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Layers are often used to provide the backing store for views but can also be used without a view to display content. A layer’s main job is to manage the visual content that you provide but the layer itself has visual attributes that can be set, such as a background color, border, and shadow. In addition to managing visual content, the layer also maintains information about the geometry of its content (such as its position, size, and transform) that is used to present that content onscreen. Modifying the properties of the layer is how you initiate animations on the layer’s content or geometry. A layer object encapsulates the duration and pacing of a layer and its animations by adopting the CAMediaTiming protocol, which defines the layer’s timing information.
If the layer object was created by a view, the view typically assigns itself as the layer’s delegate automatically, and you should not change that relationship. For layers you create yourself, you can assign a delegate object and use that object to provide the contents of the layer dynamically and perform other tasks. A layer may also have a layout manager object (assigned to the layoutManager property) to manage the layout of subviews separately.




+ (Class)layerClass;


1 presentationLayer



2 contents

The default value of this property is nil.
If you are using the layer to display a static image, you can set this property to the CGImage containing the image you want to display. (In macOS 10.6 and later, you can also set the property to an NSImage object.) Assigning a value to this property causes the layer to use your image rather than create a separate backing store.


3 display

这个方法不要主动调用,通过调用Layer的代理的display(_:)方法或者Layer的draw(in:) 方法,会自动调用改方法。这个方法的作用是设置contents属性。我们可以重写这个方法,来设置自定义的contents。

4 setNeedsDisplay

Marks that -display needs to be called before the layer is next committed.


5 defaultValue(forKey:)




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