费数分钟才能完成。 但是,要使计算机视觉发挥作用,就需要处理和标记大量的视觉数据(如前所述)。

A lot of this data actually comes from something as manual as someone going into the field and taking a whole bunch of photos. With certain restrictions and lockdowns, this has reduced potential datasets available due to limited access to specific attributes needed for photos.

实际上,许多数据实际上来自于一些手册,就像有人进入该领域并拍摄大量照片一样。 在某些限制和锁定下,由于对照片所需的特定属性的访问受限,因此减少了潜在的可用数据集。

Even worse are areas that are on full lockdown. Some cities, for example, have curfews and limitations of how far you can travel out. Without new visual data, projects will be slower to execute, as well.

更糟糕的是完全处于锁定状态的区域。 例如,某些城市有宵禁和限制您可以外出旅行的距离。 没有新的可视数据,项目的执行速度也会变慢。

一些公司也在降低涉及人工智能的预算 (Some companies are also lowering budgets that are involving AI as well)

Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash
Franck V.在Unsplash上的照片

There are many companies that use AI for everyday operations. Plenty are backend focused, so you won’t see much of it on the surface.

有许多公司将AI用于日常运营。 很多都是后端关注的,因此您不会在表面上看到太多。

For example, for streaming companies like Netflix, AI is used to help recommend shows and movies that match your taste. This might not seem obvious, but by doing this, it makes you sticky as a customer the more you use their service.

例如,对于像Netflix这样的流媒体公司 ,AI用于帮助推荐符合您口味的节目和电影。 这看起来似乎并不明显,但是通过这样做,您越会使用他们的服务,从而使您成为客户的粘性。

For companies like Google, it is used to help power relevant search results when looking up keywords. Google has had to alter its algorithms due to COVID-19 to ensure the right information goes to the right hands and remove those trying to take advantage of the situation.

对于像Google这样的公司 ,它用于在查找关键字时帮助提供相关的搜索结果。 Google必须根据COVID-19更改其算法,以确保将正确的信息传递给正确的人,并消除试图利用这种情况的人。

但是,并非所有公司都拥有使用AI来帮助优化自己的工作的奢望。 (However, not all companies have the luxury of using AI to help optimize what they do.)

A survey carried out by Boston Consulting Group and MIT polled almost 2,500 leaders and found that seven out of ten said their AI projects had generated little impact so far.

波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)和麻省理工学院(MIT)进行的一项调查对近2500位领导人进行了调查,发现十分之七的人表示,到目前为止,他们的AI项目几乎没有产生任何影响。

Two-fifths of those with “significant investments” in AI had yet to report any benefits at all.


With uncertainty around how AI can help produce investment back into a business, there will be a reduction in budgets and projects around it. For example, in a PwC survey, those who said they implemented AI in a ‘multiple of areas’ fell from 27% to 18%.

由于不确定人工智能如何帮助企业重新产生投资,围绕它的预算和项目将会减少。 例如,在普华永道的一项调查中 ,那些说在“多个领域”实施了AI的人从27%下降到18%。

Most of the hype of AI has helped its initial adoption, but with COVID-19, businesses are not only struggling but also needing to cut back investments to enable their survival.


With something as unproven as AI in a lot of industries, it makes sense there is a significant decrease to these projects and instead a focus on business-critical investments.


This will most likely continue on as the year goes by until businesses are swinging back to normal and more budget is approved for projects.


现在让我们看一下栅栏的另一侧 (Now let’s take a look at the other side of the fence)

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

Many industries during COVID-19 suffered, but of course, there are winners in all this mess. Companies sitting within healthcare, for example, have seen a boost in sales across the board.

在COVID-19期间,许多行业都遭受了损失,但当然,在所有这些混乱之中都有赢家。 例如,医疗行业的公司已经看到了整体销售的增长。

AI situated within these segments that are booming are also, in return, growing tremendously.


In a study done by Beauhurst in the UK, there has actually been a surge of demand in 22% of startups across AI.

在英国Beauhurst进行的一项研究中, 整个AI领域的初创企业中,有22%的需求激增 。

In another example, with many companies closing down call centers or cutting down on costs, many have started to rely on AI chatbots to do most of the much-needed interaction required with customers.


现实-人工智能正在挣扎和蓬勃发展 (The reality — AI is struggling and booming)

Unfortunately, as the world battles COVID-19, the reality is, only the industries that can afford to utilize AI within their business will help push the technology further.


It also depends on what you look at when defining AI.


There are so many subsets and varying degrees of technology. Some help with mundane tasks, whilst others promise to change the world.

有这么多的子集和不同程度的技术。 一些帮助完成了平凡的任务,而另一些则承诺改变世界。

Depending on the context on either, some are experiencing high demand whilst others will be struggling to find business.




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