Cadence OrCAD Capture TCL/TK脚本实例

  • 获取当前Session
  • 创建新的Session
  • 获取Session的设计
  • 遍历Session中所有的设计
  • 获取设计中的原理图
  • 遍历设计中的所有原理图
  • 获取原理图中的页
  • 遍历原理图中所有页
  • 遍历原理图页中所有元件实例
  • 遍历原理图页中所有的```wire```
  • 遍历原理图页中的所有全局变量
  • 遍历原理图页的所有``Title-Block``
  • 遍历原理图页的所有端口
  • 遍历原理图页的所有```Off-Page```
  • 遍历原理图页的所有```Graphics```
  • 遍历元件实例的所有引脚
  • 遍历```wire```的所有别名
  • 遍历设计的所有```Flat Net```
  • 遍历任一对象的所有用户属性
  • 遍历任一对象的所有显示属性
  • 改变对象的显示属性
  • 遍历对象的所有有效属性
  • 获取元件实例的属性
  • 获取```Wire```属性


set lSession $::DboSession_s_pDboSession
DboSession -this $lSession


set lSession [DboTclHelper_sCreateSession]


set lStatus [DboState]
# 指定设计路径名称
# set pDesignPath d:/spb163/tools/capture/samples/fulladd.dsn
set lDesignPath [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pDesignPath]
set lDesign [$lSession GetDesignAndSchematics $lDesignPath $lStatus]


set lDesignsIter [$lSession NewDesignsIter $lStatus]
#get the first design
set lDesign [$lDesignsIter NextDesign $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
while { $lDesign!= $lNullObj} {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lDesign
#get the next design
set lDesign [$lDesignsIter NextDesign $lStatus]
delete_DboSessionDesignsIter $lDesignsIter


# set pSchematicName SCHEMATIC1  EXAMPLE
set lSchematicName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pSchematicName]
set lSchematic [$lDesign GetSchematic $lSchematicName $lStatus]


set lSchematicIter [$lDesign NewViewsIter $lStatus $::IterDefs_SCHEMATICS]
#get the first schematic view
set lView [$lSchematicIter NextView $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
while { $lView != $lNullObj} {
#dynamic cast from DboView to DboSchematic
set lSchematic [DboViewToDboSchematic $lView]
#placeholder: do your processing on $lSchematic
#get the next schematic view
set lView [$lSchematicIter NextView $lStatus]
delete_DboLibViewsIter $lSchematicIter


# set pPageName PAGE1  EXAMPLE
set lPageName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString $pPageName]
set lPage [$lSchematic GetPage $lPageName $lStatus]


set lPagesIter [$lSchematic NewPagesIter $lStatus]
#get the first page
set lPage [$lPagesIter NextPage $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
while {$lPage!=$lNullObj} {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lPage
#get the next page
set lPage [$lPagesIter NextPage $lStatus]
delete_DboSchematicPagesIter $lPagesIter


set lPartInstsIter [$lPage NewPartInstsIter $lStatus]
#get the first part inst
set lInst [$lPartInstsIter NextPartInst $lStatus]
while {$lInst!=$lNullObj} {
#dynamic cast from DboPartInst to DboPlacedInst
set lPlacedInst [DboPartInstToDboPlacedInst $lInst]
if {$lPlacedInst != $lNullObj} {
#placeholder: do your processing on $lPlacedInst
#get the next part inst
set lInst [$lPartInstsIter NextPartInst $lStatus]
delete_DboPagePartInstsIter $lPartInstsIter


set lWiresIter [$lPage NewWiresIter $lStatus]
#get the first wire
set lWire [$lWiresIter NextWire $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
while {$lWire != $lNullObj} {set lObjectType [$lWire GetObjectType]if {$lObjectType == $::DboBaseObject_WIRE_SCALAR} {#placeholder: do your processing on Wire scalar $lWire} elseif {$lObjectType == $::DboBaseObject_WIRE_BUS} {#placeholder: do your processing on Wire Bus $lWire}#get the next wireset lWire [$lWiresIter NextWire $lStatus]
delete_DboPageWiresIter $lWiresIter


set lGlobalsIter [$lPage NewGlobalsIter $lStatus]
#get the first global
set lGlobal [$lGlobalsIter NextGlobal $lStatus]
while { $lGlobal!=$lNullObj } {#placeholder: do your processing on $lGlobal#get the next globalset lGlobal [$lGlobalsIter NextGlobal $lStatus]
delete_DboPageGlobalsIter $lGlobalsIter


set lTitleBlocksIter [$lPage NewTitleBlocksIter $lStatus]
#get the first title block
set lTitle [$lTitleBlocksIter NextTitleBlock $lStatus]
while {$lTitle!=$lNullObj} {#placeholder: do your processing on $lTitle#get the next title blockset lTitle [$lTitleBlocksIter NextTitleBlock $lStatus]
delete_DboPageTitleBlocksIter $lTitleBlocksIter


set lPortsIter [$lPage NewPortsIter $lStatus]
#get the first port of the page
set lPort [$lPortsIter NextPort $lStatus]
while {$lPort!=$lNullObj} {#placeholder: do your processing on $lPort#get the next port of the pageset lPort [$lPortsIter NextPort $lStatus]
delete_DboPagePortsIter $lPortsIter


set lOffPagesIter [$lPage NewOffPageConnectorsIter $lStatus $::IterDefs_ALL]
#get the first off-page of the page
set lOffPage [$lOffPagesIter NextOffPageConnector $lStatus]
while {$lOffPage!=$lNullObj} {#placeholder: do your processing on $lOffPage#get the next off-page of the pageset lOffPage [$lOffPagesIter NextOffPageConnector $lStatus]
delete_DboPageOffPageConnectorsIter $lOffPagesIter


set lCommentsIter [$lPage NewCommentGraphicsIter $lStatus]
#get the first graphics of the page
set lGraphic [$lCommentsIter NextCommentGraphic $lStatus]
while {$lGraphic!=$lNullObj} {set lType [$lGraphic GetObjectType]if {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_BOX_INST} {set lBoxInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicBoxInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lBoxInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_LINE_INST} {set lLineInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicLineInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lLineInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_ELLIPSE_INST} {set lEllipseInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicEllipseInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lEllipseInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_ARC_INST} {set lArcInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicArcInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lArcInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_POLYLINE_INST} {set lPolylineInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicPolylineInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lPolylineInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_POLYGON_INST} {set $lPolygonInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicPolygonInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lPolygonInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_BITMAP_INST} {set lBitMapInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicBitMapInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lBitMapInst} elseif {$lType == $::DboBaseObject_GRAPHIC_COMMENTTEXT_INST} {set lTextInst [DboGraphicInstanceToDboGraphicCommentTextInst $lGraphic]#placeholder: do your processing on $lTextInst}#get the next graphics of the pageset lGraphic [$lCommentsIter NextCommentGraphic $lStatus]
delete_DboPageCommentGraphicsIter $lCommentsIter


set lIter [$lInst NewPinsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#get the first pin of the part
set lPin [$lIter NextPin $lStatus]
while {$lPin !=$lNullObj } {#placeholder: do your processing on $lPin#get the next pin of the partset lPin [$lIter NextPin $lStatus]
delete_DboPartInstPinsIter $lIter


set lAliasIter [$lWire NewAliasesIter $lStatus]
#get the first alias of wire
set lAlias [$lAliasIter NextAlias $lStatus]
while { $lAlias!=$lNullObj} {#placeholder: do your processing on $lAlias#get the next alias of wireset lAlias [$lAliasIter NextAlias $lStatus]
delete_DboWireAliasesIter $lAliasIter

遍历设计的所有Flat Net

set lFlatNetsIter [$pDesign NewFlatNetsIter $lStatus]
#get the first flat net of design
set lFlatNet [$lFlatNetsIter NextFlatNet $lStatus]
while {$lFlatNet!=$lNullObj} {#placeholder: do your processing on $lFlatNetset lNetName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]$lFlatNet GetName $lNetName#get the next flat net of designset lFlatNet [$lFlatNetsIter NextFlatNet $lStatus]
delete_DboDesignFlatNetsIter $lFlatNetsIter


set lPropsIter [$lObject NewUserPropsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#get the first user property on the object
set lUProp [$lPropsIter NextUserProp $lStatus]
while {$lUProp !=$lNullObj } {#placeholder: do your processing on $lUPropset lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]set lValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]$lUProp GetName $lName$lUProp GetStringValue $lValue#get the next user property on the objectset lUProp [$lPropsIter NextUserProp $lStatus]
delete_DboUserPropsIter $lPropsIter


set lPropsIter [$lObject NewDisplayPropsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#get the first display property on the object
set lDProp [$lPropsIter NextProp $lStatus]
while {$lDProp !=$lNullObj } {#placeholder: do your processing on $lDProp#get the nameset lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]$lDProp GetName $lName#get the locationset lLocation [$lDProp GetLocation $lStatus]#get the rotationset lRot [$lDProp GetRotation $lStatus]#get the fontset lFont [DboTclHelper_sMakeLOGFONT]set lStatus [$lDProp GetFont $::DboLib_DEFAULT_FONT_PROPERTY $lFont]#get the colorset lColor [$lDProp GetColor $lStatus]#get the next display property on the objectset lDProp [$lPropsIter NextProp $lStatus]
delete_DboDisplayPropsIter $lPropsIter


proc ConvertUserToDoc { pPage pUser } {
set lDocDouble [expr "[$pPage GetPhysicalGranularity] * $pUser + 0.5"]
set lDoc [expr "round($lDocDouble)"]
return $lDoc
proc AddDisplayProperty {} {
# Get the selected objects
set lSelObjs1 [GetSelectedObjects]
set lObj1 [lindex $lSelObjs1 0]
set lPropNameCStr [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString "ASSEMBLY"]
set lPropValueCStr [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString "NC"]
set lStatus [$lObj1 SetEffectivePropStringValue $lPropNameCStr $lPropValueCStr]
set varNullObj NULL
set pDispProp [$lObj1 GetDisplayProp $lPropNameCStr $lStatus]
set lStatus [DboState]
if { $pDispProp == $varNullObj } {set rotation 0set logfont [DboTclHelper_sMakeLOGFONT]set color $::DboValue_DEFAULT_OBJECT_COLOR#set displocation [DboTclHelper_sMakeCPoint [expr $xlocation] [expr$ylocation]]if {[catch {set lPickPosition [GetLastMouseClickPointOnPage]} lResult] } {set lX 0set lY 0set displocation [DboTclHelper_sMakeCPoint $intX $intY]} else {set page [$lObj1 GetOwner]set lX [ConvertUserToDoc $page [lindex $lPickPosition 0]]set lY [ConvertUserToDoc $page [lindex $lPickPosition 1]]set displocation [DboTclHelper_sMakeCPoint $lX $lY]}set pNewDispProp [$lObj1 NewDisplayProp $lStatus $lPropNameCStr $displocation$rotation $logfont $color]#DO_NOT_DISPLAY = 0,#VALUE_ONLY = 1,#NAME_AND_VALUE = 2,#NAME_ONLY = 3,#BOTH_IF_VALUED = 4,$pNewDispProp SetDisplayType $::DboValue_NAME_AND_VALUE} else {$pDispProp SetDisplayType $::DboValue_NAME_ONLY}


set lPropsIter [$lObject NewEffectivePropsIter $lStatus]
set lNullObj NULL
#create the input/output parameters
set lPrpName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
set lPrpValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
set lPrpType [DboTclHelper_sMakeDboValueType]
set lEditable [DboTclHelper_sMakeInt]
#get the first effective property
set lStatus [$lPropsIter NextEffectiveProp $lPrpName $lPrpValue $lPrpType $lEditable]
while {[$lStatus OK] == 1} {#placeholder: do your processing for $lPrpName $lPrpValue $lPrpType $lEditable#get the next effective propertyset lStatus [$lPropsIter NextEffectiveProp $lPrpName $lPrpValue $lPrpType $lEditable]
delete_DboEffectivePropsIter $lPropsIter


#get the name
set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetName $lName
#get the location point
set lLocation [$lInst GetLocation $lStatus]
#get the location x
set lStartx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lLocation]
#get the location y
set lStarty [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lLocation]
#get the source library name
set lLibName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetSourceLibName $lLibName
#get the device designator
set lDeviceDesignator [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetReferenceDesignator $lDeviceDesignator
#get the rotation
set lRot [$lInst GetRotation $lStatus]
#get the contents lib name
set lContentsLibName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetContentsLibName $lContentsLibName
#get the contents view name
set lContentsViewName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetContentsViewName $lContentsViewName
#get the contents view type
set lType [$lInst GetContentsViewType $lStatus]
#get the primitive type
set lPrimitiveType [$lInst GetIsPrimitiveProp $lStatus]
#get the part value
set lValue [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetPartValue $lValue
#get the reference
set lReferenceName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lInst GetReference $lReferenceName
#get the bounding box on the page
set lBBox [$lInst GetOffsetBoundingBox $lStatus]
#get the top-left of the bbox
set lTopLeft [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectTopLeft $lBBox]
#get the bottom-right of the bbox
set lBottomRight [DboTclHelper_sGetCRectBottomRight $lBBox]
#get the x1
set lStartx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lTopLeft]
#get the y1
set lStarty [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lTopLeft]
#get the x2
set lEndx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lBottomRight]
#get the y2
set lEndy [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lBottomRight]


#get the name
set lName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lWire GetName $lName
#get the net name
set lNetName [DboTclHelper_sMakeCString]
$lWire GetNetName $lNetName
#get the start point
set lStart [$lWire GetStartPoint $lStatus]
set lStartx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lStart]
set lStarty [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lStart]
#get the end point
set lEnd [$lWire GetEndPoint $lStatus]
set lEndx [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointX $lEnd]
set lEndy [DboTclHelper_sGetCPointY $lEnd]
#get the color
set lColor [$lWire GetColor $lStatus]
#get the net
set lNet [$lWire GetNet $lStatus]

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